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Hart-Davis G. — Word Annoyances
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Название: Word Annoyances
Автор: Hart-Davis G.
Аннотация: When most people think of word processing, they think of Microsoft Word. After all, it has been around for more than 20 years-practically an eternity in computer time. But Word has also provided its users-nearly everyone on the face of the planet-with an endless supply of annoyances. That is, until now. Word Annoyances offers to the point (and often opinionated) solutions to your most vexing editing, formatting, printing, faxing, and scanning problems. It covers everything from installation and templates to tables, columns, and graphics. For example, learn how to stop Word from searching the Web for help, and how to enter the same text easily in multiple parts of a document-and keep it updated automatically. It also provides a gentle introduction to the power of macros so you can slay your annoyances by the truckload. The fixes will work with most versions of Word, including Word 2000, Word 2002 (also known as Word XP), and Word 2003.
Among the topics covered:
Deal with installation issues, crashes, and slowdowns, and dispose of the Office Assistant-either temporarily or forever.
Master templates, numbering, graphics, hyperlinks, tabs, tables, headers, and other everyday annoyances.
Tame some of Word's wiliest features, such as Smart Cut and Paste, Click and Type, Mail Merge, AutoCorrect, and AutoText.
Printing, Faxing, and Scanning-need we say more?
Learn to output and distribute your documents with confidence.
Need to work with other Microsoft applications or Macs? You'll find annoyances dealing with Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, as well as a whole chapter just on Mac Word.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 208
Добавлена в каталог: 04.09.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
graphics, Drawing Canvas
graphics, drawing layer
graphics, drawing lines
graphics, filters
graphics, in line with text
graphics, making look right
graphics, making visible in Print Layout view
graphics, object anchors
graphics, object anchors, locking
graphics, positioning
graphics, positioning, relative to page
graphics, recovering missing (Mac Word)
graphics, saving in PNG format
graphics, using scanned picture
graphics, watermarks
graphics, wrapping text around
hanging, Word hangs when starting
hard spaces
headers and footers
headers and footers, creating different headers on different pages
headers and footers, creating from heading paragraph
Heading Rows Repeat
headings, removing typed numbering from lists and
Help, for WordPerfect Users
Help, stopping Word from searching Web
Hide/Show Gridlines
HTML, removing Office-specific tags
hyperlinks, automatically inserting
hyperlinks, changing default behavior
hyperlinks, seeing where they'll take you
If statement
indents, changing
indents, stopping Word from turning tabs into
Insert Table dialog box 2nd
installation, CD
installation, multiple versions
installation, reinstalling Word
installation, single user
inverting names
JPEGs 2nd
keyboard shortcuts
keyboard shortcuts, customizing
keyboard shortcuts, hard page break
keyboard shortcuts, navigating through documents
keyboard shortcuts, Normal view
keyboard shortcuts, Outline view
keyboard shortcuts, Outline view, switching to
keyboard shortcuts, Print Layout view
keyboard shortcuts, Print Preview
keyboard shortcuts, seeing which are assigned
keyboard shortcuts, Split Table
language, stopping Word from changing
layout, avoid layout changes on different computers
layout, default in Normal.dot
Legal Blackline box
letters, using forms
Levit and James
line-drawing capabilities
linking objects
Links dialog box
List style, selecting text
lists, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists
lists, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists, creating special style
lists, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists, manually resetting
lists, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists, setting list templates
lists, indentation
lists, numbered lists and revision marks
lists, removing duplicate entries
lists, removing typed numbering from lists and headings
local copies of documents
locked Normal.dot
locking documents
lost documents
lowercase text
Mac Word
Mac Word, backing up key files
Mac Word, can't write to folders
Mac Word, CarbonLib file
Mac Word, corrupted Normal template
Mac Word, font files
Mac Word, inserting text at end of document
Mac Word, markup balloons in
Mac Word, page numbering
Mac Word, performance when scrolling
Mac Word, quitting on startup
Mac Word, recovering missing graphics
Mac Word, reinstalling updaters
Mac Word, repairing disk permissions
Mac Word, repairing preferences or setting files
Mac Word, restoring Page Setup to preferred settings
Mac Word, saving document when pasting OLE object
Mac Word, saving graphic in PNG format
Mac Word, startup speed
Mac Word, Test Drive
Mac Word, Unknown Author
Mac Word, updating software
macros, administering
macros, applying proper capitalization
macros, closing all documents but current one
macros, Ctrl+Break
macros, displaying Print dialog box with current page or pages option selected
macros, double-saving documents
macros, extracting AutoCorrect entries
macros, find and replace styles and formatting
macros, Find and Replace with complex formatting
macros, finding out why macros won't run
macros, in templates
macros, making Print Preview open in Editing mode
macros, message boxes
macros, moving to another template
macros, Outline view
