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Lane F.S. — The Naked Employee: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy
Lane F.S. — The Naked Employee: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy

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Íàçâàíèå: The Naked Employee: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy

Àâòîð: Lane F.S.


A former attorney, Lane is an author specializing in the impact of technology on society, who has served as an expert witness in cases involving the law and computer- related topics. Following a discussion of some of the reasons for workplace surveillance, Lane examines what degree of surveillance becomes too much. Academic but accessible to the general reader.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.08.2007

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"The Right to Privacy" in Harvard Law Review (Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis)      9
1984 (George Orwell)      118—119
Active Badge (Cambridge University Computer Laboratory)      111—113
ADA, (Americans with Disabilities Act)      46 161 163 164—165 235 262 263
ADA, specific provisions of      246—247
ADA,limitations on preemployment medical examinations      38
Advanced Scout (IBM)      150
Allen, Paul      134
AltaVista Enterprise Search (AltaVista)      150
Always on, always connected (AOAC)      206—207
Amazon.com purchase circles      149—150
American Civil Liberties Union      45 75 232 234 275
American Medical Association      157
American Science & Engineering, Inc.      122
Anonymous remailers      226—228
Anthropological signalment      64—65
Anti-spam legislation      226
Antigame and Antigame Plus (Apreo)      15 131—132
Applied Digital Solutions (ADS)      61—62 205
Background checks growing scope of      33
Background checks of potential hermits      27
Banking Modernization Act of 1999      42
Barringer Protection and Detection Systems      53
Bertillon, Alphonse      64—65 71
Bill of Rights amendments protecting personal property      8
Bill of Rights passage of      7
Biochips and DNA testing      177
Biometric data false acceptance and false rejection      66—67
Biometric data inclusion on IDs      58 179—180
Blood as drug testing medium      167—168
Blood as genetic testing medium      173—174
Bluetooth, as possible employee monitoring tool      147 164 207
BodySearch (American Science & Engineering, Inc.)      122—123
Burch, Frank      71
Burns International      32
Cache files, as Internet monitoring tool      144
Cambridge University Computer Laboratory      111
Cameras, surveillance advances in miniaturization and capabilities      119
Cameras, surveillance prevalence in England      92 116
Cameras, surveillance prevalence in the United States      117—118
Cameras, surveillance use by corporations      118
Cameras, surveillance voyeuristic uses of      119—121
Canady, Representative Charles      256
Cellular telephones and development of m-commerce      194—195
Cellular telephones and E-911 requirements      196—197
Cellular telephones and wiretapping requirements      197
Cellular telephones as a location tool      195—198
Cellular telephones use by law enforcement of location information      197—198
Cellular telephones, industry growth      193
Cellular telephones, privacy implications of      194—198
Census Bureau 1890 tabulation crisis      89
Census Bureau implementation of punch card technology      89—90
City of North Miami v. Kurtz      234—235
Civil Rights Act of 1964      17 165 243—244 263
Clinton, President William J.      94 96 179 198 200 252
Clinton, Senator Hillary      99 252
Colatosti, Tom (Viisage CEO)      75
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)      179
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)      197
Computer files, common types      131
Computer files, storage options      133—134
Computer files, tools and techniques for searching      130—132
Computer forensics, destruction software      136
Computer forensics, durability of computer files      132—136
Computer forensics, legality of searches      136—138
Computer forensics, recovery software      136
Computer games, impact on productivity      15
Computer games, surveillance software      15
Computer Investigations and Infrastructure Threat Assessment Center (CITAC)      96
Court records, as part of background checks      36—37
Credit cards, origins of      189—190
Credit cards, privacy implications of      190
Credit reports, as part of background checks      37—38
Criminal records, and background checks      33—35
Criminal records, and denial of employment      35
Criminal records, cost of checking      34
Current Tax Payment Act      88
Cyberterrorism      19—20
Data mining of employee information      148—152
Database Nation (Simson Garfinkle)      4 71
Daugman, Dr. John      71—73
Davis, Andrew (The Fugitive)      56
Davis, Representative Tom      100
Declaration of Independence      7
Defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA)      76 99 200
Department of Defense (DoD)      60 165 190 200
