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Petrila T., Trif D. — Basics of Fluid Mechanics and Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics |
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Acceptable grid 388
Avogadro 1
Busemann, A. 128
Butcher 212
Characteristics 47 123
Characteristics, hodograph 131
Characteristics, lines 227
Circulation 10
Coefficient, drag 216
Coefficient, pressure 63 90
Coefficient, viscosity, first 39
Coefficient, viscosity, second 39
Complex, potential 60
Complex, velocity 61
Condition, adherence 42
Condition, boundary, essential 381
Condition, boundary, natural 381
Condition, CFL 259
Condition, entropy 48
Condition, integral type for vorticity 144
Condition, Joukovski — Kutta 77
Condition, Lipschitz 208
Condition, slip 42 120
Condition, smoothness 6
Condition, Zorawski 16
Configuration 3
Conformal mapping 65
Consistence 199
Continuity axiom 6
Continuum 1
Continuum, deformable 4
Continuum, particle 3
Coordinates, eulerian 7
Coordinates, Lagrangian 5
Coordinates, material 5
Coordinates, spatial 7
Critical sound speed 112
Crocco — Vazsonyi theorem 54
Curl 9
Dario Graffi 58
density 3
Derivative, Chebyshev — Galerkin 454
Derivative, Chebyshev-collocation 454
Derivative, Fourier — Galerkin 446
Derivative, Fourier-collocation 446
Derivative, Legendre — Galerkin 451
Derivative, Legendre-collocation 451
Derivative, local 7
Derivative, material 7
Derivative, substantive 7
Derivative, total 7
Description, material 5
Description, spatial 5 7
Discontinuity, contact 47
Discontinuity, strong 43
Dissipation 142
Drag 72
Dual grid 414
Energy, deformation 25
Energy, internal 27
ENO 398
Enthalpy 32
Equation, biharmonic 313
Equation, Burgers 288
Equation, Cauchy — Riemann 60
Equation, continuity 18
Equation, Crocco — Vazsonyi 54
Equation, elliptic 227
Equation, energy 24
Equation, Gibbs 30 32 35
Equation, hyperbolic 227
Equation, integral on the boundary 380
Equation, Molenbroek — Chaplygin 131
Equation, parabolic 227
Equation, Prandtl 131
Equation, Steichen 114
Equation, Stokes 312
Equations, balance 20
Equations, Cauchy's motion 23
Equations, constitutive 27
Equations, Euler 34
Equations, Gibbs 31
Equations, Navier — Stokes 134
Equations, state 35
Eucken 37
Euler — Lagrange criterion 13
Eulerian coordinates 5
Fehlberg 213
Finite differences, backward 248 254
Finite differences, centered 248 254
Finite differences, forward 248 254
Finite differences, one-sided 256 324
Flow, almost (slightly) potential 92
Flow, homentropic 37
Flow, isentropic 37
Flow, simple waves 123
Fluid, barotropic 38
Fluid, inviscid 34
Fluid, Newtonian 39
Fluid, non-Newtonian 40
Fluid, Real 38
Fluid, Reiner — Rivlin 39
Fluid, Stokes 38
Fluid, viscous 39
Form, differential 44
Form, integral 44
Form, variational 357
Form, weak 44
Formulation, inverse 383 384
Formulation, original 384
Formulation, weak 383 384
Gibbs phenomenon 444
Heat, conduction 28
Heat, radiation 28
Heat, specific 31
Heat, total 32
Hypotheses, Weyl 48
Hypothesis, Joukovski 74
Hypothesis, Stokes 39
Identity, Somigliana 381
Inequality, Clausius — Duhem 30
Integral representation 380
Lagrangian coordinates 5
Law, Cauchy, first 23
Law, Cauchy, second 22
Law, conservation 44
Laws, behaviour 33
Laws, constitutive 26 33
Lemma, Cauchy 21
Lift 72
Lowerside 121
Mach angle 116
Mass 1
Mass, specific 3
Material volume 4
Materialize 63
Medium, homogeneous 20 33
Medium, incompressible 19
Medium, izotropic 34
Method, Adams — Bashforth 216
