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Lester A. — MAC OS X Tiger in a Nutshell |
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nidump utility
nidump utility, backups for Directory Services database
nidump utility, dumping groups directory in /etc/group file format
nidump utility, groups, listing
nidump utility, listing users 2nd
nifind command
nigrep command
niload command
niload utility
niload utility, adding users
niload utility, creating a host
niload utility, creating groups
niload utility, creating users
nireport command
nireport utility 2nd
nireport utility, listing all GIDs and group names
nireport utility, listing all users
NIS, flat files and
niutil command
niutil utility
nohlsearch command (ex)
nohup command
nohup vncserver command
notifyd command
nslookup command
nslookup command, interactive commands
nslookup command, options
ntp-wait command
ntptimeset command
number command (ex)
nvram command
od command 2nd
Open command
open command, ex
Open Directory 2nd
Open Firmware variables, modifying
open-x11 command
opendiff command
Option-click, simulating middle-mouse button
OroborOSX (web site)
osacompile command
osalang command
osascript command
osx2x application
OSXvnc application
OSXvnc application, configuration options
OSXvnc application, configuring as startup item
OSXvnc application, starting on Mac OS X machine with VNC server
OSXvnc application, support for multiple monitors
passwd command 2nd
passwords, authenticating user with Linux-PAM
passwords, encrypted
passwords, groups, setting for
passwords, managing with Directory Services
passwords, retrieving with getspnam( )
passwords, setting with passwd command
passwords, user created with dscl
Paste command 2nd
path separators
Pattern matching
pattern matching, examples of searching and replacing
pattern matching, filenames versus patterns
pattern matching, replacement patterns
pax command
pax command, examples
pax command, options
pbcopy command
pbpaste command
pdisk command
pdisk command, options
percent (%), bash job ID argument
periodic command
permissions, viewing and modifying
personal file sharing
Personal Web Sharing
Ping command
pl command
plist files
plist files, editing
plist files, formats
plist files, structure of
plug-ins (directory service), supported by Directory Access
plutil command 2nd
pmset command
POP services
popd command
popd command, bash
ports, VNC and ssh
POSIX, character classes
Postfix Enabler
Postfix, configuring mail server
Postfix, good reference book on
Postfix, using
PostScript, converting text files to
PPP (Point-to-Point protocol) connections
pr command 2nd
preference files
preference filesproperty lists
Preferences menu (X11)
preserve command (ex)
previous command (ex)
print command (ex)
printenv command 2nd
printers, AppleTalk
printers, AppleTalk to be used with atprint
printers, sharing
printf command
printf command, bash
printing command
printing, SLP and SMB protocols
process management
process management, backgrounded processes
process management, seeing processes
process management, Terminal
processes, seeing
Property List column (Property List Editor)
Property List Editor 2nd
Property List Editor, using
property lists
property lists, com.apple
property lists, com.apple, .finder
property lists, com.apple, .finder, editing
property lists, naming conventions
property lists, StartupParameters
property lists, viewing and editing
property listsplist files
ps command 2nd 3rd
ps command, keywords
ps command, options
ps command, with aux options
ps command, x option
pushd command (bash)
put command (ex)
pwd command 2nd
pwd command, bash
qall command (ex)
Qt libraries (X11-based)
Quartz window manager 2nd 3rd
QuickTime (/Library folder)
| quit command (ex)
quota command
RandR (Resize and Rotate) extension
rcp command 2nd
read command
read command, bash
read command, ex
read permission
readonly command (bash)
reboot command 2nd
recover command (ex)
redo command (ex)
remote Apple Events
remote copy command
Remote Desktop Client (RDC), Microsoft
remote login services 2nd
remote shell (RSH)
renice command
Resize and Rotate (RandR) extension
resize command (ex)
resource forks
resource forks, preserving for user home directory
return command (bash)
Return command (ex)
rev command 2nd
rewind command (ex)
right command (ex)
right-mouse clicks
rlogin command 2nd
rm command 2nd
rmdir command 2nd
root, directories
root, directories, local directory hierarchy
root, exploring
root, filesystem, mounting as read/write
rootless and full-screen modes, X11 2nd
RSH (remote shell) 2nd
rsync command
rsync command, examples
rsync command, options
rxvt, replacement for xterm
say command
sbnext command (ex)
sbuffer command (ex)
scp command
script command 2nd
script command, ex
Scriptable Image Processing System (SIPS) tool
scselect command
scutil command
scutil command, commands
scutil command, options
sdiff command 2nd
searching, and replacing examples
searching, configuring for Directory Access Authentication tab
searching, for files
searching, vi editor, in
secure FTP
Secure Shell
sed command 2nd
select command (bash)
service command
Service location protocol (SLP)
Services panel (Sharing panel)
set command
set command, bash
set command, ex 2nd
SetFile command
sftp command
SharePoints subdirectory
Sharing panel
Sharing panel, Apple Remote Desktop
Sharing panel, Firewall panel
Sharing panel, FTP Access
Sharing panel, Internet panel
Sharing panel, Personal File Sharing
Sharing panel, Personal Web Sharing
Sharing panel, Printer Sharing
Sharing panel, Remote Apple Events
Sharing panel, Remote Login
Sharing panel, running network services through
Sharing panel, Windows Sharing
Sharing panelServices panel
sharing, files
sharing, printers
shell command (ex)
shells, common features
shells, differing features
shells, overview
shells, setting default
shells, uses for
shift command (bash)
shopt command (bash)
showmount command
shutdown command
single-user mode
single-user mode, to restore Directory Services database
sips command
sips command, examples
sips command, options
sleep command
slogin command
SLP (Service Location Protocol)
slp_reg command
SMB (Server Message Block)
SMB/CIFS (Server Message Block/Common Internet File System) protocol
snext command (ex)
softwareupdate command
Sort command 2nd
source command
source command (bash)
source command, ex
special folders in root directory
Speech Synthesis manager
split command 2nd
split command, ex
SplitForks command
spray command
sprevious command (ex)
srm command
SSH (Secure Shell) 2nd
ssh command
SSH, commercial version, using with X11 forwarding
SSH, tunneling VNC connection without TightVNC
SSH, using ssh with X11 forwarding
SSH, VNC connections to Mac OS X Aqua desktops
sshd_config file
sshd_config file, enabling X11 forwarding
startup items
startup items, configuring
startup items, configuring OSXvnc as
StartupItems, StartupParameters.plist file
stop command
stop command, ex
strings command 2nd
strip command
stty command 2nd
stty command, combination modes
stty command, control assignments
stty command, control modes
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