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Gabbay D.M. (ed.), Guenthner F. (ed.) — Handbook of Philosophical Logic (Volume 13) |
Предметный указатель |
Modulated fibring of interpretation systems 151
Modulated interpretation system 148
Modulated signature 144
Modulated signature morphism 144
Modulated structure 147
Molecular sentences of PC 24
Monotonicity axiom 200
Multi-conclusion 315
Multi-conclusion proof 343
Multi-conclusion proofs 199
Multi-conclusoin proof systmes 318
Multi-dimensinal logic 63
Multi-dimensional logics 63
Multi-modal logic 63
Multiple simultaneous interactions 51
Mutation 116
N-Con(T) 270
N-consistency assertion 270
N-consistency ordering 302
N-consistent 269
N-provability predicate 270
Natural kinds 43
Natural language 22 23 30
Natural logic 30
Natural sciences 115
Natural selection 116
Necessitation rule 190 317
Negation 22 72
Negation-as-failure 44 55
Negation-inconsistency 41
Negative entropy 46
Negative introspection 199 342
Neural modularity 51
New logic 62
Newton, I. 22
NNIL-formulas 281
nodes 204
Non-circularity 114
Non-monotonic logic 63
Non-monotonic system 114
Non-truth-functional logics 155
Non-universal generality 99
Nonsymbolic cognition 47
Normal ecological backdrop 50
Normal proof predicate 322
Normal realization 319
Normalcy 87 89 90
Normalic claim 91 93
Normative legitimacy 15
Normative model 37 38
Normativity 38 40
O'Connor, T. 61
O'Keefe, D. J. 45
On Sophistical Refutations 21
On-line intelligent behaviour 49
Open Door Case 80 87 90 91 94
Optimal rationality 38
Optimization 107
Optimization under constraint 38
Ordinal analysis 196
Ordinary reasoning 58
Over-idealization 116
Over-simplification 116
P-sets 70 72
Paraconsistent logic 137
Paraconsistent system 114
Parallel distributed processor 64
Parameter-free induction 298
Parameter=free induction schemata 196
Parasuraman, R. 65
Paucity of resource 33 34 45
PDP 64 65
PDP theory 64
Peano arithmetic PA 190 214
Peirce, C. S. 22—24 26 69 81 84 92
Pelletier, F.J. 42
Persuasive presumption 103
Petrel, D. 45
Petty, R. E. 45
PI 48
Pietroski, P. M. 61
Planck, M. 48 68 92
Plausibility 37 54 67 68 70—72 77 83 86 91 93 94 96 98
Plausibility adjudication 73
Plausibility consequences 71
Plausibility filter 94
Plausibility index 72
Plausibility indexing 69 70 72 77
Plausibility logic 85
Plausibility measures 70
Plausibility negation 72
Plausibility screening 73 74 77
Plausibility value 70 99
Plausibility-indices 77
Plausible belief 35
Plausible reasoning 94 95
Plausible-or-probable 69
Pluralsim 17
Point based semantics of fibring 180
Polymodal logics 196 318
Polymodal provability logic 258
Polymorphism 345
Positive introspection 339
Possible evidence function 335
Practical agent 18 32 35 36 60
Practical logic 21 32 33 56—58 65 67 113 115
Practical reasoning 17 18 21 31 32 35 58 64 68 79 111
Practical turn in logic 17 18 68
Practicality 59
Pragmatics 67
Premiss search 21
Premiss-irredundancy 114
Prescriptive model 37—38
Preservation of completeness 140
Preservation of soundness 140
Preservation results 140
Preservationist logic 17
Presumption 79 94—98
Presumption of guilt 102
Presumption of innocence 101
Presumption rule 100
Presumptive reasoning 44 94 95
Primitive recursive arithmetic PRA 297
Primitive recursive terms 322
Prior probabilities 69 77
probability 23 53 69 72
Probability enhancment 78
Process 15
Processing, attentive 65
Processing, automatic 65
Processing, conscious 65
Processing, controlled 65
Processing, depth 65
Processing, inattentive 65
Processing, involuntary 65
Processing, linguistic 65
Processing, non-linguistic 65
Processing, non-semantic 65
Processing, semantic 65
Processing, surface 65
Processing, unconscious 65
