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Jepson B., Rothman E.E. — Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
Jepson B., Rothman E.E. — Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks

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Название: Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks

Авторы: Jepson B., Rothman E.E.


If you find yourself disoriented by the new Mac environment, Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks will get you acclimated quickly to the foreign new areas of a familiar Unix landscape. The new edition of this book is your guide to figuring out the BSD Unix system and Panther-specific components that you may find challenging. The book includes a quick manpage-style reference to the "Missing Manual Pages" — commands that come with Mac OS X Panther, although there are no manpages

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 240

Добавлена в каталог: 24.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
gnutar tool      2nd 3rd
google.com, searching with      
gprof tool      
granting administrative privileges      
granting user privilege to use      
graphical environments for Mac OS X      
graphical frontends to      
graphical user interfaces      [See GUIs]
graphics formats, AquaTerm output      
graphics, using from R console      
grep tool      
groff tool      
group, /groups directory vs.      
groups, creating with      
groups, listing with      
groups, managing      
groups, setting for      
guessing and validating with config.* files      
GUI editor for applications (Interface Builder)      
GUI editor for Cocoa and Carbon      
GUI for SSH      
GUI for SSH (gftp)      
GUIs for      
gunzip tool      
gzcat tool      
gzip tool      2nd 3rd
hardware acceleration support, X11      
HAVE_MALLOC_H macro      
hdiutil      2nd
head command      
header file in C source code, including      
header files      
header files or any preprocessor directives      
header.h file      
Hello World (example)      
help, download site for      
help, downloading      
helpful files in tarball top-level directory      
here document, using in group creation      
Hewlett-Packard InkJet Project (HPIJS)      
HFS and HFS+, mounting      
HFS filesystem, FixupResourceForks command and      
HFS+ filesystem      
Hide option      
hiding an application      
hints (Mac OS X Hints)      
home directory      
home directory for      
host type      
hostconfig entry for      
hostconfig file      2nd
hostconfig file entry for      
hostconfig file setting      
hostinfo command      
hostnames and IP addresses, managing      
hosts and      
hosts file      
hosts, creating with niload      
HP Inkjet Project      
HP Inkjet Project (HPIJS)      
HPIJS (Hewlett-Packard InkJet Project)      
httpd.conf file (Apache)      
HTTPS protocol      
hwprefs command      
i-Installer application      
I/O Kit, initialization of      
iconv.h header file      
IDE for Mac OS X      
IDE provided by      
ifconfig utility      
Image      [See GIMP]
image editing      
Image Manipulation Program      [See GIMP]2nd
imake utility      
Imakefile template      
in .zip format directly from Finder      
in /etc, unification under Open Directory      
in Directory Services architecture      
in hostconfig file      
in Objective-C Hello World example      
in single-user mode      
in tar files, using gnutar and gzip      
in the Services menu      
in verbose mode      
included with Mac OS X, listing of important      
including framework header file in code      
including framework header file in source code      
including framework object header      
including in C Source file      
including in Objective-C source code      
including in vecLib framework code      
including in your application      
incompatibilities with cpp-precomp      
incompatibilities with GNU cpp preprocessors      
incorrect use of      
index, Apple API documentation for Project Builder      
inet_interfaces setting (Postfix main.cf file)      
inet_interfaces setting for Postfix main.cf file      
Info.plist file      
Info.plist files      2nd
information about (top utility)      
information about, man command for      
information displayed by      
information file (.info) for packages      
information on building and using      
initialization of data structures      
initialization of supporting data structures      
initialization, BSD init and mach_init      
inline assembly code      
Input      [See I/O]
input devices, interaction with      
Inspector (Terminal)      
install Bundle::CPAN command      
INSTALL file (Unix source code)      
installation of packages, resources for      
installation via Fink      
