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Zacker C., Steven A. — MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-293): Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Network Infrastructure
Zacker C., Steven A. — MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-293): Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Network Infrastructure

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Название: MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-293): Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Network Infrastructure

Авторы: Zacker C., Steven A.


Get in-depth exam preparation for the updated Exam 70-293, a core MCSA/MCSE exam for Windows Server 2003and build real-world job skills. Includes case studies, troubleshooting labs, and more.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1024

Добавлена в каталог: 22.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Designing a Public Key Infrastructure" (Microsoft article)
"PKI Enhancements in Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003" (Microsoft article)
#INCLUDE extension, Lmhosts file
#PRE extension, Lmhosts file      
% Disk Time counter      
% Processor time      2nd 3rd
% User time
% User time counter      
3DES (Triple-Data Encryption Standard)      2nd
5-4-3 rule, in Ethernet design      
802.11 standard      2nd
802.11a standard
802.11a standard, network layer and
802.11a standard, overview of
802.11a standard, Questions and Answers      2nd
802.11b standard      
802.11b standard, data-link layer and
802.11b standard, network layer and
802.11b standard, performance of      
802.11b standard, Questions and Answers      2nd
802.11g standard      
802.1X standard
802.1X standard, authentication
802.1X standard, overview of
802.1X standard, Questions and Answers
8mm drives      2nd 3rd
Access control
access control, DNS security and      
access control, security infrastructure design and      
access control, with dial-in properties
access points      
access points in infrastructure networks      2nd
access points, defined
access points, Questions and Answers      
account lockout settings
account management, event auditing
Account Policies
account policies, defined
account policies, lockout settings
Account Policies, overview of
account policies, planning secure baseline installation
account policies, practice exercise modifying
account policies, security templates and
accounts, security options for member servers      
Active Directory      
Active Directory, auditing access to
Active Directory, certificate publication
Active Directory, certificate publication, further reading
Active Directory, certificate publication, overview of
Active Directory, certificate publication, Questions and Answers
Active Directory, certificate publication, tested skills/suggested practices      
Active Directory, container objects      
Active Directory, DNS and      2nd
Active Directory, enterprise CAs and
Active Directory, multiple DNS servers and
Active Directory, permissions
Active Directory, protecting Active Directoryintegrated DNS      
Active Directoryintegrated zones      
ad hoc networks      
ad hoc networks, defined      
ad hoc networks, overview of
ad hoc networks, Questions and Answers      
ad hoc networks, wireless networking and      
ad hoc topology
ad hoc topology, 802.11b and
ad hoc topology, defined      2nd
Add (+) button      
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)      
administration, network      [See network administration]
administrators, Domain Admins      2nd
administrators, security options for member servers
ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line)      
ADSL, comparing connection options      
ADSL, Internet access with      
ADSL, planning strategy for Internet connectivity
AH (Authentication Header) protocol      
AH (Authentication Header) protocol, defined      
AH (Authentication Header) protocol, IPSec protocols      
AH (Authentication Header) protocol, Questions and Answers      2nd
alerts, Performance Logs and Alerts      
alerts, Performance Logs and Alerts, overview of      
alerts, Performance Logs and Alerts, Questions and Answers      2nd
alerts, Performance Logs and Alerts, trace logs and counter logs
algorithms, 3DES (Triple-Data Encryption Standard)      2nd
algorithms, certificates      
algorithms, SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)      2nd
allocation methods, DHCP      
Allow Log On Locally, user rights      
Allow Remote Systems To Connect Without Authentication      2nd
APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing)
application layer, OSI reference model
application servers
application servers, planning security for      
application servers, securing      
applications, application compatibility in selecting operating system
applications, attacked by unauthorized users
applications, compatibility      
applications, connection types      
applications, connectivity requirements      
applications, Internet access and      
applications, NBL cluster deployment      
applications, number of clusters
applications, server clusters hosting      
archive bit      
area border routers
areas, OSPF      
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
ASR (Automated System Recovery)      
ASR, back up planning and      
ASR, backing up and      
ASR, Questions and Answers      2nd 3rd
asymmetrical connections      2nd
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line      [See ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line)]
attenuation, defined      
attenuation, fiber optic vs. UTP and      
audio tape drives      [See DAT (digital audio tape) drives]
audit policies      
audit policies, domain controllers
audit policies, options for member servers
audit policies, planning secure baseline installation      
audit policies, Questions and Answers      
audit policies, security infrastructure design and
audit policies, security settings      
audit policies, setting for member servers
Authenticated Users group, Active Directory permissions      
Authentication Header protocol      [See AH (Authentication Header) protocol]
authentication, allowing remote access without      
authentication, defined      
authentication, ESP and
authentication, IPSec      
authentication, PKI design      
authentication, protocols
authentication, Questions and Answers      2nd 3rd
authentication, remote access and
authentication, RRAS protocols      2nd
authentication, security infrastructure design and
authentication, wireless networks and      2nd
authorization, defined      
authorization, Network Monitor and      
authorization, remote access policies and      
auto-enrollment, enterprise CAs      
auto-enrollment, overview of      
