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Wenz Ch. — PHP Phrasebook
Wenz Ch. — PHP Phrasebook

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Название: PHP Phrasebook

Автор: Wenz Ch.


If you were traveling in Spain, but couldn't speak Spanish very well, you'd probably carry a Spanish dictionary with you. If you are a PHP developer who needs a portable reference guide for frequent use in your job, the PHP Phrasebook is perfect for you. The PHP Phrasebook is actually a pocket guide that is jam-packed with useful and essential PHP code "phrases" for the PHP developer's everyday use. The code is flexible, so it can be easily adapted to your needs and mulitple situations, and your time isn't wasted wading through chapters of tutorial lessons and extraneous information. The phrasebook covers PHP 5 and is relevant for PHP 4.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 320

Добавлена в каталог: 22.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
HTML, character codes for email addresses      2nd
HTML, converting strings into      2nd 3rd
HTML, line breaks within      
HTML, tags, finding with regular expressions      2nd
HTML, tags, removing      2nd
htmlentities() function      2nd
htmlspecialchars() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
HTML_QuickForm package (PEAR)      
HTTP requests, returning files with      2nd
HTTP, headers, viewing      
HTTP_Session package (PEAR)      
http_Upload package (PEAR)      
ibase extension      
ibase_connect() function      2nd
ibase_execute() function      
ibase_fetch_assoc() function      
ibase_fetch_object() function      
ibase_prepare() function      
ibase_query() function      
implode() function      2nd
INI files, parsing      2nd
installing, PDO (PHP Data Objects)      
InterBase      [See Firebird]
IP addresses, sorting      2nd
is_array() function      
is_bool() function      
is_dir() function      
is_executable() function      
is_file() function      
is_float() function      
is_int() function      
is_link() function      
is_null() function      
is_numeric() function      2nd
is_object() function      
is_readable() function      
is_string() function      
is_uploaded_file() function      
is_writable() function      
js, [colon] sb a colon      
krsort() function      
ksort() function      2nd
leap years, determining      
line breaks      
list() function      
localizing dates      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
locking files      2nd 3rd
looping through, associative arrays      2nd
looping through, nested arrays      2nd 3rd 4th
looping through, numerical arrays      2nd
magic quotes      2nd
magic quotes, removing from cookies      
MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5)      2nd
md5() function      
MDB package (PEAR)      
MDB2 package (PEAR)      
Microsoft SQL Server      [See MSSQL]
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine      [See MSDE]
microtimestamp() function      2nd
mktime() function      2nd
mod_files.sh script      
moving, uploaded files      2nd
MSDE, connecting to      2nd
MSDE, retrieving data from      2nd
MSDE, sending SQL statements to      2nd
MSSQL, connecting to      2nd
MSSQL, retrieving data from      2nd
mssql_connect() function      
mssql_fetch_assoc() function      
mssql_fetch_object() function      
mssql_fetch_row() function      
mssql_query() function      
multiline text fields, prefilling      2nd
MySQL, connecting to      2nd
MySQL, prepared SQL statements      2nd
MySQL, retrieving data from      2nd 3rd
MySQL, sending SQL statements to      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
MySQLi, connecting to      2nd
mysqli_autocommit() function      
mysqli_commit() function      
mysqli_connect() function      
mysqli_fetch_row() function      
mysqli_insert_id() function      
mysqli_prepare() function      2nd
mysqli_query() function      
mysqli_rollback() function      
mysqli_stmt_execute() function      
mysql_close() function      
mysql_connect() function      2nd 3rd
mysql_fetch_assoc() function      
mysql_fetch_object() function      
mysql_fetch_row() function      
mysql_insert_id() function      
mysql_query() function      
mysql_real_escape_string() function      
natcasesort() function      2nd
natsort() function      2nd
Natural Order String Comparison project      
natural sorting      
nested arrays, looping through      2nd 3rd 4th
nested arrays, printing      2nd
nested arrays, sorting      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
nesting, arrays      
Net_FTP package (PEAR)      
Net_IMAP package (PEAR)      
Net_Socket() package (PEAR)      
nl2br() function      
numeric data types, converting      2nd
numerical arrays, looping through      2nd
numerical arrays, sorting      2nd
NuSOAP, consuming Web Services      2nd
NuSOAP, creating Web Services      2nd
NuSOAP, generating WSDL      2nd 3rd
ocilogon() function      
oci_bind_by_name() function      
oci_connect() function      2nd
oci_execute() function      
oci_fetch_all() function      
oci_fetch_assoc() function      
oci_fetch_object() function      
oci_fetch_row() function      
oci_parse() function      
opening, files      2nd
Oracle, connecting to      2nd
Oracle, retrieving data from      2nd
Oracle, sending SQL statements to      2nd 3rd
ord() function      
Packages      [See PEAR packages]
packages (PEAR), Auth      
packages (PEAR), HTTP_Session      
parse_ini_file() function      2nd 3rd
