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Maruska D. — How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues
Maruska D. — How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues

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Íàçâàíèå: How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues

Àâòîð: Maruska D.


Emphasizing the importance of concentrating on shared goals, Maruska (a consultant) outlines a practical approach to making decisions in a variety of organizational settings. He introduces problem solving tools and explains their application in different situations, such as working under extreme time constraints and in very large groups. The book includes individual and group checklists for assessing the strengths of a decision-making environment and identifying areas for improvement.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ðàçíîå/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 207

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.08.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"I" statements      70 150 151 181
30 Minute Miracle      8 29 133—140
Acting out, to physicalize ideas      68
Action assignments, to implement solutions      152
Agendas: as decision-making obstacle      13 15
Agendas: attachment to      18 102
Agendas: hidden      17
Agendas: in large groups      164
Agents of hope      10 122 142 184—190
Agreements, clarity of      182
Analysis, excessive      85
Artist's Way at Work: Riding the Dragon (Bryan)      68
Authoritarianism      18 19
Balance Nails exercise      179—180 183
Behavioral patterns: changing      144—148
Behavioral patterns: consistent      181
Blackmail, as decision-making tactic      20
brainstorming      31 79 136
Bribery, as decision-making tactic      20
Broder, David      149
Bryan, Mark      68
burnout      17
Business economics, defined      13—14
Case studies: on enlisting everyone      36—38
Case studies: on exploring hopes      48—49
Case studies: on identifying all options      73—75
Case studies: on information exchange      92—95
Case studies: on information gathering      83—84
Case studies: on looking ahead      117—118
Case studies: on mapping solutions      109—111
Case studies: on recognizing results      123—125
Case studies: on uncovering real issues      62—63
Case studies: on written options      100—102
Celebrations: as unifying      139
Celebrations: for large groups      166
Celebrations: role of      127—129
Choices, as persuasive technique      144
Commitment: lack of      100 181
Commitment: rebuilding      26
Commitment: to written options      103
Communication: for virtual teams      172
Communication: guidelines for      150—151
Communication: spoken versus written      159
Community groups: inclusive approach used by      38 39
Community groups: ten-step process used by      28 29
conference calls      170 172
Confidence: building      26 44
Confidence: eroding      40
Confidentiality      104—106 108
Consensus      113
Control: in groups      143—144 157
Control: leadership and      141—142
Control: of outcomes      185
Control: quest for      15 16 17
Control:competition for      53
Creativity: in innovation      18
Creativity: tapping into      27 143
Credibility: of products      136
Credibility: of working groups      86 164 165
Debate: as decision-making tactic      19
Debate: avoiding      95 98 99
Debate: drawbacks of      90—92
Debate: moderating      149—150
Debate: nonproductive      12 44 176
Decision making: as linear versus cyclical process      26
Decision making: by secret ballot      104—106 108
Decision making: change as component of      118—119 121
Decision making: consensus-driven      113
Decision making: fear as factor in      12—21
Decision making: for large groups      158—167
Decision making: hopes as factor in      3 5 21—26 128
Decision making: ineffective      11—12 18
Decision making: midcourse review of      120—121
Decision making: organizational dynamics in      8
Decision making: process for      see Ten-step process
Decision making: results of      112
Decision making: speed of      133—134 139
Diversity: as decision-making factor      8
Diversity: of information sources      88
Diversity: of viewpoints      106
Diversity: unifying through shared hopes      50—51
Divisiveness: group dynamics of      18 43
Divisiveness: overcoming      24—26 174—175 183
Divisiveness: shared hopes and      60
Drawing, to physicalize ideas      68 79
E*Trade      23—24
E-mail, information sharing via      171 172
