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Dayley B., Tanner R. — Novell ZENworks 7 Suite Administrator's Handbook |
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sites, management sites 2nd [See also reports]
sites, management sites, alarms [See alarms]
sites, management sites, database administration 2nd
sites, management sites, MIB tools
sites, management sites, network discovery [See network discovery]
sites, management sites, reports
sites, management sites, roles 2nd
sites, management sites, SNMP services 2nd
sites, management sites, topology mapping 2nd
SLES 9 servers, ZENworks installation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
sloader command
sloader.ncf file
SMTP Host policy 2nd
snAppShot 2nd
snAppShot, configuration information saved by 2nd 3rd
snAppShot, custom mode 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
snAppShot, disk drive availability
snAppShot, express mode 2nd 3rd 4th
snAppShot, files created by 2nd 3rd 4th
snAppShot, hardware-specific drivers
snAppShot, impact on workstations 2nd 3rd 4th
snAppShot, js add creating application packages
snAppShot, limitations of 2nd 3rd 4th
snAppShot, local application conflicts 2nd
snAppShot, macros 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
snAppShot, macros, defining 2nd
snAppShot, overwriting templates
snAppShot, partial application installations, detecting
snAppShot, preferences, specifying preference files 2nd
snAppShot, preferences, viewing in custom mode 2nd
snAppShot, preferences, viewing in standard mode 2nd
snAppShot, prerequisites for application installs
snAppShot, standard mode 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
snAppShot, starting 2nd
snAppShot, super express mode 2nd 3rd
snAppShot, uses for 2nd 3rd 4th
SNMP agents 2nd 3rd
SNMP agents, community names, defining
SNMP agents, server management views 2nd 3rd
SNMP agents, server trends, managing 2nd 3rd
SNMP agents, services monitored by
SNMP devices, community names, defining
SNMP devices, MIB tools
SNMP Trap Target policy 2nd
SNMP traps, recipients, defining 2nd
SNMP, community names, discovery
SNMP, community names, modifying 2nd
SNMP, parameters, setting up for traffic analysis 2nd 3rd
SNMP, traps, forwarding 2nd
SNMP, traps, injectors
SNMP, traps, receiving
software dictionaries, Dictionary Update policy 2nd 3rd 4th
software inv reports, creating for handheld devices
software inventories, servers 2nd
software inventory, servers, configuring software scans 2nd
Software Listing inventory report
Software Listing report
software metering, license certificates, adding assignments 2nd
software metering, license certificates, assigning users 2nd
software metering, license certificates, deleting assignments to
software metering, license certificates, installing 2nd
software metering, license certificates, reassigning ownership 2nd
software metering, license certificates, reports 2nd 3rd 4th
software metering, license containers, creating 2nd
software metering, metered certificates, adding 2nd
software metering, metered certificates, creating 2nd 3rd 4th
software packages [See application packages]
Software Packages tab (Remote Web Console)
Software Packaging 2nd
software packaging, hardware/software requirements 2nd
Software Packaging, installation 2nd
software requirements, Asset Inventory, Enterprise deployment
software requirements, Asset Inventory, stand-alone deployment 2nd
software requirements, Data Management 2nd
software requirements, Desktop Management with network firewall
software requirements, Desktop Management without network firewall 2nd
software requirements, Desktop Management, Linux and other server platform combinations
software requirements, Desktop Management, middle-tier server requirements 2nd
software requirements, Desktop Management, server requirements 2nd
software requirements, Desktop Management, Windows and NetWare server platform combinations 2nd 3rd
software requirements, Desktop Management, workstation agent requirements 2nd
software requirements, Handheld Management 2nd
software requirements, Linux Management 2nd
software requirements, Patch Management 2nd
software requirements, Personality Migration
software requirements, Server Management, Management and Monitoring Agent requirements 2nd
software requirements, Server Management, Monitor and Management Server requirements
software requirements, Server Management, PDS server 2nd
software requirements, software packaging 2nd
software scanning, customizing 2nd 3rd
Software Summary Chart report
Software Summary Listing inventory report
Software Summary Listing report
software, consolidator software 2nd
software, discovery software, default configuration, changing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
software, network discovery 2nd
