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Chaffey D. — Total E-Mail Marketing
Chaffey D. — Total E-Mail Marketing

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Название: Total E-Mail Marketing

Автор: Chaffey D.


Total E-Mail Marketing shows how to run effective e-mail campaigns aimed at both customer acquisition and retention. The book covers much more than simply guidelines on e-mail creative. It explains how to plan and execute e-mail campaigns which integrate with other online and offline communications.

The author draws on expertise and examples from leading European practitioners to detail practical tips to improve campaign results. Packed with case studies from UK companies and checklists to get you started or improve on past campaigns, the book covers the following topics:

* Planning effective, integrated e-mail campaigns
* How to rapidly build a quality house list
* Sourcing opt-in B2C and B2B lists
* Ethical and legal constraints
* Tools for managing inbound and outbound e-mail
* Designing HTML and text format e-mails for maximum response
* Writing engaging copy
* Key issues in planning e-newsletters
* Measuring and improving e-mail campaigns

Highly structured and designed for maximum accessibility, the book incorporates 'E-mail Marketing Insights' boxes which highlight critical factors for success; 'E-Mail Marketing Excellence' boxes giving real-world examples of best practice and 'Campaign Checklists' to help
you devise and check campaign plans.

A vital supplement to the author's book entitled eMarketing eXcellence, this e-mail marketing handbook is relevant to all marketers - whether they specialise in e-marketing or not - as it offers an integrated campaign perspective.

Dave Chaffey has written many articles and books on e-marketing and is a columnist for the What's New in Marketing E-newsletter. He has delivered E-marketing workshops for the Chartered Institute of Marketing since 1997. Dave is Managing Director of Marketing Insights Limited. The company specialises in devising e-marketing metrics programmes to support e-marketing strategy and execution. Clients include 3M, HSBC and NCH. He is also an examiner for the CIM E-Marketing award.

* Offers an integrated campaign perspective, crucial for all marketers wanting to maximize the benefits of e-mail.
* Structured and accessible approach allows for easy appreciation and application of key points.
* Includes a range of views and examples of best practice for a rounded view of the pitfalls and the potential of e-mail marketing.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 228

Добавлена в каталог: 15.09.2007

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