E-teams      8 168—173
Enemies, creating      40
Exclusion: from decision making      17 27
Exclusion: results of      40—41
Expectations: as limiting      48 50 142
Expectations: attachment to      18
Expectations: versus hopes      4 17
Facilitators: choosing      152—154
Facilitators: role of      149 155—157
Facilitators: skills of      154—155
Fear: as motivator      2 14 187 188
Fear: cycle of      32
Fear: decision-making role of      12—21
Fear: ego-driven      141—142
Fear: negative effects of      14 147 185
Fear: overcoming      125 126
Feelings: expressing      67 70
Feelings: gut-level      79
Feelings: reflecting      66—68 70
Fighters, as decision makers      19—20
Fortune 500 companies, ten-step process used by      28 29
Gallwey, Tim      147
Governments, ten-step process used by      28 29
Greed, as motivator      185 187
Growth businesses, ten-step process used by      28 29
Hope(s): agents of      10 122 142 184—190
Hope(s): as flip side of fear      57—58
Hope(s): as overcoming detail difficulties      52—56
Hope(s): as solution source      51—52
Hope(s): connecting with      57—59
Hope(s): cycle of      32
Hope(s): exploring      21—23 47 59—60
Hope(s): in sustaining results      56—57 125
Hope(s): of large groups      162
Hope(s): organizational benefits of      23—24
Hope(s): shared      5 50—51 86 128 135 151 175
Hope(s): teamwork role of      3 12
Hope(s): to evaluate options      97 100 102—103 107
Hope(s): to focus information      84—85 87—89
Hope(s): versus expectations      4 48—49
Human software      11 26 173
Inclusion Checklist      45
Inclusion: effect of fear on      46
Inclusion: group dynamics and      43—44
Inclusion: in information gathering      88
Inclusion: need for      35—38
Inclusion: of stakeholders      38—42
Inclusion: of written options      103
Inclusion: practicing      44—45
Information gathering: for large groups      164
Information gathering: from stakeholders      38—42
Information gathering: from unexpected sources      44
Information gathering: hopes as focus for      84—85 87—89
Information gathering: ineffective      18
Information gathering: presenting results of      85—86
Information gathering: to find solutions      81—84
Information sharing: for large groups      165
Information sharing: practice of      92—100
Information sharing: The Inner Game of Tennis (Gallwey)      147
Information sharing: versus debate      90—92 151
Information sharing: via e-mail      171 172
Innovation: catalysts for      76—77 78
Innovation: obstacles to      18
Instant polling      173
Intelligent teamwork      3
Issues: expressing physically      68
Issues: identifying      61—62 69—71 135
Issues: presenting versus underlying      63—66
Issues: targeting      69
Issues: unresolved      82
Leadership and the New Science (Wheatley)      185
Leadership: behavior patterns of      144—148
Leadership: ego as factor in      141—142
Leadership: positive      185 186
Learning cycle      119
Listening: as sounding board      66—68
Listening: during information sharing      98
Listening: effective      70
Listening: in 30 Minute Miracle process      135
Listening: to identify issues      61—65 69
Majority rule      18 19—20 106
Media, success stories shared with      126—127
Meetings: communication guidelines for      150—151
Meetings: for dispersed groups      169—170 172
Meetings: for large groups      159—166
Meetings: inclusive approach to      42—43 44
Meetings: ownership for      152 160
Meetings: shared hopes as focus of      60
Meetings: trust breakdown at      181
Meetings: versus e-mail      171
Middle managers, organizational role of      8
Multinational businesses: decision-making challenges of      8
Multinational businesses: ten-step process for      168—173
Nonconfrontationalists, as decision makers      20—21
Nonjudgmental awareness      147
Nonprofit organizations, ten-step process used by      28 29
Options: advocating for      86 87 90 96 104 164
Options: deciding on      104—106 136—138
Options: evaluating      80 93—99 100—108 137—138 165 170
Options: for large groups      162—165
Options: identifying      72—75 78—79 136
Options: innovative      76—77 99
Options: open approach to      75—76
Options: overlooking      17—18
Organizations: core values of      126 128
Organizations: dysfunctional dynamics in      8 178 181 183
Organizations: leadership of      185 186
Organizations: multinational      8 168—169
Organizations: success factors in      26—27
Organizations: ten-step process used by      28 29