software, network discovery software
Solaris, Server Management installation 2nd 3rd 4th
sorting, alarms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
sorting, management console views 2nd
Sound Adapter report
source files, desktop application distribution objects 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
source files, happob 2nd 3rd 4th
Source Root Context option (Desktop Application Distribution Wizard)
Source Route Bridging group (bridge agents)
source-route bridged token ring segments, discovery
Sources property page, application objects
Spanning Tree Protocol group (bridge agents)
spc command
Specify Email Attribute option (Launcher Configuration)
splitting, workstation images 2nd
stand-alone deployment, hardware/software requirements 2nd
standalone servers, workstation inventory 2nd
standard mode (snAppShot) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
starting, Network Discovery 2nd 3rd
starting, packet captures 2nd
starting, services when distributing software packages
STARTMMS command
Static group (bridge agents)
Stations view 2nd
Statistics [See traffic analysis]
Statistics group, RMON agent
Statistics group, RMON Lite agent
statistics, network segments
Status command
status logs, workstation inventory logs, viewing 2nd 3rd
stopping, network discovery
stopping, services when distributing software packages
Storage Devices report
Storate Devices Inventory Report
storer utility (server inventory) 2nd
string macros, configuring for application objects 2nd
subscriber group objects (TED)
Subscriber Object Properties page (Policy and Distribution Services) 2nd
subscriber objects (TED), Channels property page 2nd
subscriber objects (TED), Extract Schedule property page 2nd
subscriber objects (TED), Messaging property page 2nd 3rd 4th
subscriber objects (TED), Settings property page 2nd 3rd
subscriber objects (TED), Variables property page 2nd 3rd
subscriber objects (TED), Working Context property page
subscribers (TED), complex layout 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
subscribers (TED), console commands 2nd 3rd 4th
subscribers (TED), defined
subscribers (TED), desktop application agent 2nd 3rd 4th
subscribers (TED), digital certificates, securing 2nd 3rd
subscribers (TED), end-node
subscribers (TED), file agent 2nd 3rd 4th
subscribers (TED), FTP agent 2nd
subscribers (TED), HTTP agent
subscribers (TED), MSI agent
| subscribers (TED), policy package agent 2nd
subscribers (TED), RPM agent 2nd
subscribers (TED), server software package agent 2nd
subscribers (TED), simple layout 2nd
Subscribers property page, channel objects
summaries, application distribution summarie, viewing 2nd
summaries, js add entries
summaries, server configuration 2nd 3rd 4th
Summary view
Summary view (ConsoleOne) 2nd
super express mode (snAppShot) 2nd 3rd
Suspended status (network discovery)
Switch Summary option (Node Details dialog box)
Switch Summary view 2nd
switches, traffic analysis 2nd 3rd
Sybase database, ODBC drivers, installing 2nd
Sybase8ODBC.reg file
SybaseODBC.zip file
sync software, installing 2nd 3rd
synchronization, passwords 2nd 3rd 4th
System Chassis Listing report
system files, snAppShot monitoring 2nd
system folders
System Information Listing report
System Internal Hardware Report
System Peripherals Inventory Report
System Software Inventory Report
System Software report
System Summary option (Node Details dialog box)
systems, discovery 2nd 3rd
target nodes, monitoring service status 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
tear-off views 2nd
TED agents, monitoring with Remote Web Console 2nd 3rd 4th
TED channels, configuring 2nd
TED distributions, reports, running (ZSM) 2nd
TED objects, creating from iManager 2nd
TED objects, deleting from iManager 2nd
TED objects, editing in iManager 2nd
TED, agents 2nd
TED, agents, defined
TED, agents, desktop application 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, agents, file 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, agents, FTP 2nd
TED, agents, HTTP 2nd
TED, agents, MSI 2nd
TED, agents, policy package 2nd
TED, agents, RPM 2nd
TED, agents, server software package 2nd
TED, application object integration 2nd
TED, application object integration, application destination options, configuring 2nd
TED, application object integration, application distribution summaries, viewing 2nd
TED, application object integration, application source objects, configuring 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, application object integration, application source options, configuring 2nd 3rd
TED, application object integration, desktop application agent 2nd 3rd
TED, application object integration, distribution type, defining 2nd
