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Gross J.M., McInnis K.R. — Kanban Made Simple: Demystifying and Applying Toyota's Legendary Manufacturing Process |
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Time available, calculations for 54—55 56
Timeline, for kanban implementation 25—26
Total productive maintenance (TPM), instructions 170
Total productive maintenance (TPM), time available for 54
Toyoda, Kiichero 2
Toyoda, Sakichi 2
Toyota Motor Company, JIT manufacturing at 2
Toyota Production System (TPS) and continuous loop of improvement 161
Toyota Production System (TPS), seven wastes identified by 6
Toyota Production System (TPS), use of kanban cards 90 92
Training as step in kanban implementation 10—11
Training for changeover 166
Training for what-if 129 132 134
Training in kanban basics 126—128
Training in kanban operations 128—132
Training in kanban process flow 125 127 130
Training in kanban rules 131
Training in kanban techniques 27—28
Training in use of red signal 131
Training, importance of 139—140
Training, materials for 126
Training, need for 118
Training, role of coach and mentor in 135
Transition plan, for kanban implementation 118—120
| Transportation cost, reduction of 63 173—174
Transportation time, expedition of 230—231
Travel, elimination of 163
Two-bin kanban systems, purpose of 189 195
Two-bin kanban systems, sample parts list 190—193
Two-bin kanban systems, set-up of 194—195
Two-card system, FIFO box used in 101 102
Two-card system, used as scheduling signal 99—101 103
Two-part number kanban, data collection for 41—42
Two-part number kanban, replenishment interval for 59
Two-part number kanban, time available for changeovers for 57
Value stream mapping 14
Value stream mapping in selecting target process 38
Vendor selection process 198—199 201
Visual aids, tips for use of 114
Visual management plan, for kanban design 88 112—114
Visual signals, used for scheduling 6 7
Waiting, elimination of 163
Warehouse racks, as scheduling signal 95 105—106
Wasted motion, elimination of 163
WIP loops 216—217
Womack, James P. 14
Work cell, functions of 200—201
Work cell, production scheduling by 200
Work cell, vendor selection by 201
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