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Andres S., Kenyon B. — Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure
Andres S., Kenyon B. — Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure

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Название: Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure

Авторы: Andres S., Kenyon B.


Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the NetworkInfrastructure will be the only publication that provides security and Information Technology (IT) professionals an in-depth and comprehensive view of network devices, protocols and architectures. It provides detailed guidance on real-world network threats and exposures. While most network security books focus on ancillary topics, such as operating systems, RDBMS, groupware, and other applications, this book will concentrate strictly on the nuts and bolts of networks, such as routers, firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and the networking protocols that work in congress with them. It has over 200 pages dedicated to the most up-to-date network layer attacks and mitigation techniques across an wide assortment of vendors and not just the typical attention paid to market leaders such as Cisco and Checkpoint. This expanded breadth will help reach a wider range of network engineers who may not have the budget to purchase and install best-of-breed hardware, but want to know how to make the most out of what they do have. In addition, this book provides detailed network architecture and design techniques to help lessen the impact or feasibility of potential attacks. This book focuses on both perimeter and internal networks, giving IT and security administrators a complete picture of how they should design and protect their enterprises. Other books may concentrate on perimeter security or host configuration yet ignore the infrastructure connecting the two. While others tend to focus on theory and basic security background, this publication will dive right into the content and help provide real solutions to common IT security problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 608

Добавлена в каталог: 11.09.2007

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