Department of Energy (DOE)      174 176
Desk rage, testing for      19
Detour and frolic      186—188
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and biochips      177
DNA and Human Genome Project      176—177
DNA as a biometric identification tool      179—180
DNA use of blood to test for genetic disease      173—174
DNA, potential for genetic discrimination      178—179
DNA, prevalence of genetic testing in workplace      175—176
Driver's License Modernization Act of 2002 (proposed)      100
Drugs, cost of testing kits      166—167
Drugs, errors in testing kits      169—170
Drugs, frequency of testing      167
Drugs, national statistics on use      165
Drugs, origins of federal testing programs      165—166
Drugs, privacy implications of testing programs      170—173
Drugs, testing as pretext for DNA test      173
Drugs, tools and techniques for fooling tests      172
Drugs, types of tests      167—170
Drugs, typical testing procedure      171
e-mail, annual volume of e-mail messages      138
e-mail, comparison to protections given to telephone calls      139
e-mail, comparison to protections given to U.S. mail      138—139
e-mail, employee firings for improper use of      141
e-mail, searches of      138—140
E-ZPass, origins of      191—192
E-ZPass, privacy implications of      192—193
Eavesdropping, at work      106—108
Eigenface      75
Electronic Communications Privacy Act      108 129 139 250—252 265—266
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)      275—276
Electronic toll collection (ETC) systems      191—193
Emode.com      47
Employee bill of rights, enforcement provisions      265—266
Employee bill of rights, need for      258—259
Employee bill of rights, preservation of boundary between home and work      265
Employee bill of rights, requirement of disclosure of surveillance      260—261
Employee bill of rights, requirement of limited use of employee information      261
Employee bill of rights, requirement of opt-in for collection of information      259—260
Employee bill of rights, requirement of reasonable suspicion for drug tests      264—265
Employee bill of rights, requirement of restricted use of employee medical information      261—263
Employee IDs, use of magnetic strip technology      109—110
Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)      45—46 245—246
Employee Retirement Income Security Act      161
Employer Identification Number (EIN)      83
Employment Nondiscrimination Act      256—258 263
EnCase (Guidance Software)      136
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)      17 35 244 263
Equifax      245
Evidence Eliminator (Robin Hood Software, Ltd.)      136
Executive Order 13145      179
Executive Order 9397      84
Executone Information Systems      113
FaceIt (Visionics)      76
FaceTrac (Viisage)      74 75
Facial recognition technology      74—76
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)      38 244—245 259
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)      242—243
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)      163 262
FastTracker (Fatline)      150
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)      34 96—99 179 197
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)      196—197
Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS)      95
Ferris v. Delta Air Lines, Inc.      215—216
Filtering and monitoring software      144—146
Fingerprints, as replacement for Bertillon system      65
Fingerprints, as security for portable devices      198
Fingerprints, association with criminal investigations      67
Fingerprints, first use in United States      65
Fingerprints, matching based on correlation or minutiae      66
Fingerprints, scanners      65—66
First Amendment      105 223
Fitness programs, as employee benefit      163
Fitness programs, privacy implications of      163—165
Flom, Dr. Leonard      71
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)      98
Freedom and Privacy Restoration Act (proposed)      86
Freedom of speech in the workplace      105—106
Freeh, Louis      96
Fugitive, The (Andrew Davis)      56
Garfinkle, Simson (Database Nation)      4
Gates, Bill      134
Gene Card™ (SecureCard Technologies)      180
General Services Administration (GSA)      191
Georgia Tech Wearable Motherboard (GTWM)      55
Global Positioning System (GPS)      188 197
Global Telemedia International v. Does      227—228
Google.com, as tool for background checks      39—40
GPS, advertising potential      206
GPS, and surveillance of consumers      203—205
GPS, and surveillance of employees      201—203
GPS, defensive measures against      206—207
GPS, end of selective availability      200
GPS, explanation of      199—200
GPS, industry growth      200
GPS, use in vehicles      200—205
GPS, use in wireless devices      205—206
Graham — Leach — Bliley Act      see “Banking Modernization Act of 1999”
Granite Island Group      109
Graphco Technologies      74
Groves, Kursty      54
Gula, Sharbat      70
Hacking      20—22
Hair, as drug testing medium      168
