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Roman S., Petrusha R., Lomax P. — VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
Roman S., Petrusha R., Lomax P. — VB.Net Language in a Nutshell

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Название: VB.Net Language in a Nutshell

Авторы: Roman S., Petrusha R., Lomax P.


With the release of the Microsoft .NET platform comes a new version of Visual Basic dramatically unlike its predecessors. So extensive are the changes, in fact, that some VB programmers argue that Visual Basic .NET is an entirely new programming language. In the updated second edition of this popular book, you will find complete documentation for the Visual Basic .NET language. Beginning with a brief overview of the language, VB.NET Language in a Nutshell covers basic programming concepts, and introduces the .NET Framework Class Library and programming with attributes. The bulk of the book consists of an alphabetical reference to Visual Basic .NET statements, procedures, functions, and objects. Each entry has a standardized listing containing the following information:
* Its syntax, using standard coding conventions
* Differences in the operation of the keyword in Visual Basic .NET and in VB 6.0
* A list of arguments accepted by the function or procedure
* A description of the data type returned by a function
* The finer points of a language element's usage that are often omitted from or blurred over by other sources
* Tips and warnings that include undocumented behaviors and practical applications for particular language elements
* An invaluable section for diagnosing or avoiding potential programming problems
* A cross-reference to related keywords
On the CD-ROM (included with print edition of the book) is a plug-in that adds a copy of the book's language reference to the dynamic help within Visual Studio .NET.The plug-in requires any edition of Visual Basic .NET or Visual Studio .NET. No matter how much experience you have programming with VB, you want this book close by, both as a standard reference guide and as a tool for troubleshooting and identifying programming problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 600

