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Frey B. — Statistics Hacks |
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frequency tables, dice rolls
frequency tables, percentile ranks 2nd
Frey, Bruce
Galton, Francis
gambler's fallacy 2nd
gambling, basic truths
gambling, blackjack
gambling, card-sharping
gambling, coin toss
gambling, designing bar bets
gambling, knowing your limits
gambling, lottery
gambling, playing cards
gambling, playing with dice
gambling, pot odds
gambling, roulette
gambling, rule of four
gambling, sharing birthdays
gambling, short-stacked
gambling, wild cards
game playing
game playing, card tricks
game playing, estimating pi
game playing, histograms in Excel
game playing, iPods and
game playing, Monopoly
game playing, predicting baseball games
game playing, predicting game winners
game playing, random selection and
game playing, ranking players
game playing, strategies
game playing, two-point conversion
game shows 2nd
games of chance
games of chance, fair payouts
games of chance, Monopoly
games of chance, roulette as
general universe
generalizations, cause-and-effect and 2nd
generalizations, inferential statistics and
generalizations, samples and
Gigerenzer, G.
Gilligan's Island 2nd
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
Golden Theorem
Goodness-of-fit statistic 2nd
Gott's Principle
Gott, J. Richard, III 2nd 3rd
Grandparent Paradox
graphing relationships 2nd
GRE (Graduate Record Exam)
group designs 2nd 3rd
Guare, John
Haladyna, T.M.
Hale-Evans, Ron
Hall, P.
Hanks, Tom
Hansen, Brian
haphazard sampling
Hastings, J.T.
Hawthorne Effect
heads or tails coin toss
heads or tails coin toss, Law of Total Probability
heads or tails coin toss, overview
heads or tails coin toss, randomness and
high scores
higher scores, likelihood of
Hill, Theodore 2nd 3rd 4th
Histograms 2nd
hit the nuts
Hitzges, Norm
Hofferth, Jerrod
house edge 2nd 3rd
Huff, D.
Hypothesis [See also null hypothesis]
Hypothesis testing
hypothesis testing, about relationships 2nd
hypothesis testing, errors in
hypothesis testing, interpreting findings
hypothesis testing, rejecting null 2nd
hypothesis, defined
hypothesis, research 2nd 3rd 4th
hypothesis, statistical
implied pot odds 2nd
Independent events 2nd 3rd
Independent variables 2nd 3rd 4th
Inferential statistics
inferential statistics, controversial tools
inferential statistics, defined 2nd
inferential statistics, overview
inferential statistics, populations and
inferential statistics, relationships and
inferential statistics, samples and
insurance in card games
intelligence tests 2nd
inter-rater reliability
INTERCEPT function
internal reliability 2nd
interval level of measurement
interval level of measurement, controversial tools
interval level of measurement, defined 2nd
interval level of measurement, negative numbers
interval level of measurement, power of
interval level of measurement, strengths/weaknesses 2nd
Item analysis
iTunes (Apple) 2nd
Jordan, C.T.
judgment sampling
Jung, Carl
Kahneman, Daniel 2nd 3rd
Kennedy, John F.
knowledge level (learning) 2nd
known information 2nd
lane-changing decisions
law of finite pocket size
Law of Large Numbers 2nd
Law of total probability
learning, cognitive levels of 2nd
learning, trial-and-error
Leclerc, Georges-Louis 2nd
Let's Make a Deal
level of significance [See statistical significance]
Levy, Steven
li'l flushes
lifetime, predicting length of
likelihood of outcomes [See likelihood of outcomes (see outcomes\\]
Lincoln, Abraham
Line charts 2nd
Linear regression [See also multiple regression]
linear regression, graphing relationships
linear regression, multiple predictor variables
linear regression, predicting outcome of events
Lithgow, John
LOG function
Lohmeier, Jill 2nd 3rd
Lois Lane
Lord, Frederick
low scores
LSAT (Law School Admission Test)
Madaus, G.F.