installation, mixing with source      
installBundle::CPAN command      
installed by Fink, use with iTeXMac      
installer tool      
installing binaries      
installing directly via Fink      
installing Fink      
installing Fink from      
installing Fink package with      
installing from Fink      
installing new certificate      
installing on Mac OS X      
installing on Mac OS X wtih Fink      
installing the package      
installing via dselect      
installing via Fink      
installing with Fink      [See Fink package manager]
installing, dependencies and      
instant messenger program, starting up automatically      
integrated development environment (IDE)      
integration with X11      
interactions with Aqua      
interactions with X11      
interesting features of      
Interface Builder      
Internet Printing Protocol      
Internet Sharing      
Internet Sharing and      
Internet Software Consortium, Inc. (ISC)      
Internet-enabled disk image      
Internet-enabled disk images      
interrupts, latency utility for measuring      
invalid credentials, caching by Directory Services      
invoked without options      
IP addresses      
IP forwarding      
IP forwarding, hostconfig file entry for      
IP printer, adding      
ipconfig command      
ipfw rule      
IPv6, hostconfig file entry for      
ISC (Internet Software Consortium, Inc.)      
ISO-9660 (CD-ROM) filesystems, mounting      
ISO-9660, mounting      
iTerm support for      
iTeXMac      2nd
iTeXMac vs.      
Jaguar and      
Jaguar and CPAN      
Jaguar, CPAN and      
Jar Bundler      
jar tool      
Java applications, turning into .app files      
Java debugger      
java tool      
Java, generated with javadoc      
JavaBrowser, service for      
javac tool      
javadoc tool      
javah tool      
javap tool      
jdb tool      
jikes tool      
jobs, commands for      
join tool      
journaled filesystem, fixing errors      
journaled, fixing errors      
Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers, architecture issues and      
Just-In-Time (JIT), architectural issues and      
KDE desktop environment      2nd
KDE Konsole terminal emulator      
kerberos sign-on service      
kernel extensions      
kernel library (libkvm)      
kernel module manipulations      
kernel modules, manipulating      
kernel tracing of (ktrace)      
kernel tracing on (ktrace)      
kernel utilities      
kernel variables on Mac OS X      
kernel, utilities for      
Kernel-User Notification daemon (kuncd)      2nd
kextcache utility      
kextd daemon      
kextload/kextunload utilities      
KEXTs (kernel extensions)      
kextstat utility      
key equivalents under X11      
key/value pairs      
keyboard layout (X11), customizing      
keychain, system      
keys, for startup parameters property list      
killall -HUP smbd nmbd (restarting Samba networking)      
Konqueror (KDE web browser)      
Konqueror and Koffice on Mac OS X      
Konqueror web browser, printing from      
Konsole terminal emulator      
ktrace utility      
language for the system, setting      
languages supported, filename suffixes and -x arguments      
languagesetup command      
LAPACK (linear algebra package)      
large integers, basic arithmetic operations on      
latency utility      
LaTeX and its frontends      [See LaTeX]
latex command      
LaTeX services      
lauching with Share My Desktop (SMD)      
launched at startup      
launching at boot time      
launching at startup      
launching customized Terminal window      
launching Mach bootstrap services      
launching new Terminal windows      
launching with rc script      
launching X11-based application from      
lcrypt.h header file      
ld (static linker)      
LDAPv3 plug-in, Directory Access      
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable      
leaks tool      
less command      
lexical analyzers, flex/flex++ tools for      2nd
libdlcompat library      
libiconv utility      
libiconv utility (GNU)      
libm      2nd
libm (math library)      2nd
libm library      
libraries available from, listing of      
library for (libinfo)      
Library General Public License      
library versions      2nd
libutil, linking errors and      
limits.h header file, values.h functionality      
Line command      
line continuation escape symbol, removal in preprocessing      
linear algebra libraries      
linking errors, -lcurses routine and      
linking to static library      
Linux-PAM, using      
list of      
listing all GIDs      
listing all GIDs with nireport      
listing all group IDs (GIDs)      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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