Добавлена в каталог: 22.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
programming elements, changes to
programming elements, obsolete      
programming languages and scripting engine properties      
programs, procedure driven vs. event driven      
project-level scope of variables      
properties, attributes and
properties, declaring for classes      2nd
properties, implementing      
properties, passing to procedures
properties, setting/retrieving values
properties, VB 6 vs. VB.NET
Property Get procedure      
Property Get procedure, defining
property members in class modules
property procedures      2nd
Property Set procedure      
Property Set procedure, defining      
Property statement      2nd 3rd
Property...End Property statement      
Protected Friend keyword      
Protected Friend keyword, class modules and      
Protected Friend keyword, declaring variables and constants      
Protected keyword      2nd
Protected keyword, accessibility rules for      
Protected keyword, class modules and      
Protected keyword, declaring variables and constants      
public interfaces of VB.NET classes      
public interfaces of VB.NET classes, encapsulation and      
Public statement      2nd 3rd
Public statement, accessibility rules for      
Public statement, class modules and      
Public statement, declaring variables and constants      
Push method (Stack class)      2nd
PV function      2nd
QBColor function      2nd
question mark (?) in regular expressions      
Queue class      
Queue.Clear method      2nd
Queue.Contains method      2nd
Queue.CopyTo method      2nd
Queue.Count property      2nd
Queue.Dequeue method      2nd
Queue.Enqueue method      2nd
Queue.Peek method      2nd
Queue.ToArray method      2nd
r-value of variables      
R4 (UnmanagedType enumeration)      
R8 (UnmanagedType enumeration)      
Raise method (Err object)      2nd 3rd
Raise method (Err object), error constants and      
RaiseEvent statement      2nd
random numbers, returning      
Randomize procedure (Math class)      2nd 3rd
Rate function      2nd
ReadOnly keyword and Property statement
ReadOnlyChecked property (OpenFileDialog class)      
ReDim statement      2nd 3rd 4th
reference-tracing garbage collection      
reference-type variables      
reference-type variables, comparing      
reference-type variables, IsReference function and      2nd
reference-type variables, vs. value-type variables      
reflection and attributes      2nd
regenerating errors
Regex class      
Registry      [See Windows registry]
regular expressions, providing access to      
Rem statement      2nd
Remove method      
Remove method, Collection class      2nd 3rd
Remove method, Hashtable class      2nd
Remove method, String class
RemoveHandler statement      2nd 3rd
Rename procedure      2nd
Replace function (String class)      2nd
Replace method (String class)      
reporting bugs
Reset method (ColorDialog class)
Reset procedure      2nd
resources, releasing      
response files
RestoreDirectory property
RestoreDirectory property, OpenFileDialog class
RestoreDirectory property, SaveFileDialog class
Resume statement      2nd
Return statement      2nd 3rd
Reverse method (Array class)      2nd
RGB function      2nd 3rd
RGB function, QBColor function and      
Right function (String class)      2nd
RmDir procedure      2nd
Rnd function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
Round function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
RSet function (String class)
RTrim function (String class)      2nd
runtime errors
runtime errors, detecting
runtime errors, vs. logical errors
SafeArray (UnmanagedType enumeration)
SaveFileDialog class      2nd
SaveSetting procedure      2nd
Scale method (not supported in VB.NET)
scope in class modules
scope of variables/constants      2nd
scope, shadowing by
ScriptEngine function
ScriptEngine property
ScriptEngineBuildVersion function      
ScriptEngineBuildVersion property      
ScriptEngineMajorVersion function      
ScriptEngineMajorVersion property
ScriptEngineMinorVersion function
ScriptEngineMinorVersion property      
Second function      2nd
Seek function      2nd
Seek procedure      2nd
select case statement      2nd
Send/SendWait methods      2nd
session-level events (ASP.NET)
set statement
SetAttr procedure      2nd
SetDataObject method (Clipboard class)      2nd
set_Name method
Sgn function      [See Sign function]
shadowing by scope      
shadowing element types      
Shadows keyword      2nd 3rd
Shadows keyword, Class statement and      
Shadows keyword, Property statement and      
Shadows keyword, Public statement and
Shadows keyword, Sub statement and      
Shared keyword
Shared keyword, Main method and
Shared keyword, Property statement and      
Shared keyword, Sub statement and      
shared members      
Shell function      2nd
Short data type      2nd
Short data type, changes in VB.NET      
Short data type, converting values to      
short-circuiting, evaluating If statements      2nd 3rd
short-circuiting, logical expressions and      
Show... properties (FontDialog class)
ShowDialog method
ShowDialog method, OpenFileDialog class      
ShowDialog method, SaveFileDialog class      
Sign function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
signatures, function
signed integers and encapsulation      
Sin function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
Single data type      2nd
Single data type, converting values to
single-threaded apartments, creating      
Sinh function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
SLN function      2nd
SolidColorOnly property (ColorDialog class)
Sort method (Array class)      2nd
sort order and Like operator      
Source property      
Source property, Err object      2nd 3rd
Source property, Exception class      2nd
Space function (String class)      2nd
Spc function      2nd 3rd
Split function (String class)      2nd 3rd
Split method (String class)
SqlClient namespace
Sqrt function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
Stack class
Stack.Clear method      2nd
Stack.Contains method      2nd
Stack.CopyTo method      2nd
Stack.Count property      2nd
Stack.Peek method      2nd
Stack.Pop method      2nd
Stack.Push method      2nd
Stack.ToArray method      2nd
StackTrace property (Exception class)      2nd
StartsWith method (String class)
STAThread attribute
static fields, not sharing values across threads
static members
Static statement      2nd
static subroutines      
static variables
static variables, declaring and initializing
static variables, initializing      
Stop statement      2nd
Str function      2nd 3rd
straight-line depreciation of assets, computing      2nd
StrComp function (String class)      2nd
StrConv function (String class)      2nd
StrDup function (String class)      2nd
String class      
String data type      2nd 3rd
String data type, converting values to      
strings, concatenation operators
strings, Filter function and      
strings, fixed-length, defining      
strings, functions for manipulating      
strings, left aligning      
strings, members of String class
strings, right aligning      
strings, VB 6 vs. VB.NET
strong-name key containers, specifying
StrReverse function (String class)      2nd
Struct (UnmanagedType enumeration)
Structure data type      2nd
Structure...End Structure statement      2nd
Structure...End Structure statement, VB 6 vs. VB.NET      
structured error handling      2nd
Sub procedures
Sub procedures, calling      
Sub statement      2nd
Substring method (String class)      
subtraction assignment operator (-=)      
subtraction operator (-)      
sum-of-years' digits depreciation of assets, computing      2nd 3rd
Switch function      2nd
switches, command-line      
SYD function      2nd 3rd
symbolic constants (VB)      2nd 3rd
SyncLock statement      2nd
SysInt (UnmanagedType enumeration)      
System namespace      2nd
System namespace, assemblies and      
System namespace, Exception class
System.Attribute namespace      
System.CodeDOM namespace      
System.Collections namespace      2nd
System.ComponentModel namespace      
System.Configuration namespace      
System.Data namespace      2nd 3rd
System.Diagnostics namespace      
System.DirectoryServices namespace      
System.Drawing namespace      
System.IO namespace      
System.Net namespace      
System.Reflection namespace      2nd
System.Resources namespace      
System.Security namespace      
System.ServiceProcess namespace      
System.Text namespace      
System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace      2nd
System.Threading namespace      
System.Timers namespace      
System.Web namespace      
System.Web.UI namespace
System.Windows.Forms namespace      2nd 3rd
System.Xml namespace
SystemTypeName function      2nd
SysUInt (UnmanagedType enumeration)      
Tab function      2nd
Tan function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
Tanh function (Math class)      2nd 3rd
TargetSite property (Exception class)      2nd
task ID, returning      
TBStr (UnmanagedType enumeration)      
Terminate event (not supported in VB.NET)      2nd
text comparison      2nd
text comparison, Like operator and      
threads of execution, controlling      
ThreadStatic attribute      
throw statement      
TimeOfDay property      2nd
Timer property      2nd
TimeSerial function      2nd
timestamps, generating      
TimeString property      2nd
TimeValue function      2nd 3rd
ToArray method      
ToArray method, Queue class      2nd
ToArray method, Stack class      2nd
ToBoolean method      
ToByte method      
ToChar method      
ToCharArray method (String class)      
ToDateTime method      
Today property      2nd
ToDecimal method
ToDouble method      
ToInt16 method      
ToInt32 method      
ToInt64 method      
ToLower method (String class)      
ToSByte method      
ToSingle method      
ToString method      
ToString method, Convert class      
ToString method, Exception class      2nd
ToString method, Type class      
ToUInt16 method      
ToUInt32 method      
ToUInt64 method      
ToUpper method (String class)      
TransactionOption property (WebMethod attribute)      
TreeViewCancelEventArgs class      
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