Processing, voluntary 65
Programming languages 202
proof 24
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt 111
Proof checker 315
Proof constants 314
Proof polynomials 197 314 337
Proof polynomials fo rGentzen-style proof systems 200
| Proof predicate 322
Proof predicate 215
Proof theory 60
Proof variables 314
Propositional calculus see “PC”
Propositional plausibility 92 100 102
Prototype 43
Prototype activation 47
Prototype-library 48
Provability algebra 195
Provability calculus 190
Provability logic 189 226
Provability of a theory T relative to a metatheory U 226
Provability predicate 215
Provability semantics 190 191 197 318 346
Provable -completeness 215
Provable \Sigma_{n+1}-completeness 270
Provably total computable functions 293
Provisional assumption 103
Proviso 168
Psychologism 60—63 113
Psychology 17 46 60 62 66
Pure logic 18
purpose 32
Quanta 48
Quantification theory 23
Quantified logics of proofs 200
Quine, W. V. 16 23 39 43 66 86
Raifa, EL 52
Rashevsky school 116
Raz, J. 57 58
Realizability semantics 311
Realization algorithm 321
Reason Rule 44
Reasonable alternative 106
Reasonable doubt 105 106
Reasonable person 68 101 107 111
Reasoning down below 47
Reasoning, abstract 32
Reasoning, applied 32
Reasoning, common 32
Reasoning, concrete 32
Reasoning, context-free 32
Reasoning, esoteric 32
Reasoning, factual 32
Reasoning, formal 32
Reasoning, fuzzy 32
Reasoning, goal-directed 32
Reasoning, informal 32
Reasoning, moral 32
Reasoning, ordinary 32
Reasoning, practical 32
Reasoning, precise 32
Reasoning, purposive 32
Reasoning, specialized 32
Reasoning, strict 32
Reasoning, theoretical 32
Rebuttable presumptions of law 103
Reduction property 301
Reflection 203 315
Reflection in typed A-calculus 345
Reflection principle in PA 196
Reflective equilibrium 39
Reflective equilibrium rationale 39
Reflexive combinatory logic 202
Reflexive cominatory logic 345
Reflexivity axiom 264
Reflexivity rule 338
Reiter, R. 44
Relevance 67
Relevant logic 17
Reliability 70 71 99
Reliability value 74
Rensink, R. 46
Representation without rules 48
Representation-level rules 48 49
Representational system 16
Representationalism 49 51
Rescher, N. 68 69 71—73 96 97 100
Resolution point 84
Resource limitations 58
Resource-target logic 18 61
Resources 33 35
revision 54
RFN(T) 218
Rich 164
Robot 50
Robot's body 50
Robot's environment 50
Robotic cleverness 50
Rosch, E. 43
Rosser's provability predicate 274
Route-planning 50
RT logic 18 61
Run Time Code Generating, RTCD 203
Russell paradox 39
Russell, B. 30
RWR model 48
Satisfaction 109
Satisfiability probelm in S4 198
Satisflzation 36 107
Scant-resource adjustment strategies 34 36 56
Scarcity 33
Schaerf, M. 59
Schank, R. 43
Schell, A. M. 64
Schneider, W. 64
Scientific certainty 35
Script 43
Second Goedel incompleteness theorem 190
Second Solovay theorem 225
Self-awareness 203
Self-referential 202
Self-referentiality 334 345
Sells, S. B. 45
Selten, R. 33 34
Semantic processing 64
Semi-interpreted language 21 22
Sequent 324
Sequents 205
Set theory 60
Sets of priors 20
Shannon, B. 49
Shiffrin, R. M. 64 66
Signature 127
Simon, H. A. 33 34 37
Simple sentences 29
Single-conclusion proof systems 318
Single-conclusion proofs 199 343
Smith, E. E. 43
Smith, I. B. 49
Solovay construction 222
Solovay realization 224
Solovay's theorem 222
Sound 215
Source-evidence 98
Specialization 32
Squire, R. 64
Srong interpolation 337
Stability 341
Stability of explicit knowledge 342
Standard of proof 104 109 110
Standard picture 16
Standard presumption 102
Standard proof predicate 200
Standards of rigour 18 21
Stanovich, K. A. 37
Stenman, U. 64
Sterelny, K. 49
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