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Spealman J., Hudson K., Craft M. — MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-294) Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Active Directory® Infrastructure
Spealman J., Hudson K., Craft M. — MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-294) Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Active Directory® Infrastructure

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Название: MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-294) Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Active Directory® Infrastructure

Авторы: Spealman J., Hudson K., Craft M.


Get in-depth exam preparation for the updated Exam 70-294, a core MCSA/MCSE exam for Windows Server 2003-and build real-world job skills. Includes case studies, troubleshooting labs, and more

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1168

Добавлена в каталог: 22.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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software deployment, Questions and Answers, answers      
software deployment, Questions and Answers, questions      2nd
software deployment, SDP, setup      
software deployment, Software Installation extension
software deployment, summary      2nd 3rd
software deployment, tasks for
software deployment, troubleshooting      
software deployment, troubleshooting lab      
software deployment, troubleshooting, application management debugging      
software deployment, troubleshooting, case scenarios      
software deployment, troubleshooting, defined
software deployment, troubleshooting, Questions and Answers, answers      
software deployment, troubleshooting, Questions and Answers, questions      
software deployment, troubleshooting, scenarios      
software deployment, troubleshooting, summary
software deployment, troubleshooting, troubleshooting lab      
software deployment, troubleshooting, using advanced diagnostic information      
software deployment, Windows Installer packages
software distribution points (SDPs)      2nd 3rd
Software Installation extension      
Software Installation extension, application (.zap) files      
Software Installation extension, assigning applications      
Software Installation extension, defined      2nd
Software Installation extension, in Software Settings node      
Software Installation extension, publishing applications      
Software Installation extension, Windows Installer service      
Software Installation Properties dialog box      
Software Installation Properties dialog box, Advanced tab      2nd
Software Installation Properties dialog box, Categories tab      2nd
Software Installation Properties dialog box, File Extensions tab      2nd
Software Installation Properties dialog box, General tab
Software licenses
software maintenance
software maintenance, defined      
software maintenance, further reading      
software maintenance, overview      
software maintenance, overview of      2nd
software maintenance, Questions and Answers, answers      
software maintenance, Questions and Answers, questions      2nd
software maintenance, redeploying applications      
software maintenance, removing applications      
software maintenance, skills and suggested practices      
software maintenance, summary      
software maintenance, upgrading applications      
software restriction policies      
software restriction policies, best practices
software restriction policies, creating certificate rule      
software restriction policies, creating hash rule      
software restriction policies, creating Internet zone rule      
software restriction policies, creating path rule      
software restriction policies, default security levels      
software restriction policies, designating file types
software restriction policies, how they work
software restriction policies, overview of
software restriction policies, preventing from applying to local administrators      
software restriction policies, Questions and Answers, answers
software restriction policies, Questions and Answers, questions
software restriction policies, rule precedence      
software restriction policies, security area      
software restriction policies, setting default security level      
software restriction policies, setting trusted publisher options
software restriction policies, summary
software restriction policies, troubleshooting      
software restriction policies, understanding      
Software Settings detail pane, RSoP query results
Software Settings node      
software, assignment      
software, distribution      2nd
software, installation      2nd
software, installation restrictions      2nd
software, IntelliMirror and      
software, Windows Server 2003 installation options      
Source tab, System Monitor      
special folders, managing Group Policy      
special folders, managing with Group Policy      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, default locations for      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, folder redirection      [See folder redirection advantages
special folders, managing with Group Policy, overview of      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, policy removal      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, practice exercises      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, Questions and Answers, answers      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, Questions and Answers, questions      
special folders, managing with Group Policy, summary      
special identity groups      
special permissions      
special permissions, administering      
special permissions, overview of      
special permissions, removing      
special permissions, setting inheritance for      
SRV (service) resource records      2nd
stand-alone server      
stand-alone snap-ins      [See snap-ins console
standard permissions      
standard permissions, assigning      
standard permissions, overview      
standard permissions, setting inheritance for      
standard permissions, special permissions      
startup scripts      2nd 3rd
startup, avoiding cross-domain GPO assignments      
startup, Group Policy affecting      
startup, System Services security settings configuring      
Static IP addresses      2nd
statistic counters      
storage location, mandatory user profile template      
storage, Active Directory installation requirements      
strong passwords      2nd
subnet masks      
Subnets container      
subnets, associating with sites      
subnets, creating      
subnets, defined      
subnets, site management and      
subnets, site topology and      2nd
Summary of Selections page, Resultant Set of Policy Wizard      2nd
support tools, replication monitoring      
support URL, Windows Installer packages      
Synchronization Manager      
synchronization, Offline Files and folders      
synchronization, troubleshooting Group Policy settings      
system log      
System Monitor      
System Monitor, best practices      
System Monitor, defined      
System Monitor, display options      
System Monitor, monitoring Active Directory performance      
System Monitor, overview of      
System Monitor, performance counters      
