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Tanner R., Whitehead R. — Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management Administrator's Handbook |
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Acknowledge All Events task (Zenworks Control Center)
Add Catalog Wizard, RPM bundles, adding to catalogs
Add Members page (Create Bundle Group Wizard)
Add Platform dialog (Configuration tab, Management Zone settings option)
Add Platform dialog (Platforms page) 2nd
Add Rights Folder dialog (Administrator Configuration view)
Add Variable dialog (System Variables page)
adding, system variables
Administrator Configuration view, accessing
Administrator Configuration view, Add Rights Folder dialog
Administrator Configuration view, rights assignment 2nd
Administrators snapshot (Configuration view), administrators, changing passwords
Administrators snapshot (Configuration view), administrators, creating 2nd
Administrators snapshot (Configuration view), functions of
administrators, configuring 2nd
administrators, creating 2nd
administrators, deleting
administrators, passwords, changing 2nd
Advanced page (Preboot Work snapshot) 2nd
advanced searches 2nd
advanced searches, filters/sets
Agent, updating
agents, installation, configuring silent installations
Allow Java option (Epiphany policies)
Allow Java option (Firefox policies)
Allow JavaScript option (Epiphany policies)
Allow JavaScript option (Firefox policies)
Allow Loading of Images option (Firefox policies)
Allow Popups option (Epiphany policies)
Allow Popups option (Firefox policies)
Allow Sites to Set Cookies option (Firefox policies)
AMT enterprise names, global names, entering
annual event operation, setting
Apply Preboot Bundle option (Preboot Work snapshot)
apt-import command (zlman command-line utility)
Assign Catalog Wizard
assigning, bundle rights 2nd
assigning, bundles to devices 2nd
assigning, device rights 2nd
assigning, policies in device details 2nd
assigning, policies in folder details 2nd
assigning, policies in policy details
assigning, policies indirect assignment
assigning, policies via Creation Wizard 2nd
assigning, policies via List view (ZENworks Control Center) 2nd 3rd
assigning, policies, direct assignment
assigning, policies, policy rights 2nd
assigning, policies, report rights 2nd
assigning, policies, servers to imaging tasks 2nd
assigning, policies, via command line 2nd
attachments, Mime Types Available for Viewing Attachments option (Evolution policies)
attributes (catalogs), assigning
Auto-Detect option (RPM File Upload dialog) 2nd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, Bundle Wizard page 2nd 3rd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, General Information page 2nd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, preboot bundles, naming 2nd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, preboot bundles, specifying AutoYAST script paths 2nd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, preboot bundles, specifying file paths
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, preboot bundles, specifying network install directories
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, preboot bundles, specifying protocols 2nd 3rd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, preboot bundles, specifying server addresses 2nd 3rd
AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard, Summary page
Background image file name option (Novell Linux Desktop policies)
Background position option (Novell Linux Desktop policies)
Background shade option (Novell Linux Desktop policies)
Banner (ZENworks Control Center), Novell website, accessing
binary scripts, RPM bundles 2nd
Black Out option (Monthly Schedule type) 2nd
blackout times/dates (schedules), setting 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Bundle field (zlmmirrorconf.xml files, CatalogConf sections) 2nd
bundle groups 2nd 3rd
Bundle Wizard page (AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard) 2nd 3rd
Bundle Wizard page (KickStart Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard)
bundle-install command (zlman command-line utility), options 2nd
bundle-list-packages command (zlmirror command-line utility), options 2nd
Bundles snapshot, Catalog summary page
Bundles snapshot, Edit Bundles advanced page
bundles, defining 2nd
bundles, devices, assigning to 2nd
bundles, preboot bundles, assigning devices to 2nd
bundles, preboot bundles, creating 2nd
bundles, preboot bundles, creating, selecting bundle types
bundles, preboot bundles, creating, selecting preboot types 2nd
bundles, preboot bundles, creating, via AutoYAST Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
bundles, preboot bundles, creating, via KickStart Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
bundles, preboot bundles, creating, via ZENworks Image Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard 2nd 3rd
bundles, preboot bundles, creating, via ZENworks Script Preboot Bundle Creation Wizard 2nd 3rd
bundles, preboot bundles, defining
bundles, preboot bundles, triggering
bundles, preboot bundles, updating 2nd
bundles, rights, assigning 2nd
bundles, RPM bundles, adding to catalogs
bundles, RPM bundles, assigning devices to
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, accessing RPM Bundle Creation Wizard
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, deleting RPM files
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, icon specification
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, inserting RPM files 2nd 3rd
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, installing launch scripts
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, naming bundles
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, selecting bundle type 2nd
