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Andrew P., Conard J., Woodgate S. — Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation |
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.NET Framework
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 2.0, code
.NET Framework 2.0, code, new code features
.NET Framework, Windows Workflow Foundation requirements
.NET projects See also web services
.NET, clients
.NET, clients, building
.NET, workflows
.NET, workflows, interaction
.wsp file
.wsp file, workflows
.wsp file, workflows, packaging
2event handling activity
2event handling activity, description of
abstraction layers
abstraction layers, LCS
abstraction layers, LCS, workflow queue interaction
ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) semantics
ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) semantics, description of See also Atomic transactions
Activation property
Activation property, description of
activites, API
activites, API, description of
activites, Atomic Transactions
activites, Atomic Transactions, description of
activites, Atomic Transactions, example of
activites, Atomic Transactions, persistence services
activites, Atomic Transactions, rules
activites, attributes
activites, attributes, adding
activites, basic activities
activites, basic activities, description of
activites, basic activities, types of
activites, behaviors
activites, behaviors, behavior relationships
activites, behaviors, example of 2nd 3rd
activites, behaviors, overview
activites, behavoirs
activites, behavoirs, adding
activites, behavoirs, overview
activites, behavoirs, types of
activites, CAG activity
activites, CAG activity, dependent activities
activites, CAG activity, description of
activites, CAG activity, example of 2nd
activites, CAG activity, looping behavior 2nd
activites, CAG activity, overview 2nd
activites, CAG activity, Until condition
activites, CAG activity, UntilCondition property
activites, CAG activity, WhenCondition property
activites, code activities
activites, code activities, description of
activites, code activities, modifying workflows 2nd 3rd 4th
activites, code activities, SayHello
activites, Compensate activity
activites, Compensate activity, exception handlers
activites, compensation handlers
activites, compensation handlers, Compensate activity description of
activites, compensation handlers, description of
activites, components
activites, components, component references
activites, components, list of
activites, components, mandatory classes
activites, composite activities
activites, composite activities, types of
activites, conditions
activites, conditions, code conditions
activites, conditions, declarative conditions 2nd 3rd
activites, conditions, overview
activites, conditions, policy conditions
activites, containers
activites, containers, overview 2nd
activites, control flow activities
activites, control flow activities, ConditionedActivityGroup activity
activites, control flow activities, Delay activity 2nd 3rd 4th
activites, control flow activities, IfElse activity 2nd 3rd
activites, control flow activities, Parallel activity
activites, control flow activities, Replicator activity
activites, control flow activities, Sequence activity 2nd
activites, control flow activities, While activity
activites, creating
activites, creating, example of
activites, custom activities
activites, custom activities, coded activities
activites, custom activities, Composite activity
activites, custom activities, EventSink activity
activites, custom activities, InvokeMethod activity
activites, custom activities, overview
activites, data-centric activities
activites, data-centric activities, description of 2nd
activites, definition component
activites, definition component, definition of
activites, definition component, DependencyProperty
activites, definition component, description of
activites, definition component, metadata properties
activites, designer component
activites, designer component, ActivityDesigner
activites, designer component, CompositeActivityDesigner 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
activites, designer component, definition of
activites, designer component, description of
activites, designer component, DrawConnectors()
activites, Designer component, example code
activites, Designer component, Inheritance Hierarchy
activites, designer component, OnLayoutSize
activites, designer component, OnPaint()
activites, event handlers
activites, event handlers, description of
activites, event waiting activities
activites, event waiting activities, EventDriven activity
activites, event waiting activities, Listen activity
activites, event waiting activities, Listen activity interaction
activites, exception handlers
activites, exception handlers, Compensate activity
activites, exception handlers, description of 2nd
activites, Exceptions view
activites, Exceptions view, description of
activites, execution of
activites, executor component
activites, executor component, definition of
activites, executor component, description of 2nd 3rd
activites, flow control activities
activites, flow control activities, types included
activites, importance of
activites, InvokeWebService activity
activites, InvokeWebService activity, calling web services
activites, InvokeWebService activity, compile properties
activites, InvokeWebService activity, cookie interaction
activites, InvokeWebService activity, Properties section
activites, InvokeWebService activity, utilizing
activites, IRootActivity
activites, IRootActivity, retrieving
activites, list of
activites, LongRunning transactions
activites, LongRunning transactions, description of 2nd
activites, modifying
activites, modifying, existing activities 2nd
activites, overview 2nd 3rd
activites, Parallel but Optional Execution (CAG activity)
activites, Parallel but Optional Execution (CAG activity), example of 2nd
activites, Parallel Execution (CAG activity)
activites, Parallel Execution (CAG activity), example of 2nd
activites, Policy activity
activites, Policy activity, advantages of
activites, Policy activity, description of
activites, Policy activity, example of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
activites, Policy activity, externalizing 2nd
activites, Policy activity, forward chaining 2nd
| activites, Policy activity, halt and update functions
activites, Policy activity, maximum execution count
activites, Policy activity, method access 2nd
activites, Policy activity, overview
activites, Policy activity, prioritizing 2nd 3rd