Hamidi, Kourosh Kenneth      220—221
Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc.      17
Harrison, Ginger      231
Hawaiian Airlines      225
Health Care Financing Administration      234
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)      99 234 252—254 265—266
Health insurance, cancellation due to chronic or catastrophic illness      162—163
Health insurance, impact on privacy of medical records      158—161
Health insurance, origins of      160
Health insurance, self-insurance, growth of      160—161
Hearst, William Randolph      84 85
Herschel, Sir Frederick      111
Hidden cameras, permissibility under NLRA      250
HIPPA, standards for privacy issued pursuant to      253—254
Hippocrates      157
Hollerith, Herman      89—90
Homeland security      97—99 243
Homosexuality, as basis for employment discrimination      256—257
Hoover, J. Edgar      92
Hostile work environment, as basis for workplace litigation      17
Human genome project      176—177
Hygiene Guard (Net/Tech International, Inc.)      115
Hygiene, and infrared monitoring systems      114—116
IBM 077 Collator      91
IBM 701 (computer)      91
IBM 705 (computer)      91—92
Identity theft      87
IDS      see “Employee IDs” “National “National “Photo “Radio-frequency “Smart “Transportation
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act      99
Infineon Technologies AG      55
Information Awareness Office      x 99
InfraGard      97
Infrared, badge systems      111—114
Infrared, development of technology      111
Infrared, discovery of      111
Infrared, hygiene monitoring systems      114—116
Infrared, privacy implications of      114—115
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)      34
Intel Corporation v. Hamidi      220—221
Internal Revenue Service      84 85 91 234
International Business Machines (IBM)      91—92
Internet, impact on productivity      15—16
Internet, monitoring tools      143—146
Internet, privacy rights of employees      147—148
Internet, use of office networks to surf the Web      142—143
Investigator (WinWhatWhere)      128—129 229
Ionscan Sentinel II (Barringer Protection and Detection Systems)      53—54
Iridology      73
Iris, advantages as biometric tool      72
Iris, structure and features of      70—71
Iris, susceptibility to aging and illness      73
Iris, uniqueness of      71
IrisCode™      71
Jeffords, Senator James      257
Kassebaum, Senator Nancy      252
Katz v. United States      107
Kennedy, Senator Edward      252 257
Kershner, Irvin (Never Say Never Again)      71 74
Keystrokes, development of counting technology      128
Keystrokes, hardware monitoring tools and techniques      146—147
Keystrokes, possible link to physical and psychological problems      129—130
Keystrokes, privacy implications      130
Keystrokes, software monitoring tools      128—130
King John, signer of the Magna Carta      5—7
Kroll Associates      135
Kroll, Jules      31—32
Kurtz, Arlene      234—235
Kyllo v. United States      248
Lake, Daniel      232
LaserCards (LaserCard Systems)      58
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory      173—174 179
Leventhal v. Knapek      137
Lie detector tests      44—46
Lifestyle choices, employer supervision of      232—236
Lifestyle choices, legislation banning discrimination based on      233—234
Litigation, as rationalization for workplace surveillance      16—18
Litigation, examples of Internet-related harassment claims      16—17
Local feature analysis      76
Log files, as Internet monitoring tool      143
logic bombs      13
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)      231
Magna Carta      5—7 116
Magnetic strips ("magstripes")      109—110
Major, Prime Minister (U.K.) John      116
Mallia, Edward      230—231
McIntyre, Professor Michael      19
Medical and health records, as part of background checks      38—39
Medical and health records, employer misuse of      261—263
Medical and health records, privacy of      157—165
Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson      244
MetroCard      193
Miller, George and Tracy      231—232
Minority Report (Spielberg)      73—74
Misuse of information by federal government      92—93
Mitnick, Kevin      20—21
Moran, Representative Jim      100
Motor vehicle records, as part of background checks      35—36
MS-DOS (Microsoft)      132 134
Naked Society, The (Vance Packard)      44—45 118
National Crime Information Center (NCIC)      34
National Directory of New Hires      94—95
National Directory of New Hires, expansion of original role      95—96
National Geographic      70
National identification, efforts to create      87
National identification, proposals to use state driver's licenses as      99—100
National identification, use of Social Security Number as      84—87
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)      96
National Institutes of Health      176
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)      249—250
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)      222
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