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Wood A.F., Smith M.J. — Online Communication: Linking Technology, Identity, and Culture
Wood A.F., Smith M.J. — Online Communication: Linking Technology, Identity, and Culture

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Название: Online Communication: Linking Technology, Identity, and Culture

Авторы: Wood A.F., Smith M.J.


Online Communication provides an introduction to both the technologies of the Internet Age and their social implications. This innovative and timely textbook brings together current work in communication, political science, philosophy, popular culture, history, economics, and the humanities to present an examination of the theoretical and critical issues in the study of computer-mediated communication.

Continuing the model of the best-selling first edition, authors Andrew F. Wood and Matthew J. Smith introduce computer-mediated communication (CMC) as a subject of academic research as well as a lens through which to examine contemporary trends in society. This second edition of Online Communication covers online identity, mediated relationships, virtual communities, electronic commerce, the digital divide, spaces of resistance, and other topics related to CMC. The text also examines how the Internet has affected contemporary culture and presents the critiques being made to those changes.

Special features of the text include:
*Hyperlinks — presenting greater detail on topics from the chapter
*Ethical Ethical Inquiry — posing questions on the nature of human communication and conduct online
*Online Communication and the Law — examining the legal ramifications of CMC issues

Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers interested in the field of computer-mediated communication, as well as those studying issues of technology and culture, will find Online Communication to be an insightful resource for studying the role of technology and mediated communication in today's society.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 240

Добавлена в каталог: 20.10.2007

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