TED, application object integration, TED distribution objects, configuring 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, application object integration, TED distribution objects, creating 2nd 3rd
TED, certificates 2nd 3rd
TED, channel objects, Distributions property page
TED, channel objects, Schedule property page
TED, channel objects, Settings property page 2nd
TED, channel objects, Subscribers property page
TED, channels, activating
TED, channels, complex layout 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
TED, channels, configuring (ZSM) 2nd
TED, channels, deactivating
TED, channels, distributions included, specifying
TED, channels, scheduling
TED, channels, simple layout 2nd 3rd
TED, channels, subscribers included, specifying
TED, channels, verifying (ZSM) 2nd
TED, components 2nd
TED, distribution objects 2nd 3rd
TED, distribution objects, Agent property page 2nd
TED, distribution objects, Channels property page 2nd
TED, distribution objects, General property page 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, distribution objects, Schedule property page 2nd
TED, distributions 2nd
TED, distributions, adding to channels 2nd
TED, distributions, agents, specifying
TED, distributions, creating (ZSM) 2nd
TED, distributions, manual 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, distributions, monitoring with iManager 2nd 3rd
TED, distributions, scheduling 2nd
TED, distributor object 2nd
TED, distributor object, Distributions property page
TED, distributor object, Messaging property page 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, distributor object, Routing Hierarchy property page 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, distributor object, Schedule property page 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
TED, distributor object, Settings property page 2nd 3rd
TED, distributor objects
TED, distributors 2nd
TED, distributors, configuration information 2nd
TED, distributors, console commands 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, distributors, defined
TED, distributors, overburdening 2nd
TED, distributors, routing hierarchy construction 2nd 3rd
TED, distributors, routing hierarchy design 2nd
TED, distributors, routing hierarchy properties 2nd 3rd
TED, distributors, scheduling 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
TED, external subscriber objects 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, external subscriber objects, Channels property page
TED, external subscriber objects, General property page
TED, external subscriber objects, Network Address property page 2nd
TED, external subscriber objects, tree-spanning layout 2nd
TED, network configuration, complex layout 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
TED, network configuration, simple layout 2nd 3rd
TED, network configuration, tree-spanning layout 2nd
TED, parent subscribers 2nd
TED, parent subscribers, defined
TED, parent subscribers, overburdening 2nd
TED, server capacities 2nd
TED, subscriber group objects
TED, subscriber objects, Channels property page 2nd
TED, subscriber objects, Extract Schedule property page 2nd
TED, subscriber objects, Messaging property page 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, subscriber objects, Settings property page 2nd 3rd
TED, subscriber objects, Variables property page 2nd 3rd
TED, subscriber objects, Working Context property page
TED, subscribers, console commands 2nd 3rd 4th
TED, subscribers, defined
TED, subscribers, digital certificates, securing 2nd 3rd
TED, subscribers, end-node
TempDir macro (snAppShot)
template archiver (Alarm Manager database)
templates, alarm templates 2nd 3rd
terminal server application objects, creating 2nd
terminal server application objects, filtering on availability
terminal server application objects, options, configuring 2nd
termination options, application availability 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Text Files property page, server software package components 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
text files, distribution options 2nd
threads command
Tiered-Electronic Distribution policy 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
Tiered-Electronic Distribution policy, Messaging page 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Tiered-Electronic Distribution policy, Schedule page 2nd 3rd 4th
Tiered-Electronic Distribution policy, Settings page 2nd 3rd
Tiered-Electronic Distribution policy, Variables page 2nd 3rd
Time command
time intervals (trap configuration file)
token ring network profile 2nd
topology database
topology mapping 2nd
topology reports 2nd
topology reports, Computer Systems by Segment 2nd
topology reports, creating 2nd
topology reports, NCP Servers 2nd
topology reports, Router 2nd
topology reports, Segment 2nd
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