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Graham — Building Web Services with Java: Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI |
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servers, skeletons, generating 2nd 3rd
servers, SOAP
servers, SOAP, enterprise 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
servers, SOAP, J2EE 2nd 3rd
servers, stubs
service chains
service chains, searching
service descriptions 2nd
Service orchestration
service provider view
service provider view, purchase order submission Web service
Service Providers
service providers, Web service discovery
service registries 2nd 3rd
service registries, business and service details
service registries, business and service details, get_bindingDetail operation
service registries, business and service details, get_businessDetail operation
service registries, business and service details, get_serviceDetail operation
service registries, business and service details, get_tModelDetail operation
service registries, finding information in
service registries, finding information in find_binding operation 2nd
service registries, finding information in find_business operation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
service registries, finding information in find_service operation 2nd
service registries, finding information in find_tModel operation
service registries, kinds of
service registries, private
service registries, private, e-marketplace 2nd
service registries, private, EAI
service registries, private, justification of 2nd
service registries, private, partner catalog
service registries, private, portal 2nd
service registries, private, test
service registries, private, types of
service registries, UDDI
service registries, UDDI version 2.0
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, canonical tModels added
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, errory code changes
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, Inquiry API 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, modeling relationships between businessEntity entries 2nd 3rd
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, operators manual
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, Publication API 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, replication specification
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, SOAPAction header changes
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, third-party taxonomies 2nd 3rd 4th
service registries, UDDI version 2.0, XML namespace updates
service registries, Web sites acting as
service requestor view
service requestor view, purchase order submission Web service
service requestors
service requestors, interacting with service providers
Service-oriented architecture
service-oriented architecture, service registries
Service-oriented architectures
serviceKey attribute
serviceKey attribute, bindingTemplate structure
serviceKey attribute, businessService structure
serviceList structure
services, notary 2nd
services, PriceCheck
services, PriceCheck, generating 2nd 3rd 4th
services, WSDL element 2nd
SETI@home project
set_publisherAssertions operation 2nd
sharing, services
sharing, services, between businessEntity entries
signatures, digital [See digital signatures]
Simple network management protocol (SNMP)
Simple types 2nd
simple types, creating
simple types, ordered
simple types, XML Schema facets 2nd
simple values
single-reference values
SkatesTown, GLUE client for InventoryCheck servcie
SkatesTown, intermediary use 2nd
SkatesTown, NET.NET Web service example 2nd 3rd
SkatesTown, purchase order submission Web service
SkatesTown, purchase order submission Web service, service provider view
SkatesTown, purchase order submission Web service, service requestor view
SkatesTown, purchase order submission Web service, testing 2nd
SkatesTown, purchase order submission Web service, XML-Java data mapping 2nd
SkatesTown, SOAP example
SkatesTown, SOAP example, interacting with the inventory system 2nd 3rd
SkatesTown, SOAP example, inventory check Web service 2nd 3rd
SkatesTown, testing check Web service
skeletons, servers
skeletons, servers, generating 2nd 3rd
SKU (stock keeping unit)
SMTP, binding SOAP to
SMTPBinding 2nd 3rd
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
SOA (service-oriented architecture)
SOA (service-oriented architecture), role of descriptions 2nd
SOA, (service-oriented architecture)
SOA, bind operation
SOA, find operation
SOA, publish operation
SOA, service descriptions 2nd
SOA, service registries
SOA, service requestors
SOAP 1.1 specification
SOAP Contract Language (SCL)
SOAP Messages with Attachments specification
SOAP(colon)(colon)Lite, autodispatch handler
SOAP(colon)(colon)Lite, Perl
SOAP(colon)(colon)Lite, WSDL
SOAP, APache Axis Web Service engine
SOAP, APache Axis Web Service engine, TCPMon tool 2nd
SOAP, Axis 2nd
SOAP, Axis, architecture 2nd
SOAP, Axis, chains 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SOAP, Axis, components