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, specifying launch scripts
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, specifying launch scripts, binary scripts 2nd
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, specifying launch scripts, java scripts 2nd
bundles, RPM bundles, creating, specifying launch scripts, shell scripts
bundles, RPM bundles, defining
bundles, RPM bundles, reordering in catalogs
bundles, RPM bundles, updating 2nd
bundles, updating 2nd
Catalog Creation Wizard, catalog attributes
Catalog Creation Wizard, catalog names
Catalog Creation Wizard, Summary page
Catalog summary page (Bundles snapshot)
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), Bundle field 2nd
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), ExcludeBundle field 2nd
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), ExcludePackage field
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), ExcludeTarget field
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), Folder field
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), Local Name field
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), Name field
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), Package field
CatalogConf sections (zlmmirrorconf.xml files), Target field
catalogs, advantages of
catalogs, attributes, assigning
catalogs, creating 2nd
catalogs, defining
catalogs, devices, assigning to 2nd
catalogs, devices, RPM bundles;reordering
catalogs, hiding
catalogs, naming
catalogs, RPM bundles, adding
Centralized Message Logging page (Management Zone Settings snapshot) 2nd
changing, administrator passwords 2nd
changing, device settings 2nd
changing, policies 2nd
changing, refresh schedules
changing, system variables
Check Inbox for Junk Mail option (Evolution policies)
cleaning databases
Clear Message Log dialog (Zenworks Control Center) 2nd
client software, installing
client software, ZENworks Linux Management requirements 2nd
columns, reports, defining in 2nd
columns, reports, rearranging in
columns, reports, removing from
command-line utilities, zlman, apt-import command
command-line utilities, zlman, bundle-install command
command-line utilities, zlman, bundle-install command options 2nd
command-line utilities, zlman, command options 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th
command-line utilities, zlman, dump rug command
command-line utilities, zlman, file-list command
| command-line utilities, zlman, get-prefs command options
command-line utilities, zlman, history command
command-line utilities, zlman, mount rug command
command-line utilities, zlman, package management options 2nd 3rd 4th
command-line utilities, zlman, ping command
command-line utilities, zlman, ping rug command
command-line utilities, zlman, registration-list command 2nd 3rd
command-line utilities, zlman, restart rug command
command-line utilities, zlman, service management options
command-line utilities, zlman, system options 2nd
command-line utilities, zlman, user-add command
command-line utilities, zlman, user-delete command
command-line utilities, zlman, user-edit command
command-line utilities, zlman, user-list command
command-line utilities, zlmirror, bundle-list-packages command options 2nd
command-line utilities, zlmirror, command options
command-line utilities, zlmirror, conf-convert command
command-line utilities, zlmirror, conf-generate command
command-line utilities, zlmirror, conf-validate command
command-line utilities, zlmirror, mirror command
conf-convert command (zlmirror command-line utility)
conf-generate command (zlmirror command-line utility)
conf-validate command (zlmirror command-line utility)
Configuration tab (ZENworks Control Center), Management Zone settings option, Add Platform dialog
Configuration view, accessing
Configuration view, Administrators snapshot, changing administrator passwords
Configuration view, Administrators snapshot, creating administrators 2nd
Configuration view, Administrators snapshot, functions of
Configuration view, Licensing snapshot, Product Activation dialog
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Centralized Message Logging page 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Content Replication Schedule page 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Date Specific Schedule Type setting 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Day of the Week Specific Schedule Type setting 2nd 3rd 4th
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Device Inventory page 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Event Schedule Type setting
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Inventory Rollup setting
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Is Configured column
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Local Device Logging setting 2nd 3rd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Monthly Schedule Type setting 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, No Schedule Type setting
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Platforms page 2nd 3rd 4th
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Preboot Services page 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Refresh Schedules page 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Relative to Refresh Schedule Type setting 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, Remote Management page 2nd
Configuration view, Management Zone Settings snapshot, System Variables page 2nd
configuring, administrators 2nd
configuring, content replication 2nd
configuring, content replication, Date Specific Schedule type
configuring, content replication, Day of the Week Specific Schedule type 2nd 3rd 4th
configuring, content replication, Monthly Schedule type 2nd 3rd