macros, Outline view, expanding to specific level
macros, pasting as unformatted text
macros, predefined names
macros, printing document in monochrome
macros, printing samples of each font
macros, recording
macros, removing typed numbering from lists and headings
macros, removing unneeded steps in recorded
macros, returning to last editing position
macros, Security Level tab
macros, seeing which keyboard shortcuts are assigned
macros, signed and unsigned
macros, switching document to read-only status
macros, trusted locations
macros, trusted publishers
mail merge
Mail Merge, data source
Mail Merge, data source, creating or designating
Mail Merge, data source, editing document
Mail Merge, fields
Mail Merge, fields, inserting
Mail Merge, filtering
Mail Merge, filtering, using numerical field
Mail Merge, Helper
Mail Merge, if fields
Mail Merge, main document
Mail Merge, main document, creating
Mail Merge, Recipients dialog box
Mail Merge, restoring Mail Merge document to normal
Mail Merge, Sort Records tab
Mail Merge, sorting
Mail Merge, using
margins, adjusting for printing
margins, default in Normal.dot
margins, swelling of right margin
markup balloons in Mac Word
Master Document View button
master documents
master documents, enabling several people to edit simultaneously
master documents, multiple people editing
master documents, recovering corrupted
master documents, reverting to backup copy
master documents, working safely with
memory 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
memory, checking that PC has enough
menus, displaying full
menus, preventing items from changing positions
menus, removing items from
menus, replacing items
menus, resetting customized
menus, Work menu
merging documents
Merriam-Webster Online
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
modeless dialog box
Most Recently Used list 2nd
moving to another computer
Navigating documents
navigating documents, AutoScroll
navigating documents, browse objects
navigating documents, Document Map
navigating documents, Document Map, customizing
navigating documents, Go command
navigating documents, keyboard shortcuts
navigating documents, returning to previous edits
navigating documents, working in two parts at once
nested lists
network drive, making local copies of documents
New from Existing Document dialog box
NewMacros module
nonbreaking spaces
Normal style, redefining
Normal view
Normal view, keyboard shortcut
Normal view, tables and
Normal.dot, accidently saving as
Normal.dot, default layout
Normal.dot, default margins
Normal.dot, default settings
Normal.dot, in use by another application or user
Normal.dot, locked
Normal.dot, macros won't run
Normal.dot, making Print button display Print dialog box
Normal.dot, saving changes to
numbering, automatic numbered lists
numbering, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists
numbering, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists, creating special style
numbering, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists, manually resetting
numbering, correcting automatic numbering in numbered lists, setting list templates
numbering, fixing "Page X of Y" numbering
numbering, numbered lists and revision marks
numbering, outline numbering
numbering, outline numbering, custom
numbering, page numbering in Mac Word
numbering, removing typed numbering from lists and headings
numbers, aligning with decimal tabs
object anchors
object anchors, locking
Object Linking and Embedding
object linking and embedding, broken links
object linking and embedding, choosing between
object linking and embedding, file size
Office 2000
Office 2000, Save My Settings Wizard for
Office 2000, Service Release 1 (SR-1) or Service Release 1a (SR-1a)
Office 2000, Start menu shortcut
Office 2003, Start menu shortcut
Office 2004 Test Drive
Office Assistant
Office Assistant, removing completely
Office XP
Office XP, Start menu shortcut
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
OpenOffice.org 2nd
Original Showing Markup view
Original view
outline numbering
Outline View
Outline view, changing fonts
Outline view, custom outline numbering
Outline view, expanding to specific level
Outline view, keyboard shortcuts
Outline view, printing
Outline view, turning off formatting display
Outline view, wavy line
page count
page layout formatting
Page Setup, restoring in Mac Word
paragraph marks
Partition Commander
passwords, protecting forms with
Paste Special
pasting, "Smart cut and paste" box
pasting, as unformatted text
pasting, controlling formatting 2nd
pasting, making text take on destination style
pasting, without formatting
personal data, removing from document
PNG format, saving in
PowerPoint and Word
PowerPoint and Word, creating document from presentatio-n
PowerPoint and Word, creating presentation from documen-t
PowerPoint and Word, placing Word table on slide
preferences (Mac Word)
Print button, displaying Print dialog box instead of default print job
Print dialog box
Print dialog box, dispaying with current page or pages option selected
Print Layout view
Print Layout view, keyboard shortcut
Print Layout view, making graphics visible in
Print Layout view, shortening pages
Print Preview
Print Preview, editing in
Print Preview, keyboard shortcut
Print Preview, opening in Editing mode
printer drivers
printer drivers, affecting layout
printer drivers, problems
printer, setting default
printing, adjusting margins
printing, background
printing, black background with white text
printing, bottom of page cut off
printing, color text as black-and-white
printing, crashes Word
printing, document in monochrome
printing, double-sided without duplex printer
printing, draft quality