Organizations: ten-step survey of      195—197
Ownership: of thoughts/feelings      70
Ownership: shared      42 44
Ownership:of meetings      152 160
Personal principles      188—189
Persuasive techniques      141—148
Positive inquisitiveness      120
Problem solving      See also Solutions
Problem solving, identifying issues in      61
Problem solving, identifying options in      73 74
Problem solving, information gathering for      81—82
Problem solving, multiple paths to      104
Public speaking      159
Quick Use Guide      30 31—32
Raim, Jeff      179
Recognition: group versus individual      2 13 15—16 122 128
Recognition: of positive results      123—129 139
Resources, allocating      14
Scarcity, organizational fear of      2 3 13 15—17
Sculpting, to physicalize ideas      68
Secret ballots: tabulating      110—111 113
Secret ballots: to select options      104—106 108 138
Secret ballots: via e-mail      171 172
Shuttle diplomacy      43
Silo thinking      82
Solution Finder      110—115
Solutions: alternative      116—117 119—121
Solutions: mapping      109—115 138
Solutions: shared      152
Solutions: status quo      80 83 97—98 137
Solutions: sustaining      51—52
Stakeholders: contributions from      38—42
Stakeholders: identifying      44
Stakeholders: in large groups      159 164
Stakeholders: sharing concerns of      86
Stevens, Art      4—5
Storytelling: by successful teams      126—127 129
Storytelling: to change team dynamics      147
Strategies for overcoming obstacles: #1: 30—Minute Miracle      133—140
Strategies for overcoming obstacles: #2: persuasive techniques      141—148
Strategies for overcoming obstacles: #3: self-directed process      149—157
Strategies for overcoming obstacles: #4: large groups      158—167
Strategies for overcoming obstacles: #5: e-teams      168—173
Strategies for overcoming obstacles: #6: building trust      174—183
Teamwork      See also Working groups
Teamwork, conflict in      175—183
Teamwork, dynamics of      143 147—148
Teamwork, effect of fear on      15
Teamwork, effective      9
Teamwork, facilitating      149—157
Teamwork, intelligent      3
Teamwork, obstacles in      1 7—8
Teamwork, persuasive      141
Teamwork, rewarding      123
Teamwork, virtual      8 168—173
Technology: for virtual teams      169—173
Technology: information transmitted by      11
Ten-Step Improvement Checklist      191—197
Ten-step process: applications for      28—29
Ten-step process: assessing      191—197
Ten-step process: development of      3—6
Ten-step process: duration of      29—30
Ten-step process: effectiveness of      6—7 9 97 190
Ten-step process: for e-teams      168
Ten-step process: group size and      158
Ten-step process: in decision-making dynamic      27—28
Ten-step process: persuasive techniques for      145—146
Ten-step process: Quick Use Guide to      30 31—32
Ten-step process: self-directed      149—157
Ten-step process: sequence of      139—140
Ten-step process: Step #10: Stay Charged Up      122—129 139
Ten-step process: Step #1: Enlist Everyone      35—46 135
Ten-step process: Step #2: Discover Shared Hopes      47—60 135
Ten-step process: Step #3: Uncover the Real Issues      61—71 135—136 143
Ten-step process: Step #4: Identify All Options      72—80 136
Ten-step process: Step #5: Gather the Right Information      81—89
Ten-step process: Step #6: Get Everything on the Table      90—99 137—138
Ten-step process: Step #7: Write Down Choices That Support Shared Hopes      100—108 138
Ten-step process: Step #8: Map the Solutions      109—115 138
Ten-step process: Step #9: Look Ahead      116—121 139
Ten-step process: to overcome divisiveness      24—26
Ten-step process: trust in      182
Ten-Step Quotient (TQ)      194 196 197
Ten-step survey results      195—197
Trade*Plus      23
Trust: building      26 44 65 166 174—183
Trust: defined      175
Trust: eroding      40 181
Trust: within teams      153 170
Virtual teams: decision-making challenges of      8
Virtual teams: ten-step process for      168—173
Weapons and Shields exercise      176—178
Web tools, virtual team use of      171 172
Wheatley, Margaret (Meg)      185
Win-lose dynamics      16
Win-win dynamics      18 22
Working groups      See also Teamwork
Working groups as representatives      158—167
Working groups, control in      143—144 157
Working groups, credibility of      86
Working groups, dynamics of      43—44
Working groups, large versus small      137
Working groups, relationships within      139
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