parsing, INI files      2nd
parsing, XML with SAX      2nd 3rd
password fields, prefilling      2nd 3rd
passwords, encrypting      2nd 3rd
passwords, validating      2nd 3rd
PCRE      2nd 3rd
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expressions)      
PDO (PHP Data Objects      2nd 3rd 4th
PEAR packages, Auth      
PEAR packages, Date      
PEAR packages, Date_Holidays      
PEAR packages, DB      
PEAR packages, DB_DataObject      
PEAR packages, DB_QueryTool      
PEAR packages, File      
PEAR packages, File_Find      
PEAR packages, File_SearchReplace      
PEAR packages, HTML_QuickForm      
PEAR packages, HTTP_Session      
PEAR packages, HTTP_Upload      
PEAR packages, MDB2      
PEAR packages, Net_FTP      
PEAR packages, Net_IMAP      
PEAR packages, Net_Socket      
PEAR packages, Stream_Var      
PEAR packages, XML_Beautifier      
PEAR packages, XML_DTD      
PEAR packages, XML_Serializer      
PEAR packages, XML_Util      
PEAR[col]]col]SOAP, consuming Web Services      
PEAR[col]]col]SOAP, creating Web Services      2nd
PEAR[col]]col]SOAP, generating WSDL      2nd
PEAR[col]]col]XML-RPC, consuming Web Services      2nd
PEAR[col]]col]XML-RPC, creating Web Services      2nd
pg_connect() function      
pg_connect.php      2nd
pg_fetch_all() function      
pg_fetch_assoc() function      
pg_fetch_object() function      
pg_fetch_row() function      
pg_insert() function      
pg_last_oid() function      
pg_query() function      2nd
pg_select() function      
pg_update() function      
PHP Data Objects      [See PDO]
PHP streams      2nd
PHP, secure PHP pages      
PHP5-SOAP, consuming Web Services      2nd
PHP5-SOAP, creating Web Services      2nd
PHP5-SOAP, generating WSDL      2nd
phpversion() function      2nd
Pool, Martin      
POSIX regular expressions      2nd
PostgreSQL, connecting to      2nd
PostgreSQL, inserting/updating data      
PostgreSQL, retrieving data from      2nd
PostgreSQL, sending SQL statements to      2nd
prefilling HTML forms, password fields      2nd 3rd
prefilling HTML forms, text fields      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
preg_match() function      2nd
preg_match_all() function      2nd
preg_replace() function      2nd
prepared statements, with MySQL      
preselecting, check boxes      
preselecting, radio buttons      2nd 3rd 4th
preselecting, selection lists      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
printf() function      2nd
print_r() function      2nd
Quicksort algorithm      2nd 3rd
radio buttons, preselecting      2nd 3rd 4th
randomizing array elements      
raw cookie data, sending      
readfile() function      
reading data from files      2nd
reading out cookies      
reading out form data (HTML forms)      2nd 3rd
reading, sessions      
reading, XML, PHP 4      2nd
reading, XML, PHP 5      2nd
Regular expressions      2nd
regular expressions, finding tags with      2nd
regular expressions, PCRE      2nd
regular expressions, POSIX      2nd
regular expressions, searching and replacing within strings      2nd
regular expressions, special characters in      2nd
relative dates, calculating      
relative paths for file access      2nd
relaxNG, validating XML against      
rename() function      
renaming files      
requests (HTTP), returning files      2nd
REST (Representational State)      
retrieving query data from Firebird      
retrieving query data from MySQL      2nd 3rd
retrieving query data from Oracle      2nd
retrieving query data from PostgreSQL      2nd
retrieving query data from SQLite      2nd
retrieving query data via PDO      2nd
rsort() function      
sajax_show_javascript() function      
saveLanguage.inc.php      2nd
saving, HTML form data into cookies      2nd 3rd
SAX, (Simple API for XML)      
SAX, parsing XML      2nd 3rd
scanning, formatted strings      2nd
schemas, validating XML against      2nd
searching and replacing within strings      2nd
searching for substrings      2nd
security, file access      2nd
selection lists for date selection      2nd 3rd
selection lists, preselecting      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
selection lists, validating      2nd 3rd
serialize() function      
session.auto_start directive      
session.save_path directive      
session.user_trans_sid directive      
session.use_trans_sid directive      
Sessions      2nd
sessions, activating      2nd
sessions, closing      
sessions, custom management, implementing      2nd 3rd
sessions, ID, changing      2nd
sessions, maintaining state      2nd
sessions, PEAR packages      
sessions, reading and writing      
sessions, session-aware dynamic links, creating      2nd
sessions, storing      2nd
sessions, user authentication, checking      2nd
session_destroy() function      
session_id() function      
session_name() function      
session_regenerate_id() function      
session_set_save_handler() function      
session_start() function      
Set-Cookie HTTP header      
setcookie() function      2nd
setcookie-domain.php      2nd
setcookie-expiry.php      2nd
setcookie-specific.php      2nd
setlocale() function      2nd
setrawcookie() function      
SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)      2nd
sha1() function      
shuffle() function      
SimpleXML extension      2nd
simplexml_import_dom() function      
simplexml_load_file() function      
simplexml_load_string() function      
SOAP      2nd
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