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Zahariadis Th. — Home Networking Technologies and Standards |
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100Base-FX 109
100BASE-SX 110
100BASE-T4 109
100Base-TX 109
100VG-AnyLAN 110
5-GHz Partnership Project (5GPP) 104
5-GHz Unified Protocol (5-UP) 104—105
5-GHz Unified Protocol (5-UP), defined 104
5-GHz Unified Protocol (5-UP), scalable carrier allocation 105. See also Emerging wireless technologies
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) 84
ADSL Lite 20—21
Analog public switched telephone network (PSTN) 13—14
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) 19—20
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), defined 19
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), installation 20
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), network architecture 19
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), spectrum allocation 20
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), splitterless network architecture 21. See also xDSL
Asynchronous data transport 110
bandwidth requirements 7—8
Barker sequence 75 76
basic service set (BSS) 73
Binary phase shift keying (BPSK) 75
Bluetooth 65—70
Bluetooth, adapters and devices 71
Bluetooth, air interface format 67—68
Bluetooth, cable-free networking 70
Bluetooth, car hands-free adapters 71
Bluetooth, connection support 65
Bluetooth, defined 65
Bluetooth, development/promotion 65
Bluetooth, evolution of 93—94
Bluetooth, example products 69—70
Bluetooth, FSS TDD slot structure 67
Bluetooth, host control interface (HCI) 68
Bluetooth, human interface devices 70
Bluetooth, installed products estimation 94
Bluetooth, L2CAP 69
Bluetooth, market share 94
Bluetooth, modules 70
Bluetooth, network architecture 65—66
Bluetooth, packet structure 68
Bluetooth, piconet cells 66
Bluetooth, problems 93
Bluetooth, product examples 69—70
Bluetooth, protocol stack 68—69
Bluetooth, SDP 69
Bluetooth, software architecture 68
Bluetooth, TCS 69
Bluetooth, wireless hands-free headsets 69. See also Wireless in-home technologies
Cable modem termination system (CMTS) 24
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) 77
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), algorithm illustration 77
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), contention period 84
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) 77
Consumer-electronic bus (CEBus) 44—46
Consumer-electronic bus (CEBus), CAL 45—46
Consumer-electronic bus (CEBus), defined 44—45
Consumer-electronic bus (CEBus), objective 45
Consumer-electronic bus (CEBus), protocol stack 45 46
Consumer-electronic bus (CEBus), specification 45
Copy Protection Technical Working Group (CPTWG) 111
customer premises equipment (CPE) 11
Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) 25—27
Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) in wireless environments 26—27
Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), defined 25
Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), MAC 25—26
Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), Physical Layer 25
Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), spectrum allocation 26
Data Packet Radio Service (DPRS) 65
Dense DWM (DWDM) 27
Device control module (DCM) 132—133
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) 60—65
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) in wireless home network 64—65. See also Wireless in-home technologies
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), base stations 62
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), Cordless Terminal Mobility (CTM) 60
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), DCSA 62—63
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), defined 60
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), diversity 63—64
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), fixed points (FPs) 61 62
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), Forum 61
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), intercell handover 64
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), intracell handover 64
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), MC/TDMA/TDD transmission 62
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), mobility/handover 63
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), network architecture 61—62
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), operational characteristics 62—64
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), picocells 61
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), security 64
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), spectrum efficiency 64
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), terminals 61—62
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), time slots 62
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), time-frame structure 63
Digital subscriber line (DSL), defined 16
Digital subscriber line (DSL), invention 16
Digital subscriber line (DSL), variations 17. See also xDSL
Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) 37
distributed coordination function (DCF) 77
Emerging wireless technologies 91—106
Emerging wireless technologies, 5-GHz UP 104—105
Emerging wireless technologies, Bluetooth 2.0 93—94
Emerging wireless technologies, comparison 105
Emerging wireless technologies, HIPERLAN2 101—104
Emerging wireless technologies, IEEE 802.11a 96—98
Emerging wireless technologies, IEEE 802.15 3 98—101
Emerging wireless technologies, IrDA Lite 92
Emerging wireless technologies, IrOBEX 59—60 92
Emerging wireless technologies, summary 105—106
Emerging wireless technologies, VFIR 92
End-to-end reference architecture 5—11
End-to-end reference architecture, defined 9—10
End-to-end reference architecture, illustrated 9
End-to-end reference architecture, indoor network 11
Ericsson/Anoto ChatPen 70 71
Ethernet 107—111
Ethernet, 100BASE-FX 109
Ethernet, 100BASE-SX 110
Ethernet, 100BASE-T4 109
Ethernet, 100BASE-TX 109
Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN 110
Ethernet, advanced cards 111
Ethernet, bus topology 108
Ethernet, defined 107
Ethernet, fast, standards 109—111
Ethernet, LAN topologies 107—108
Ethernet, PCI cards 110
Ethernet, star topology 108
Ethernet, switching technologies 108—109
Ethernet, USB comparison 113—114. See also New-wiring technologies
European Home Systems (EHS) 146—147
European Home Systems (EHS), defined 146
European Home Systems (EHS), network characteristics 146—147. See also Middleware technologies
European Home Systems Association (EHSA) 146
Existing home wiring 41—52
Existing home wiring, coaxial cable 50—51
Existing home wiring, phone line 47—50
Existing home wiring, powerline 42—47
Existing home wiring, summary 51—52
Existing home wiring, technology comparison 52
Far-end crosstalk (FEXT) 17
Fast Ethernet standards 109—111
Fiber networks 11
FireWire See IEEE 1394
Fixed-wireless technologies 11
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) 18
FTTx 27—29
FTTx, FTTC 27—29
FTTx, network hierarchy 28
| Generic Event Notification Architecture (GENA) 136—137
Geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellites 36 37
High bit-rate digital subscriber line (HDSL) 21
High-Performance Radio Local Area Network See HIPERLAN; HIPERLAN2
High-speed powerline carrier 46
HiperLAN 84—87
HIPERLAN, bandwidth 85
HIPERLAN, channel access control sublayer 85—86
HIPERLAN, defined 84 85
HIPERLAN, network architecture 85
HIPERLAN, packet lifetime 86—87
HIPERLAN, packet priority 86 87
HIPERLAN, Physical Layer 85
HIPERLAN, protocol stack 86
HIPERLAN, software architecture 85—86. See also Wireless in-home technologies
HIPERLAN2 101—104
HIPERLAN2, convergence sublayers 103—104
HIPERLAN2, defined 101
HIPERLAN2, DLC Control Plane 103
HIPERLAN2, flexibility 101
HIPERLAN2, frame structure 103
HIPERLAN2, IEEE 1394 interoperation 123
HIPERLAN2, IEEE protocols comparison 102
HIPERLAN2, Physical Layer 102
HIPERLAN2, protocol stack 102
HIPERLAN2, QoS support 101—102
HIPERLAN2, selective repeat ARQ EC mechanism 103
HIPERLAN2, software architecture 102—104
Home access networks, wireless 33—38
Home access networks, wireline 13—30
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi) 128—133
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), characteristics 129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), communication media managers (CMMs) 130
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), consumer electronic categories 130
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), defined 128—129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), device control module (DCM) 132—133
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), distributed control 129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), interoperability 129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), manufacturers 129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), messaging system 132
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), objective 129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), PnP 129
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), software architecture 130—133
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), software architecture illustration 131
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), stream manager 132
Home Audio-Video Interoperability (HAVi), upgrade capability 129. See also Middleware technologies
Home automation services 7
Home Cable Network Alliance (HomeCNA) 50—51
Home Cable Network Alliance (HomeCNA), coaxial network structure 51
Home Cable Network Alliance (HomeCNA), defined 50
Home Cable Network Alliance (HomeCNA), specification 50
Home Cable Network Alliance (HomeCNA), spectrum allocation 51
Home coaxial cable communications 50—51
Home communication services 6
Home Electronic System (HES) 125—128
Home Electronic System (HES), application model 128
Home Electronic System (HES), application service elements (ASEs) 128
Home Electronic System (HES), communication language 128
Home Electronic System (HES), defined 125—126
Home Electronic System (HES), interfaces 126—127
Home Electronic System (HES), network adaptation units (NAUs) 126—127
Home Electronic System (HES), network architecture 127
Home Electronic System (HES), reference architecture 128
Home Electronic System (HES), standard 126. See also Middleware technologies
Home entertainment services 6—7
Home networking as growing arena 167
Home networking, future 166—167
Home networking, present 165—166
Home security services 7
HomePlug 46—47
HomePlug, defined 46—47
HomePlug, members 47
HomePlug, specification objective 47
HomePNA 48—50
HomePNA as de facto standard 48
HomePNA, frame format 50
HomePNA, spectrum allocation 49
HomePNA, version 1.0 49
HomePNA, version 2.0 49
HomeRF 79—84
HomeRF, 2.0 standard 84
HomeRF, defined 79
HomeRF, DLC layer 82—84
HomeRF, multiple overlapping VPNs 81
HomeRF, network architecture 80—81
HomeRF, physical layer 82
HomeRF, security 84
HomeRF, software architecture 81—84
HomeRF, standard basis 79—80
HomeRF, structured network architecture 81
HomeRF, support 79
HomeRF, SWAP-CA devices 80. See also wireless in-home technologies
Hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) 11 23—27
Hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC), CMTS 24
Hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC), DOCSIS 25—27
Hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC), network architecture 24
IEEE 1394 115—124
IEEE 1394, acceptance 123
IEEE 1394, address structure 118
IEEE 1394, application 120—123
IEEE 1394, application illustration 122
IEEE 1394, asynchronous write packet format 121
IEEE 1394, bus architecture implementation 116
IEEE 1394, cable and topology 116—118
IEEE 1394, cable connectors 117
IEEE 1394, cable intersection 116
IEEE 1394, cables 116
IEEE 1394, data rates 116
IEEE 1394, data traffic support 118
IEEE 1394, defined 115
IEEE 1394, devices 117
IEEE 1394, flexibility 120
IEEE 1394, frame structure 120
IEEE 1394, future 123—124
IEEE 1394, HIPERLAN2 interoperation 123
IEEE 1394, Link Layer 118
IEEE 1394, network topology illustration 117
IEEE 1394, Physical Layer 118
IEEE 1394, PnP capability 118
IEEE 1394, popularity 122—123
IEEE 1394, promotion 115
IEEE 1394, protocol stack 118—120
IEEE 1394, single-chip solutions 123
IEEE 1394, technology comparison 122
IEEE 1394, Transaction Layer 118
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b 70—79
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, acceptance 71 94
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, ad hoc network architecture 74
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, basic service set (BSS) 73
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, complementary code keying (CCK) 76
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, definition of 72
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, deployment 72
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, DSSS encoding 76
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, evolution of 94—96
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, extended service set (ESS) 73
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, installed estimation 96
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, MAC layer 77—78
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, network architecture 72—73
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, physical layer 74—76
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, physical layer enhancements 76—77
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, products 79
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, protocol stack 73—74
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, security 78—79
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, structured network architecture 73
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, task groups 95
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, terminals communication support 72
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, WiFi 95
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b, WLANs 78
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