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Aho A.V., Sethi R., Ullman J.D. — Compilers: principles, techniques and tools |
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Local optimization 592 633
Loewner, P.G. 718
Logical error 161
Longest common subsequence 155
Look ahead LR parsing 216 236—244 254 278.
Lookahcad symbol 41
Lookahead 90 111—113 134 215 230
Loop 533—534 544 602—608 616—618 660
Loop header See Header
Loop optimization 596. See also Code motion Induction Loop Reduction
Loop-invariant computation See Code motion
Lorho, B. 341—342
Low, J. 721
Lowry, E.S. 542 583 718 721 727 737
LR grammar 160 162 201—202 220—221 247 273 278 308
LR parsing 215—266 341 578—579
LR(0) item 221
LR(1) grammar 235
LR(1) item 230—231
Lucas, P. 82 277
Lunde, A. 583
Lunnel, H. 583
Machine code 4—5 18 557 569
Machine status 398 406—401!
Maclaren, M.D. 719
MacQueen, D.B. 385 388
Macro 16—17 84 429 456
Madsen, C.M. 341
Madsen, O.L. 278 341—342
make 729—731
manifest constant 107
Marill, T. 342 583
Marker nonterminal 309 3ll-?l5 341
Markstein, J. 719 721
Markstein, P.W. 546 583
Martelli, A. 388
Mauney, J. 278
Maximal munch 57$
Maxwell, W.L. 278
Mayoh, B.H. 340
McArthur, R. 511 727
McCarthy, J. 82 461 725
McChire, R.M. 277
McCracken, N.J. 388
McCulloch, W.S. 157
McKeeman, W.M. 82 277 462 584
McKusick, M.K. 584
Mcllroy, M.D. 158
McNaughton, R. 157
Medlock, C.W. 542 583 718 721 727 737
Meertens, L. 387
Meet operator 681
Meet-over-paths solution 689—690 692 694
MeLellan, H.R. 583
Memory map 446
Memory Organization See Storage organization
META 277
Metcalf, M. 718
Meyers, R. 387
Miller, R.E. 583 720
Milner, R. 365 387
Minimum-distance error correction 88
Minker, J. 512
Minker, R.G. 512
Mitchell, J.C. 387
Mixed strategy precedence 277
Mixed-mode expression 495—497
ML 365 373—374 387
Mock, O. 82 511 725
Modula 607 719 742—743
Moncke, U. 341
Monotone framework 686—688 692
Monotonicily 720
Montanari, U. 388
Moore, E.F. 157 721
Moore, J.S. 158
Morel, E. 720
Morris, D. 340
Morris, J.H. 158 387—388
Morris, R. 462
Morse, S. P. 277
Moses, J. 462
Most closely nested rule 412 415
Most general unifier 370—371 376—377
Moulton, P.G. 278
Muchnick, S.S. 387 718 720
MUG 341
Muller, M.E. 278
Nageli, H.H. 82 511 734
Nakata, I. 583
NAME 389
Name equivalence, of type expressions 356—357
Name-related check 343—344
Natural loop 603—604
Naur, P. 82 277 386 461
Neliac 511 727
Nelson, R.A. 2
Nested procedures 415—422 474—477
Nesting depth 416
Nesting, of activations 391. See also Block structure
Newcomer, J.M. 51] 584
Newey, M.C. 511—512
NFA See Nondeterministic finite automaton
Nievergelt, J. 583
Node splitting 666—668 679—680
Nondeterministic finite automaton 113—114 117—128 130—132 136
Nondeterministic transition diagiam 184
Nonlocal name 395 411—424 528
Nonreducible flow graph 607 679—680
Nonregular set 180—181. See also Regular set
Nonterminal 26 166—167 204—205.
Nori, K.V. 82 511 734
Nutlable expression 135 137—140
Nutt, R. 2
O'Donnell, M.J. 584
Object 389 395
Object code 704
Object language See Target language
Offset 397 400 450 473 524
Ogden, W.F. 342
Olsztyn, J. 82 511 725
One-pass compiler See Single-pass translation
Operator grammar 203—204
Operator identification 361. See also Overloading
Operator precedence 31
Operator precedence grammar 271—272
Operator precedence parsing 203—215 277 736
Operator precedence relations 203—204
Optimizing compiler See Code optimization
Osterweil, L.J. 722
Overloading 330 344 361—364 384—385 387
p-code 734 742
Packed data 399
padding 399
Pager, D. 278
Pai, A.B. 278
Paige, R. 721
Pair, C. 342
Palm, R.C. 721
Panic mode 88 164 192—193 254
Panini 82
Parameter passing 414—415 424—429 653—654
Parentheses 95 98 173—174
Park, J.C.H. 278
Parse tree 6—7 28—30 40—43 49 160 169—171 196 279 296.
Parser generator 22—23 730—731.
