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Vick P. — The Visual Basic .NET Programming Language
Vick P. — The Visual Basic .NET Programming Language

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Название: The Visual Basic .NET Programming Language

Автор: Vick P.


This book describes the Visual Basic .NET programming language, starting with the simplest concepts first and gradually working up to the most advanced concepts. In this way it can be used both as a guide to the language for people new to VB .NET, as well as a reference for experienced VB .NET developers. While there are many books on the market on Visual Basic .NET, there are very few references, and no others from any core member of the Visual Basic development team. The tech reviewers have praised the clear writing style, the concise yet thorough coverage, the usefulness of the examples, and the effectiveness of the organization. Reviewers have also noted many topics not covered in other books, or not covered nearly as well, including events, delegates, versioning, obsoleting code, and using shadowing. Data collected by Microsoft indicate that the long-awaited move from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic .NET should be in full swing as this book releases. A June 2003 survey conducte by Readex for SD Times shows usage of Visual Basic .NET among professional developers moving from 32% currently to 46% by June of 2004, a huge jump. The Visual Basic .NET Programming Language is the one book that all VB professionals will need to have on their desk.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 432

Добавлена в каталог: 04.09.2007

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