auto-enrollment, Questions and Answers      2nd 3rd
Automated System Recovery      [See ASR (Automated System Recovery)]
automatic allocation, DHCP
automatic IP addressing, DHCP      
Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA)
Automatic Updates
Available MBytes counter      
Avg. Disk Queue Length, monitoring      
backbone networks      
backup servers      
backup window      
backups, Backup program
backups, case scenario      2nd
backups, exam highlights      
backups, hardware
backups, lesson review
backups, overview of      
backups, planning      
backups, practice exercise      
backups, Questions and Answers      2nd 3rd 4th
backups, restoring from      
backups, scheduling      
backups, software
backups, target selection      
backups, types of      
backups, volume shadow copy and      
bandwidth, CATV and      
bandwidth, dial-up modems and
bandwidth, DSL and      
bandwidth, Internet connectivity requirements
bandwidth, ISDN and      
bandwidth, leased lines and      
bandwidth, Windows Update demands on      
baseline policies, for member servers      
baseline, configuration testing and      
baseline, member servers      
baseline, member servers, audit policies      
baseline, member servers, baseline policies
baseline, member servers, configuring security      
baseline, member servers, configuring services
baseline, member servers, event log policies
baseline, member servers, overview of
baseline, member servers, practice exercise creating GPO
baseline, member servers, Questions and Answers      
baseline, member servers, review
baseline, planning secure installation      
baseline, planning secure installation, account policies      
baseline, planning secure installation, Active Directory permissions      
baseline, planning secure installation, audit policies
baseline, planning secure installation, case scenario      2nd
baseline, planning secure installation, computer roles
baseline, planning secure installation, exam highlights
baseline, planning secure installation, file system permissions
baseline, planning secure installation, high-level security planning
baseline, planning secure installation, ongoing management      
baseline, planning secure installation, operating systems
baseline, planning secure installation, overview of      2nd
baseline, planning secure installation, practice exercise creating share permissions      
baseline, planning secure installation, practice exercise modifying account policies      
baseline, planning secure installation, practice exercise modifying file permissions      
baseline, planning secure installation, Questions and Answers      2nd
baseline, planning secure installation, registry permissions
baseline, planning secure installation, review      
baseline, planning secure installation, Security Configuration Wizard      
baseline, planning secure installation, security design team      
baseline, planning secure installation, security implementation      
baseline, planning secure installation, security infrastructure design      
baseline, planning secure installation, security life cycles      
baseline, planning secure installation, server hardware specifications      
baseline, planning secure installation, server operating systems
baseline, planning secure installation, server roles      
baseline, planning secure installation, share permissions      
baseline, planning secure installation, workstation hardware specifications      
baseline, planning secure installation, workstation operating systems      
baseline, planning secure installation, workstation roles      
Basic EFS certificates      2nd
Basic Rate Interface      [See BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN]
basic service area (BSA)      
basic service set (BSS)      
binaries, calculating IP addresses      
binaries, converting to decimals      
blueprint, for network infrastructure      
bottlenecks, defined      
bottlenecks, identifying      2nd
bottlenecks, Questions and Answers      
bounded media, compared with unbounded media      
BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN      
BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN, comparing connection options
BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN, defined
BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN, planning strategy for Internet connectivity
broadcast domains      
broadcast domains, defined      
broadcast domains, overview of      
broadcast domains, practice exercise      
broadcast domains, Questions and Answers      
broadcast name resolution, in NetBIOS      
broadcast transmissions
broadcast transmissions with Lmhosts      
broadcast transmissions, overview of      
broadcast transmissions, Questions and Answers      
BSA (basic service area)      
BSS (basic service set)      
buffer size, Network Monitor      
burst periods      
bytes, IP addresses and      
bytes, subnetting between      
cable television networks      [See CATV (cable television) networks]
cables, network      
cables, network, locating      
cables, network, troubleshooting      2nd
cache corruption, DNS security and      
caching-only DNS servers      2nd
callback options, dial-in properties      
Capacity planning      
capacity planning, backup media and      
capacity planning, Questions and Answers      
capacity planning, server clusters and      
capture filters      
capture filters in Network Monitor      
capture filters, overview of      
capture filters, Questions and Answers      
Capture window, Network Monitor
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)      
CAs (certification authorities)      
CAs (certification authorities), auto-enrollment      
CAs (certification authorities), certificate renewal      
CAs (certification authorities), enterprise      
CAs (certification authorities), exam highlights      
CAs (certification authorities), hierarchy
CAs (certification authorities), internal vs. external      2nd
CAs (certification authorities), lesson review
CAs (certification authorities), overview of
CAs (certification authorities), practice exercise
CAs (certification authorities), Questions and Answers      2nd
CAs (certification authorities), requesting certificates      2nd
CAs (certification authorities), revoking certificates      
CAs (certification authorities), stand-alone
Category 5 cable
cathode ray tubes (CRTs)
CATV (cable television) networks
CATV (cable television) networks, comparing connection options
CATV (cable television) networks, overview of      
CATV (cable television) networks, planning strategy for Internet connectivity      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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