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Massol V., O'Brien T.M. — Maven: A Developer's Notebook
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Название: Maven: A Developer's Notebook
Авторы: Massol V., O'Brien T.M.
Аннотация: Maven is a new project management and comprehension tool which provides an elegant way to share build logic across projects. In terms of capabilities, Maven is an improvement to Apache Ant-thanks to numerous plug-ins and built-in integration with unit testing frameworks such as JUnit. Tired of writing the same build logic for every project? Using Maven, you can leverage the experience of the community to avoid the tedious process of creating yet another build script for each new project.
Maven: A Developer's Notebook begins by introducing you to the concept of project object model (POM), and then offers further details on the essential features of Maven. Like all titles in O'Reilly's Developer's Notebook series, this no-nonsense book skips the boring prose and cuts right to the chase. It's an approach that forces you to get your hands dirty by working through a series of poignant labs-exercises that speak to you instead of at you.
Plus, Maven: A Developer's Notebook is the first book on the subject to hit the market, so you know the information is fresh and timely. If you're a Java programmer, you'll be armed with all the critical information you need to get up to speed on this powerful new build tool. You'll discover how Maven can help you:
manage a project's build, reporting, and documentation, all from a central piece of information
break a complex project into a series of smaller subprojects
report on code quality, unit tests, code duplication, and project activity
create a custom remote repository
build simple and complex plug-ins
In the end, you'll find yourself spending less time working on your project's build system and more time working on your project's code.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 224
Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
-o option, command-line, offline builds
-X test, debug output
acceptance tests, acceptance subproject
aggregators, Dashboard plug-in and
aggregators, Dashboard report
Announcement plug-in
announcement:mail goal
Ant, build files, generating
Ant, Maven as replacement
Ant, migrating projects to Maven
Ant, task element
ant:arg goal
Apache Ant
Apache, Axis plug-in
App class, JAR file and
Application Generation plug-in [See Genapp]
architecture of binary dependencies build strategy
around keyword
artifact:deploy goal
artifacts, core JAR artifact, publishing
artifacts, offline builds and
artifacts, publishing
artifacts, sharing, repository
ASF (Apache Software Foundation), Maven download
aspect keyword
Aspect, logging/writing
Atom feeds
Atom Utilities library
auto-downloading plug-ins
Axis plug-in (Apache)
Axis plug-in (Apache), output
axis:compile goal
axis:wsdl2java goal
axis:wsdl2java goal, postGoal
axis:wsdl2java goal, preGoal
axis:wsdl2java goal, WSDL and
best practices reporting (code)
binary dependencies
binary dependencies, build strategy architecture
binary dependencies, Continuous Integration and
book conventions
book organization
book web site
book's examples
build files, generating (Ant)
build.properties file, remote positories and
building subprojects simultaneously
builds, Continuous Integration
builds, offline
built-in properties
change tracking
Changelog plug-in 2nd
Checkstyle plug-in
Checkstyle report
choice, migration and
client library generation
code examples, using
code, best practices reporting
code, duplicate, reports
code, passive code genration
collaboration, binary dependencies
collaboration, installation sharing
collaboration, remote repository
collaborative projects, information tracking
common/project.xml file
compiling, projects
configuration, proxy servers 2nd
configuration, subprojects
connection element, SCM
content reports
Continuous Integration build
Continuous Integration build, binary dependencies and
Continuous Integration build, CruiseControl
Continuum, Continuous Integration tool
contributors tags
conventions in book
core JAR artifact
CPD (Copy Paste Detector)
CPD (Copy Paste Detector), PMD and
CruiseControl, configuration
CruiseControl, Continuous Integration build and
CruiseControl, installation
CruiseControl, Subversion and
custom goals, running programs
custom libraries, goals and
customization, goal writing
customization, goals, top-level