Parsing 6—7 !2 30 40—48 57 71—72 84—85 159—278. Bounded Top-down
Partial order 333—335
Partition 142
| Pascal 52 85 94 96—97 162—163 347 349 356—357 365—366 396 411 424—415 427 440—442 473 481 510—512 583 719 727—729 734—735
PASS 20—22
Passing environment 457—458
Paterson, M.S. 388
Pattern matching 85 129—131 577—578 584
PCC 519 572 584 735—737
Peephole oprimization 554—558 584 587
Pelegri-Lloparl, E. 584
Pennello, T. 278 387
Period, of a string 152
Persch, C. 387
Peterson, T.G. 278
Peterson, W.W. 462 720
Peyrolle-Thomas, M.-C. 727
Phase 10. See also Code generation Code Error Intermediate Lexical Parsing Semantic Symbol
Phrase-level error recovery 164—165 194—195 255
PIC 456
Pig Latin 79—80
Pike, R. 82 462 730 750
Pitts, W. 157
PL/C 164 514
PL/I 21 80 87 162—163 383 387 488 510 512 7)9
Plankalkul 386
Plotkin, G. 388
Point 609
POINTER 349 409 467—468 540—541 553 582 648—653
Pointer type 346
Pollack, B.W. 24
Pollock, L.L. 722
Polymorphic function 344 364—376
Polymorphic type 368
Poole, P.C. 511
pop 65
Portability 85 724
Portable C compiler See PCC
Porter, J.H. 157
Positive closure 97. See also Closure
Post, E. 82
Postfix expression 25 33—34 464 466 470 509
Postorder traversal 561—562
Powell, M.L. 719 721 742
Pozefsky, D. 342
Pratt, T.W. 462
Pratt, V.R. 158 277
Precedence 31—32 95 207 247—249 263—264.
Precedence function 208—210
Precedence relations See Operator precedence relations
Predecessor 532
Predictive parsing 44—48 182—188 192—195 215 302—308
Predictive translator 306—308
Prefix 93
Prefix expression 509
Preheader 605
Preprocessor 4—5 16
Pretty printer 3
Procedure 389
Procedure body 390
Procedure call 202 396 398 404—411 467 506—508 522—527 553 649.
Procedure definition 390
Procedure parameter 414—415 418—419
PRODUCT See Cartesian product
Production 26 166
Profiler 587
Programming language See Ada Algol APL BCPL Bliss C Cobol CPL. Fortran Lisp ML Modula Neliac Pascal PL/I SETL S1MPL Smalltalk Snobol
Programming project 745—751
Project, programming 745—751
Propagation, of lookahcad 242
Prosser, R.T. 721
Purdom, P.W. 341 721
push 65
Quadruples 470 472—473
Query interpreter 4
QUEUE 507—508
Quicksort 390 588
R-value 64—65 229 395 424—429 547
Rabin, M.O. 157
Radin, G. 387
Raiha, K.-J. 278 341—342
Ramanathan, J. 341
Randell, B. 24 82 462 512
Ratfor 723
Reaching definition 610—621 624—627 652—653 674—680 684
Recognizer 113
Record type 346 359 477—478
Recursion 6—7 165 3L6—3I8 329—332 391 401. Right Tail
Recursive-descent parsing 44 82 181—182 736 740
Reduce / reduce conflict 201 237 262 578
Reducible flow graph 606—608 664 666 668 714—715 740
Reduction 195 199 211—213 216 255
Reduction in strength 557 596—598 601 644 646
Redundant code 554
Redziejowski, R.R. 583
Reference See Use
Reference count 445
Region 611—612 669—670 673—679
register 519—521
Register allocation 517 542—546 562—565 739—743
Register assignment 15 517 537—540 544—545
Register descriptor 537
Register pair 517 566
Register-interference graph 546
Regression test 731
Regular definition 96 107
Regular expression 83 94—98 107 113 121—125 129 135—141 148 172—173 268—269
Regular set 98
Rehostability 724
Reif, J.H. 720
Reiner, A.H. 511 584
Reiss, S.P. 462
Relative address See Offset
Relocatable machine code 5 18 515
Relocation bit 19
renaming 531
Renvoise, C. 720
Reps, T.W. 341
Reserved word 56 87
Retargetabitity 724
Retargeting 463
Retention, of locals 401—403 410
Retreating edge 663
Return address 407 522—527
Return node 654
Return sequence 405—408
return value 399 406—407
Reynolds, J.C. 388
Rhodes, S.P. 278
Richards, M. 511 584
right associativity 30—31 207 263
Right leaf 561
Right recursion 48
Right-sentential form 169 196
Rightmost derivation 169 195—197
Ripken, K. 387 584
Ripley, G.D. 162
Ritchie, D.M. 354 462 511 735—737
Robinson, J.A. 388
Rogoway, H.P. 387
Rohl, J.S. 462
Rohrich, J. 278
Root 29
Rosen, B.K. 719—720
Rosen, S. 24
Rosenkrantz, D.J. 277 341
Rosier, L. 723
Ross, D.T. 157
Rounds, W.C. 342
Rovner, P. 721
Row-major form 481—482
Run-time support 389. See also Heap allocation Stack
Russell, L.J. 24 82 462 512
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