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Schifreen R. — Defeating the Hacker: A Non-Technical Guide to Computer Security
Schifreen R. — Defeating the Hacker: A Non-Technical Guide to Computer Security

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Название: Defeating the Hacker: A Non-Technical Guide to Computer Security

Автор: Schifreen R.


The current struggle between IT security and computer hackers is reaching crisis point. Corporate dependency on computers and the Internet as well as the rapid spread of broadband into more households has resulted in a feeding ground for hackers around the world. Estimated damage costs are now making their way into the billions. The need for some good advice is long overdue.
Robert Schifreen, a self-confessed ex-hacker, made history in 1985 when he became the first person in the world to face a jury trial in connection with computer hacking. His subsequent acquittal in the High Court led to a change in UK Law and the introduction of the Computer Misuse Act 1990. His 20 years experience in IT security now lends itself to global radio and TV broadcasts, as well as appearances at conferences and lectures around the world.
Keeping your company’s computers free from hackers, viruses, spammers, phishing attacks, social engineers and all the other things that can result in loss of data is a difficult job. Defeating the Hacker is a book about how to protect your computer systems becoming another victim of the hacker. It’s an instant primer into all the things that can go wrong, with advice on how to stop it happening or, if it’s too late, how to fix the damage.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 400

Добавлена в каталог: 06.09.2007

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