configuring, content replication, No Schedule type
configuring, PXE menu displays
consultants, Novell Consulting Services
containment rules, Registration Key creation
containment rules, registration rules
Content region (ZENWorks Control Center), List View 2nd
Content region (ZENWorks Control Center), List View, searches
Content region (ZENWorks Control Center), Portal View, snapshots
Content region (ZENWorks Control Center), Settings View
Content region (ZENWorks Control Center), Wizard View
Content Replication Schedule page (Management Zone Settings snapshot) 2nd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page) 2nd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Date Specific Schedule type, Run Event Every Year check box
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Date Specific Schedule type, Select When Schedule Execution Should Start dialog
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Date Specific Schedule type, Start Dates dialog
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Day of the Week Specific Schedule type 2nd 3rd 4th
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Day of the Week Specific Schedule type, Restrict Schedule to the Following Date Range check box
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Day of the Week Specific Schedule type, Select the Days of the Week check box 2nd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Day of the Week Specific Schedule type, Select the “Black Out” Time Ranges When Execution Should Not occur option 2nd 3rd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Day of the Week Specific Schedule type, Select When Schedule Execution Should Start dialog 2nd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Monthly Schedule type 2nd 3rd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), Monthly Schedule type, Black Out option 2nd
Content Replication settings page (ZENworks Control Center, Management Zone Settings page), No Schedule type
content replication, configuring 2nd
content replication, configuring, Date Specific Schedule type
content replication, configuring, Day of the Week Specific Schedule type 2nd 3rd 4th
content replication, configuring, Monthly Schedule type 2nd 3rd
content replication, configuring, No Schedule type
content replication, TED 2nd
Control Center (ZENworks), accessing 2nd
Control Center (ZENworks), Creation Wizard, assigning policies 2nd
Control Center (ZENworks), defining
Control Center (ZENworks), device details, assigning policies 2nd
Control Center (ZENworks), folder details, assigning policies 2nd
Control Center (ZENworks), List view, assigning policies 2nd 3rd
Control Center (ZENworks), policy details, assigning policies
Control Center, Banner, accessing Novell website
Control Center, Content region, List View 2nd
Control Center, Content region, List View, searches
Control Center, Content region, Portal View
Control Center, Content region, Settings View
Control Center, Content region, Wizard View
Control Center, customizing
Control Center, Getting Started page
Control Center, home page, Hot List snapshot
Control Center, home page, System Summary snapshot
Control Center, home page, Upcoming Events snapshot
Control Center, home page, Watch List snapshot
Control Center, home page, ZENworks Health snapshot
Control Center, launching
Control Center, Login screen 2nd
Control Center, navigating
Control Center, Navigation Bar
Control Center, Object Browser
Cookies option (Epiphany policies)
cookies, Allow Sites to Set Cookies option (Firefox policies)
Cool Solutions website 2nd
copying, group membership
copying, Registration Keys
Create a New Report Wizard, columns, defining 2nd
Create a New Report Wizard, columns, rearranging
Create a New Report Wizard, columns, removing
Create a New Report Wizard, data filters, selecting 2nd 3rd
Create a New Report Wizard, folder location, setting
Create a New Report Wizard, reports, sorting
Create Bundle Group Wizard 2nd
Create Bundle Group Wizard, Add Members page
Create New Default Rule Wizard, containment rules
Create New Default Rule Wizard, Edit Default Registration Rules page
Create New Default Rule Wizard, group membership
Create New Default Rule Wizard, Import filters
Create New Default Rule Wizard, naming rules
Create New Default Rule Wizard, Summary page
Create New Registration Key Wizard, containment rules
Create New Registration Key Wizard, group membership
Create New Registration Key Wizard, naming rules
Create New Registration Key Wizard, Summary page 2nd
Creation Wizard, policies, assigning 2nd
custom distributions, creating 2nd 3rd
custom platforms, creating 2nd 3rd
customer support, Novell Advanced Technical Training website
customer support, Novell Support forums
customer support, Novell Technical Support Knowledgebase website
customer support, ZENworks Cool Solutions website 2nd
customer support, ZENworks patches/fixes website
customizing, ZENworks Control Center
data filters, reports, selecting for 2nd 3rd
Data Management (ZENworks)
data members, reports, data member availability table
databases, cleaning
databases, PostgreSQL, accessing
databases, PostgreSQL, relations list
databases, PostgreSQL, website
databases, typical stored information 2nd
Date Specific Schedule type (Content Replication settings page), Run Event Every Year check box
Date Specific Schedule type (Content Replication settings page), Select When Schedule Execution Should Start dialog
Date Specific Schedule type (Content Replication settings page), Start Dates dialog
Date Specific Schedule Type setting (Management Zone Settings snapshot) 2nd
Day of the Week Specific Schedule type (Content Replication settings page) 2nd 3rd 4th
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