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Название: Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual
Автор: Pogue D.
Windows XP powers millions of PCs and is without a doubt the most widely used operating system in the world today. This rock solid operating system offers dozens of features for consumers, plus powerful applications and integrated networking tools all blended into an elegant interface. But working your way through all of these features and applications can be complicated. Whether you use this software at home or at work, sometimes you just want to learn the most commonly used features, not every option and nuance.
For anyone interested in zeroing in and learning just the information they need without all the complicated jargon, Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual provides just the solution.
Author David Pogue delivers an accessible and much needed guide with his trademark humor and friendly style. Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual provides clear explanations, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, and plenty of illustrations that make for a refreshingly simple approach to XP.
Far more than a skimpy introduction but much less daunting than a weighty tech book, Windows XP For Starters: The Missing Manual unveils easy tips and tricks for making the most of the XP experience.
Whether you're a first-time user who just wants the basics, or an experienced user who simply needs a quick overview, our new Windows XP For Starters: The Missing Manual is designed from the ground up to save you time and deliver what you need to know. Find out why this book is exactly what you need.
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