activites, Replicator activity
activites, Replicator activity, APIs, utilizing
activites, Replicator activity, configuring
activites, Replicator activity, description of
activites, Replicator activity, overview
activites, Replicator activity, sample workflow 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
activites, Replicator activity, UntilCondition
activites, root activities
activites, root activities, types of
activites, sequential workflow model
activites, sequential workflow model, example 2nd 3rd
activites, state workflow activities
activites, state workflow activities, description of
activites, state workflow activities, SetState activity
activites, state workflow activities, State activity
activites, state workflow activities, StateInitialization activity
activites, synchronization
activites, synchronization, description of 2nd
activites, toolbox item component
activites, toolbox item component, definition of
activites, Toolbox item component, description of
activites, Toolbox item component, example code
activites, transaction and exception activities
activites, transaction and exception activities, Compensate activity
activites, transaction and exception activities, description of
activites, transaction and exception activities, ExceptionHandler activity 2nd 3rd
activites, transaction and exception activities, Scope activity 2nd
activites, transaction and exception activities, Throw activity
activites, Transactions behavior
activites, Transactions behavior, description of
activites, updateData1
activites, validator component
activites, validator component, correct-by-construction paradigm 2nd
activites, validator component, definition of
activites, validator component, description of
activites, validator component, description of of
activites, waitForData1
activites, waitForData1, description of
activites, WebServiceReceiveActivity
activites, WebServiceReceiveActivity, implementing web services 2nd
activites, WebServiceResponse activity
activites, WebServiceResponse activity, web services, implementing
activites, workflow lifetime activities
activites, workflow lifetime activities, InvokeWorkflow activity
activites, workflow lifetime activities, Suspend activity
activites, workflow lifetime activities, Terminate activity
activites, workflows
activites, workflows, creating
Activities See also workflows
activity events
activity events, tracking
Activity Library
Activity Library, coded activities
Activity Library, coded activities, description of
Activity Library, Composite activity
Activity Library, Composite activity, description of
ActivityLocation, creating
ActivtyDesigner type
ActivtyDesigner type, description of
actors (Office workflow)
actors (Office workflow), administrators
actors (Office workflow), end users
actors (Office workflow), workflow designers
adaptive workflows
adaptive workflows, description of
Add a Workflow link
Add a Workflow link, description of
Add Web Reference command See also Web References
Add Web Reference dialog
Add Web Reference dialog, description of
AdditionalAssembyReferences property
AdditionalAssembyReferences property, modifying workflows
administrators (Office workflow)
administrators (Office workflow), description of
API, description of
applications, building See web services
applications, Windows forms application
applications, Windows forms application, description of
applications, Windows forms application, purpose of
applications, Windows forms application, responsiveness
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation)
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), description of
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), design-time
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host layer
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host layer, Communications
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host layer, description of 2nd
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host layer, Persistence
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host layer, Timer
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host layer, Tracking 2nd
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host process
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), host process, description of
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer, description of
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer, Execution
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer, Rules
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer, Scheduler
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer, State management
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), runtime layer, Tracking
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), workflow model layer
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), workflow model layer, description of
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), workflow model layer, sequential workflow model 2nd 3rd 4th
architecture engine (Windows Workflow Foundation), workflow model layer, state machine workflow model 2nd 3rd
ASP.NET modules
ASP.NET modules, WorkflowWebhostingModule
ASP.NET modules, WorkflowWebhostingModule, purpose of
ASPNETThreadingService (WorkflowRuntime)
ASPNETThreadingService (WorkflowRuntime), description of
ASPNETTimerService (WorkflowRuntime)
ASPNETTimerService (WorkflowRuntime), description of
ASPX forms
ASPX forms, Office interaction
associating, workflows
associating, workflows, in SharePoint
Atomic transactions
Atomic transactions, description of
Atomic transactions, example of
Atomic transactions, persistence services
Atomic transactions, rules
Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable (ACID) semantics
Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable (ACID) semantics, description of See also Atomic transactions
basic activities
basic activities, description of
basic activities, types of
blocking activities See also non-blocking activities
BPM scenario
BPM scenario, description of
breakpoints, setting
business process management (BPM) scenario
business process management (BPM) scenario, description of
business process models
business process models, creating
CAG activity
CAG activity, description of
CAG activity, example of 2nd
CAG activity, example of, dependent activities
CAG activity, example of, looping behavior 2nd
CAG activity, example of, Until condition
CAG activity, overview 2nd
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