customization, Maven 2
customization, plug-ins
customization, properties
customization, XDoc plug-in
CVS repositories
DamageControl, Continuous Integration tool
Dashboard plug-in
Dashboard plug-in, aggregators
Dashboard plug-in, multiproject:site goal
Dashboard report, aggregators
dashboard, generating
dashboard:report-single goal
debugging, debug information
debugging, output
default goal
dependencies element, adding dependencies and
Dependencies report
dependencies tag
dependencies, adding
dependencies, binary
dependencies, dynamic
dependencies, enumeration
dependencies, home directory repository
dependencies, id element and
dependencies, locating
dependencies, Maven 2
dependencies, plug-ins
dependencies, reporting and
dependencies, SNAPSHOTS
dependencies, Spring Framework and
dependencies, static
dependencies, tagging with property
dependencies, transitive
Developer-Activity plug-in
developers tags
development team, reporting and
directories, springframework
directories, target directory
documentation, projects
Downloads link
downloads, Maven
downloads, Maven, Unix platform
downloads, Maven, Windows platform
downloads, plug-ins
downloads, Tomcat
duplicate code, reporting
dynamic dependencies
Eclipse, plug-ins and
Eclipse, project generation
elements, extent
elements, links
elements, mailingLists
elements, reports
enumeration, dependencies
examples in book
executing goals, Maven Console
execution, Logifier plug-in
extent element
FAQ plug-in
File System (fs) protocol
File-Activity plug-in
flexibility, migrating and
FTP protocol
functional tests
Genapp, new projects
generate.tests property
generating code, passive generation
generating reports, plug-ins for
goals, announcement:mail
goals, artifact:deploy
goals, custom
goals, custom, running programs
goals, custom, writing
goals, dashboard:report-single
goals, default
goals, executing, Maven Console
goals, Jar plug-in, listing
goals, jarexec:run
goals, javadoc
goals, listing available
goals, logifier:compile
goals, multiproject:install
goals, multiproject:site
goals, plug-ins
goals, plugin:download, interactive mode
goals, postGoal
goals, preGoal
goals, top-level, custom
goals, war:install
graphs, history graphs
Gump, Continuous Integration tool
history graphs
HtmlUnit tests
iajc Ant task
id element, dependencies and
IDD (Issue Driven Development)
inheritance, POM
installation, CruiseControl
installation, plug-ins
installation, plug-ins from remote repository
installation, plug-ins from source
installation, plug-ins manual
installation, prerequisites
installation, sharing
IntelliJ IDEA 2nd
Issue Tracking report
issueTrackingUrl tag 2nd
j:set tag
Jakarta Turbine
JAR execution plug-in, writing
jar files
JAR files, project compiling and
JAR files, project testing and
jar goal
jar goal, events triggered
JAR plug-in
JAR plug-in, goals, listing
JAR plug-in, jar:jar goal execution
jar:jar goal, executing
jarexec:run goal
Java compatibility
java:compile goal
java:compile goal, axis:compile goal and
java:compile goal, output
java:compile goal, postGoal
java:compile goal, preGoal
Javaapp plug-in
javadoc goal
JBuilder 2nd
Jelly scripts, POM information
Jelly tag library
jelly:ant namespace
JellyContext variable
Jetty plug-in
JSL, XDoc plug-in and
libraries, Atom Utilities library
libraries, client
libraries, client, custom goals and
libraries, client, generation
License plug-in
Linkcheck plug-in
links element
logging Aspect, writing
Logifier plug-in
Logifier plug-in, execution
Logifier plug-in, logic
logifier:compile goal
mailing lists
Mailing Lists report
mailing lists, reporting and
mailingLists element
mailingLists tag
manual installation, plug-ins
Massol, Vincent
Maven 2
Maven 2, customization
Maven 2, dependency
Maven 2, performance
Maven 2, plug-ins
Maven as replacement for Ant 2nd
Maven Console
Maven Console, goals, executing
Maven, download
Maven, download, Unix
Maven, download, Windows platform
Maven, installation
Maven, migrating Ant projects to
Maven, overview
maven:get tag, properties and
MAVEN_REPO variable, Eclipse
Mevenide plug-in
multi-artifact projects
Multiproject plug-in
Multiproject plug-in, web site
multiproject web site
multiproject:install goal
multiproject:site goal
multiproject:site goal, Dashboard plug-in and
navigation.xml, syntax and
new projects
new projects, Genapp
new projects, POM (Project Object Model)
offline builds
offline builds, -o option
offline builds, artifacts and
offline mode
offline mode, repository disabling