magic number, lotteries and
MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance)
MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)
Mean [See also standard error of the mean]
| mean, ACT
mean, calculating
mean, Central Limit Theorem
mean, central tendency and
mean, cut score and 2nd
mean, defined 2nd
mean, effect size and
mean, linear regression and
mean, normal curve and 2nd
mean, normal distribution
mean, precision of
mean, predicting test performance 2nd
mean, regression toward 2nd 3rd
mean, T scores
mean, z score 2nd 3rd
Measurement [See also standard error of measurement]
measurement, <Emphasis>t</> tests
measurement, asking questions
measurement, categorical
measurement, converting raw scores
measurement, defined
measurement, effect of increasing sample size
measurement, Gott's Principle
measurement, graphs and
measurement, improving test scores
measurement, levels of 2nd
measurement, normal distribution
measurement, percentile ranks
measurement, precise
measurement, predicting with normal curve
measurement, probability characteristics
measurement, reliability of
measurement, standardized scores 2nd
measurement, testing fairly
measurement, validity of 2nd 3rd
measures of central tendency
median, central tendency and 2nd 3rd
median, defined
median, normal curve and
medical decisions
Michie, Donald
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel, DATAS software
Microsoft Excel, histograms
Microsoft Excel, predicting football games
Milgram, Stanley 2nd 3rd 4th
mind control
Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory-II test
mnemonic devices
mode, central tendency and 2nd
mode, defined
mode, normal curve and
models, building 2nd
models, defined
models, goodness-of-fit statistic and
money, casinos and 2nd
money, infinite doubling of
Monty Hall problem
multiple choice questions
multiple choice questions, analysis of answer options
multiple choice questions, writing good 2nd 3rd
Multiple regression
multiple regression)
multiple regression, criterion variables and
multiple regression, defined
multiple regression, multiple predictor variables
multiple regression, predicting football games
multiplicative rule 2nd
Multivariate analysis of variance (Manova)
mutually exclusive outcomes
negative correlation 2nd
negative numbers
negative wording
Newcomb, Simon 2nd
Nigrini, Mark 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
nominal level of measurement 2nd 3rd
non-experimental designs
norm-referenced scoring
norm-referenced scoring, defined 2nd
norm-referenced scoring, percentile ranks
norm-referenced scoring, simplicity of
Normal curve
normal curve, Central Limit Theorem and
normal curve, overview
normal curve, precision of
normal curve, predicting with
normal curve, z score and 2nd
Normal distribution
normal distribution, applying characteristics
normal distribution, iTunes shuffle and
normal distribution, overview
normal distribution, shape of
normal distribution, traffic patterns
Null hypothesis
null hypothesis, defined
null hypothesis, errors in testing
null hypothesis, Law of Large Numbers and
null hypothesis, possible outcomes
null hypothesis, purpose 2nd 3rd
null hypothesis, research hypothesis and
null hypothesis, statistical significance and
Nuts 2nd
O'Reilly Media 2nd
observed score 2nd 3rd
Odds [See also odds: (see also gambling\\] [See also odds: (see also gambling\\]
odds, figuring out 2nd
odds, pot odds 2nd
odds, Powerball lottery
one-way chi-square test
ordering scores
ordinal level of measurement
outcomes, blackjack 2nd
outcomes, coin toss
outcomes, comparing number of possible 2nd
outcomes, dice rolls 2nd
outcomes, gambler's fallacy about
outcomes, identifying unexpected
outcomes, likelihood of 2nd
outcomes, mutually exclusive
outcomes, occurrence of specific 2nd
outcomes, predicting 2nd
outcomes, predicting baseball games
outcomes, shuffled deck of cards
outcomes, spotting random
outcomes, trial-and-error learning
outcomes, two-point conversion chart and
pairs of cards, counting by
parallel forms reliability
partial correlations
Party Shuffle (iTunes) 2nd 3rd 4th
Pascal's triangle
Pascal, Blaise
passing epochs
payoffs, expected 2nd
payoffs, magic number for lotteries
payoffs, Powerball lottery
Pearson correlation coefficient 2nd
Pedrotti, J.T.
percentages, of scores
percentages, ratio level of measurement
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