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Mayers J., Bass S. — Policy That Works for Forests and People: Real Prospects for Governance and Livelihoods
Mayers J., Bass S. — Policy That Works for Forests and People: Real Prospects for Governance and Livelihoods

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Название: Policy That Works for Forests and People: Real Prospects for Governance and Livelihoods

Авторы: Mayers J., Bass S.


* How to create policies in line with the political and market realities of one of the world's major natural resources
* Explains the process and criteria for policy that resolves forest problems and ensures equitable and sustainable use for all those involved
* The most authoritative study to date, based on extensive worldwide research
* Essential reading for forest managers in all contexts
* Foreword by Jag Maini

Forestry issues vary from place to place but the pattern of forest problems is common to most countries – loss of natural forests, centralized control, inequitable access, lack of information and resources, and ossified institutions. Policy is at the root of most of the problems.
This volume offers a thorough analysis of the issues and the options, and the factors that determine different outcomes. It goes on to provide clear and practical advice on how to formulate, manage and implement policies appropriate to different contexts — policies that result in real improvements in the governance, use and economic benefits that can flow from forests to those who depend upon them.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 336

Добавлена в каталог: 19.10.2007

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