Method, Adams — Moulton 216
Method, ADI 302
Method, characteristics 293
| Method, collocation on points 383
Method, collocation on subdomains 383
Method, Crank — Nicolson 216 277
Method, finite volume 397
Method, fractional step 239
Method, generalized difference 398
Method, Liapunov — Schmidt 462
Method, Liebmann 297
Method, MAC 316
Method, MacCormack 269
Method, multi-step 216
Method, Runge — Kutta 212
Method, S.O.R. 298
Method, single-step 215
Method, Uzawa 474
Method, von Neumann 258
Morawetz, C. 128
Motion, permanent 8
Motion, plane 12
Motion, spectrum 9
Motion, steady 8
Noll 33
Number, Courant 259 280
Number, Euler 160
Number, Froude 160
Number, Grashof 162
Number, Knudsen 42
Number, Mach 111
Number, Peclet 161 200
Number, Prandtl 162 223
Number, Reynolds 139 160 312
Number, Schmidt 162
Number, similarity 160
Number, Strouhal 160
Numerical diffusion 266
Numerical dispersion 265
Orthogonal projection operator 138
Paradox, d'Alembert 72
Paradox, Stokes 165
Parameters, state 26
Parameters, thermodynamic 26
Perfect gas 36 43
Point, cuspidal 74
Point, stagnation 60
Prandtl — Meyer flow 117
Principle, Cauchy 17
Principle, dependence on the history 33
Principle, Fourier — Stokes 29
Principle, heat flux 29
Principle, indestructibility of matter 6
Principle, mass conservation 18
Principle, material frame indifference 33
Principle, objectivity 33
Principle, spatial localization 33
Principle, thermodynamics, second 29
Principle, variation, energy 24
Principle, variation, momentum torsor 20
Problem, boundary values 247
Problem, Cauchy 208
Problem, well-posed 231 365
Process, adiabatic 28 37 43
Process, irreversible 27
Process, reversible 27
Process, thermodynamic 27
Profile, dolphin 76
Profile, Joukovski 75
Profile, Karman — Trefftz 76
Profile, von Mises 76
Relations, Rankine — Hugoniot 46 50
Relations, stresses-deformation 33
Reynolds (transport) theorem 13
Rezidue 199
Rotation 9
Scheme, Lax 277
Scheme, Lax — Wendroff 279
Sharp trailing edge 73
Shock, back 47
Shock, compressive 48
Shock, condition 234
Shock, front 47
Shock, rarefaction 48
Shock, wave 43 47
Similarity 159
Simple wave 117
Solidify 63
Solution, weak 43
Sonic lines 114
Spatial instability 200
Spectral accuracy 443
Stability 199
Stream, filament 9
Stream, function 11 60
Stream, lines 8
Stream, surfaces 8
Stress vector 21
Stresses 17
Successive iterations 209
Sutherland 40
System, Chaplygin 131
System, elliptic 228
System, hyperbolic 228
System, Oseen 166
System, parabolic 228
System, reduced 163
System, thermodynamic 27
Tensor, rate-of-strain 38 141
Tensor, rotation 141
Tensor, stress 21
Theorem, Betti 381
Theorem, Cauchy 22
Theorem, Cauchy — Eriksen — Rivlin 39
Theorem, Euler 13 15
Theorem, Green 381
Theorem, Helmholtz 10
Theorem, Kutta — Jukovski 72
Theorem, Lagrange 53
Theorem, Radon — Nycodim 2
Theorem, Reynolds 13 15
Theorem, Riemann — Caratheodory 65
Theorem, the first Bernoulli 53
Theorem, the second Bernoulli 53
Theorem, Thompson (Lord Kelvin) 52
Theorem, transport 13 15
Thermodynamic equilibrium 27
Thermodynamic state 27
Trace 382
Trajectories 8
Transform, discrete 442
Transform, discrete polynomial 449
Transform, finite 441
Transformation, Joukovski 75 77
Triangulation 366
Truncation 199
Tube, rotation 10
Tube, Stream 9
Upperside 121
Variables, state 26
Variables, thermodynamic 26
Velocity potential 59
Volume support 3
Vortex, lines 9
Vortex, surfaces 9
Vorticity 9
Wing profile 70
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