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McAmis D. — Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
McAmis D. — Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET

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Название: Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET

Автор: McAmis D.


Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.NET 2003 has been expanded to include functionality of the latest offering from Microsoft’s .NET platform and also the latest release of Crystal Reports. With the release of Visual Studio.NET 2003 the version of Crystal Reports included with the product has been updated and expanded. This title covers all of the fundamentals of working with Crystal Reports including:

* Creating and integrating reports into Windows and web-based applications
* Creating XML Report Web Services
* Working with ADO.NET
* Using formulas and logic in reports
* Developing distributed reporting applications
* Deploying reporting applications

The book also explores topics covering the new features and functionality.

In this new edition, you'll also find a number of enhancements, including the following:

* An entire chapter focused on Report Design
* More in-depth code samples to build complex applications with an emphasis on commonly used features.
* Examples that demonstrate integration with other databases and platforms (i.e. Oracle, etc.) as opposed to just samples for Access, SQL Server, etc.
* Expanded coverage on using parameters with Crystal Reports and customizing the report content at run-time.

Author Biography: David McAmis is a Crystal Certified Consultant and trainer, living and working in Sydney, Australia as a partner in Avantis Information Systems. As a consultant for Avantis and on behalf of Crystal Decisions, David creates Windows, Web, and mobile applications incorporating Crystal technology across a wide number of platforms, databases, and ERP systems to deliver innovate solutions for common business problems.
In his varied career, he has held the roles of consultant, technical trainer, university lecturer, and consulting services manager and has served as vice-president of a software and services company in the United States. David holds a B.S. degree in Management Information Systems and is a Microsoft Certified Professional, as well as a certified trainer and consultant for numerous software products. David has been working with Crystal Reports since version 4.5 and is an active member of the beta and user group community and a self-confessed “raving fan.” In his career as a Crystal developer and trainer, he has traveled the world and taught over 800 students. You can reach him at dmcamis@hotmail.com.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 450

Добавлена в каталог: 10.09.2007

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