System Monitor, performance objects      
System Monitor, practice exercise      
System Monitor, Questions and Answers, answers      
System Monitor, Questions and Answers, questions      
System Monitor, sampling parameters      
System Monitor, summary      
System Monitor, troubleshooting      
System node, Administrative Templates node      
System Policy      
system root security template (Rootsec.inf)      
System Services security settings      
system state data      
Systems Management Server (SMS)      2nd
sysvol (shared system volume)      
sysvol (shared system volume), Adprep.exe tool and      
sysvol (shared system volume), operations master role failures      
sysvol (shared system volume), replication monitoring      
TAPI application directory partition      
Tapicfg command-line tool      
Target Folder Location list, folder redirection      2nd
Target tab, folder redirection      
task-based administrative control design      
templates, creating mandatory user profile      
templates, customizing predefined      
templates, defining location for mandatory user profile      
templates, security      [See security templates.]
temporary user profiles      
Terminal Services, built-in account for      
testing environment, AD infrastructure design      
tombstone lifetime, extending      
top-level OUs      
trace logs      
trace logs, creating      
trace logs, logging options      
trace logs, logging requirements      
trace logs, overview of      
tracerpt command      
transferred operations master roles      2nd
Transform (.mst) files      
transitivity, site link      2nd
tree root domains      
tree-root trust      2nd
trees, creating multiple      2nd
trees, logical structures      
trees, structures      2nd 3rd
triggers, Active Directory object events      
triggers, files, folders and printers events      
triggers, printer events      
triggers, replication      
troubleshooting, Active Directory      [See Active Directory troubleshooting diagnosing
troubleshooting, Active Directory installation      [See Active Directory installation troubleshooting with
troubleshooting, Group Policy      [See Group Policy troubleshooting.]
troubleshooting, performance monitoring      [See performance monitoring troubleshooting.]
troubleshooting, replication      [See replication troubleshooting.]
troubleshooting, software deployment      [See software deployment troubleshooting.]
trust links      
trust path      
trust relationships      
trust relationships, Active Directory supported      
trust relationships, administering      
trust relationships, case scenario      2nd
trust relationships, characteristics of trusts      
trust relationships, creating and administering using command line      
trust relationships, defined      2nd
trust relationships, exam highlights      
trust relationships, external trust, creating      
trust relationships, external trust, when to create      
trust relationships, forest trust, creating      
trust relationships, forest trust, overview of      
trust relationships, forest trust, when to create      
trust relationships, in domain structure implementation      
trust relationships, in domain structure management      
trust relationships, overview of      2nd
trust relationships, practice exercise      
trust relationships, protocols      
trust relationships, Questions and Answers, answers      
trust relationships, Questions and Answers, questions      
trust relationships, realm trust, creating      
trust relationships, realm trust, when to create      
trust relationships, removing trusts      
trust relationships, shortcut trust, creating      
trust relationships, shortcut trust, when to create      
trust relationships, site topology and      
trust relationships, summary      
trust relationships, types of      
trust relationships, verifying      
trusted publisher options      
Trusted Root Certification Authorities      
TSInternetUser account      
two-way forest trusts      
two-way shortcut trusts      2nd
Typeperf command      
UNC path      
universal group membership caching      
universal group membership caching, defined      
universal group membership caching, enabling      
universal group membership caching, global catalog servers      2nd
universal group membership caching, overview of      
universal group membership caching, Windows Server 2003      
universal groups      
universal groups, defined      
universal groups, defining      
universal groups, determining group membership      
universal groups, distribution groups      
universal groups, overview of      
universal groups, planning      
universal groups, security groups      2nd
Unlodctr command      
Unrestricted default security level      
updates, administrative template      
updates, checking status of domain controller      
upgrades, applications      
upgrades, from Windows NT      
upgrades, of applications deployed with Group Policy      
UPN suffix      
UPN suffix, adding/removing      
UPN suffix, defined      
UPN suffix, overview of      
UPNs (user principal names)      
UPNs (user principal names), domain management and      2nd
UPNs (user principal names), in object naming      
UPNs (user principal names), site management and      
user accounts      
user accounts, built-in user accounts      
user accounts, case scenario      2nd
user accounts, creating      
user accounts, creating, domain user accounts      
user accounts, creating, modifying domain user account properties      
user accounts, creating, practice exercises      
user accounts, creating, Questions and Answers, answers      
user accounts, creating, Questions and Answers, questions      
user accounts, creating, setting account expiration date      
user accounts, creating, setting computers from which users can log on      
user accounts, creating, setting logon hours      
user accounts, creating, setting up smart cards      
user accounts, creating, summary      
user accounts, domain user account naming conventions      
user accounts, domain user accounts      
user accounts, exam highlights      
user accounts, home folders      [See home folders creating
user accounts, local user accounts      
user accounts, maintaining      
user accounts, maintaining, deleting      
user accounts, maintaining, disabling/enabling      
user accounts, maintaining, practice exercise      
user accounts, maintaining, Questions and Answers, answers      
user accounts, maintaining, Questions and Answers, questions      
user accounts, maintaining, resetting passwords      
user accounts, maintaining, reusing      
user accounts, maintaining, review      
user accounts, maintaining, unlocking      
user accounts, overview of      
user accounts, password requirements and guidelines      
user accounts, Questions and Answers, answers      
user accounts, Questions and Answers, questions      
user accounts, summary      
user accounts, troubleshooting lab      
user accounts, types of      
user accounts, user profiles      [See user profiles best
user accounts, using smart cards      
User Configuration node      
User Configuration node, Administrative Templates node      
User Configuration node, defining      
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