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Eriksson H.-E., Penker M., Lyons B. — UML 2 Toolkit
Eriksson H.-E., Penker M., Lyons B. — UML 2 Toolkit

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Название: UML 2 Toolkit

Авторы: Eriksson H.-E., Penker M., Lyons B.


Gain the skills to effectively plan software applications and systems using the latest version of UML
UML 2 represents a significant update to the UML specification, from providing more robust mechanisms for modeling workflow and actions to making the modeling language more executable. Now in its second edition, this bestselling book provides you with all the tools you’ll need for effective modeling with UML 2. The authors get you up to speed by presenting an overview of UML and its main features. You’ll then learn how to apply UML to produce effective diagrams as you progress through more advanced topics such as use-case diagrams, classes and their relationships, dynamic diagrams, system architecture, and extending UML. The authors take you through the process of modeling with UML so that you can successfully deliver a software product or information management system.

With the help of numerous examples and an extensive case study, this book teaches you how to:

* Organize, describe, assess, test, and realize use cases
* Gain substantial information about a system by using classes
* Utilize activity diagrams, state machines, and interaction diagrams to handle common issues
* Extend UML features for specific environment or domains
* Use UML as part of a Model Driven Architecture initiative
* Apply an effective process for using UML
The CD-ROM contains all of the UML models and Java™ code for a complete application, Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Version 1.4.1, and links to the Web sites for vendors of UML 2 tools.

Author Biography: HANS-ERIK ERIKSSON has more than 15 years of experience in system development and software architecture. He is the author of six books in the field, including Business Modeling with UML: Business Practices at Work (Wiley).
MAGNUS PENKER is senior advisor and consultant to both public authorities and international top management and has over 10 years’ experience in business processes and object-oriented analysis and design.
BRIAN LYONS is Chairman, CTO, and co-founder of Number Six Software, Inc., a Washington, D.C.-based software development outsourcing company. Mr. Lyons is a leading expert in object-oriented technology and iterative development techniques.
DAVID FADO works as a software architect for Number Six Software, Inc., focusing on information and financial management systems as well as simulations. Dr. Fado has relied on UML and development support tools for many successful projects.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 511

Добавлена в каталог: 15.09.2007

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