SOAP, Axis, configuring 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
SOAP, Axis, engines
SOAP, Axis, handlers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SOAP, Axis, installing 2nd
SOAP, Axis, parsing XML 2nd
SOAP, Axis, searching service chains
SOAP, Axis, security
SOAP, Axis, transports 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SOAP, binding extensions 2nd
SOAP, claims and goals
SOAP, data encoding
SOAP, data encoding, abstract data models 2nd
SOAP, data encoding, arrays 2nd
SOAP, data encoding, binary data
SOAP, data encoding, identifying value types 2nd
SOAP, data encoding, linking data
SOAP, data encoding, referencing data
SOAP, data encoding, rules 2nd 3rd
SOAP, data encoding, specifying
SOAP, data encoding, XML data 2nd
SOAP, digital sigantures
SOAP, digital sigantures, Distinguished Names
SOAP, EJB 2nd 3rd
SOAP, enterprise servers 2nd 3rd
| SOAP, enterprise servers, availability 2nd
SOAP, enterprise servers, security 2nd
SOAP, enterprise servers, system management 2nd 3rd 4th
SOAP, envelope framework
SOAP, envelope framework, Body element
SOAP, envelope framework, header values
SOAP, envelope framework, headers
SOAP, envelope framework, versioning
SOAP, error handling
SOAP, evolution
SOAP, extensibility
SOAP, extensibility, service provider view 2nd
SOAP, extensibility, service requestor view
SOAP, fault
SOAP, fault, formatting 2nd
SOAP, faultcode element values
SOAP, headerfault
SOAP, headerfault, formatting 2nd
SOAP, headers
SOAP, headers, formatting 2nd
SOAP, infrastructure
SOAP, input messages
SOAP, intermediaries 2nd 3rd 4th
SOAP, intermediaries, functionality
SOAP, intermediaries, headers
SOAP, intermediaries, message paths
SOAP, intermediaries, SkatesTown example 2nd
SOAP, message processing
SOAP, monitoring 2nd
SOAP, output messages
SOAP, overview 2nd 3rd
SOAP, protocol bindings
SOAP, protocol bindings, HTTP
SOAP, protocol bindings, logical vs. physical messages
SOAP, protocol bindings, messages with attachments
SOAP, protocol bindings, SMTP
SOAP, security 2nd 3rd
SOAP, security, authentication
SOAP, security, BASIC-AUTH in Axis 2nd 3rd 4th
SOAP, security, combining transport security 2nd
SOAP, security, digital signatures 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SOAP, security, HTTP authentication
SOAP, security, non-repudiation 2nd
SOAP, security, SSL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
SOAP, security, XML encryption 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
SOAP, servers
SOAP, servers, J2ee 2nd 3rd
SOAP, SkatesTown example
SOAP, SkatesTown example, interacting with the inventory system 2nd 3rd
SOAP, SkatesTown example, inventory check Web services 2nd 3rd
SOAP, TCPMon tool
SOAP, TCPMon tool, functionality
SOAP, transports
SOAP, transports, JMS 2nd 3rd 4th
SOAP, ubiquity
SOAP, V1.2 2nd
SOAP, W3C standardized
SOAP, Web services
SOAP, Web services, inventory check
SOAP, XML protocol evolution
SOAP-based messaging
SOAP-based messaging, abstraction layering
SOAP-based messaging, XML-Java data mapping
SOAP-based RPCs 2nd
SOAP-ENC(colon)arrayType attribute
SOAP-ENV(colon)Envelope element
SOAPAction 2nd
SOAPAction header
SOAPAction header, changes in UDDI Version 2.0
Soapbuilders community
Software agents
software agents, intelligent
software agents, intelligent, characteristics
software agents, intelligent, relating to Web services 2nd
software agents, online resources
solicit-response style of operations 2nd
specifications, replicationO_ XE Oreplication specificationO _
specifications, SOAP 1.1
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
SSL (Secure Socket Layer), JSSE 2nd
stacks, service descriptions
stacks, service descriptions, IDL 2nd
stacks, service descriptions, summaries 2nd
stacks, service descriptions, WSEL 2nd
stacks, service descriptions, WSFL 2nd
standards, WSDL
standards, WSDL, WSEL 2nd
standards, WSDL, WSFL 2nd 3rd
startElement() method
starting, security 2nd
stateless interactions
stock keeping unit (SKU)
structured metadata
stubs, clients
stubs, generating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
stubs, servers
styles, binding invocation 2nd
subordinate CAs
summaries, stacks 2nd
summaries, WSDL to Java
Sun Microsystems
Sun Microsystems, J2EE
Sun Microsystems, JDK 1.1
Sun Microsystems, ONC
Sun, SunOne
syntax, creating simple types
syntax, XML Namespaces
syntax-oriented XML parsing
systems, management
systems, management, QoS 2nd 3rd 4th
tags, XML
tags, XML, document-centric
tags, XML, elements
taxonomies, ISO 3166-1(colon)1997 and ISO 3166-2(colon)1998
taxonomies, third-party
taxonomies, tModel
taxonomies, UNSPSC
TCP Router
TCP/IP, monitoring 2nd
TCPMon tool 2nd
TCPMon tool, functionality
test UDDI
testing, purchase order submission Web service 2nd
testing, Web services
testings, inventory check service
text structuring tags (HTML)
third-party taxonomies
TIP (Transaction Internet Protocol)
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