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Steel Ch., Nagappan R., Lai R. — Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies for J2EE, Web Services, and Identity Management
Steel Ch., Nagappan R., Lai R. — Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies for J2EE, Web Services, and Identity Management

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Название: Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies for J2EE, Web Services, and Identity Management

Авторы: Steel Ch., Nagappan R., Lai R.


For Web architects, developers, and project managers, this manual on internet applications and services security demonstrates security design for J2EE enterprise applications, Web services, identity management, service provisioning, and personal identification solutions. It provides 23 patterns and 101 practices relating to Java 2 platform security, Java extensible security and API framework, smart cards and biometrics, and includes security compliances and case studies. The authors are Java security architects.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 1088

Добавлена в каталог: 19.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Login service in case study      
LoginContext class      
LoginContext class, JAAS authentication      2nd
LoginContext class, JAAS Login Module strategy      2nd
LoginModule class      
LoginModule class, Authentication Enforcer pattern      
LoginModule class, biometrics      
LoginModule class, implementing      
LoginModule class, providers for      
LoginModule class, smart cards      
LogManager class      
logout method      
logout method, LoginContext      
logout method, LoginModule      
Logout requests in SAML      
Loosely coupled architecture      
Loosely coupled architecture, Intercepting Web Agent pattern      
Loosely coupled architecture, Secure Service Proxy pattern      
Lost smart cards      
Low-level KVM security      
MAC (message authentication code)      2nd
Mac class      
Magnus.conf file      
Maintainability in security patterns      
Maintainability in security patterns, Audit Interceptor      
Maintainability in security patterns, Intercepting Web Agent      
Maintainability in security patterns, Message Inspector      
Maintainability in security patterns, Message Interceptor Gateway      
Maintainability in security patterns, Secure Message Router      
Malicious code prevention      [See Intercepting Validator pattern]
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks      
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks in case study      
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks in SAML      
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks in Web services      
Manageability, J2EE network topology      
Manageability, Secure Base Action pattern      
Manageability, Secure Logger pattern      
manifest files      
Manipulation attacks      
Mapping in Container Managed Security pattern      
Mapping, SAML attributes      
Mapping, user account      
Masked list strategy      
Match-off-the-card strategy      2nd
Match-on-the-card strategy      2nd 3rd
Matrix, Effect      
MBean strategy      
MBeanFactory class      
MBeanFactory.java file      
MBeanManager.java file      
MBeanServer class      
MD5 cryptography      
MD5 cryptography, Cryptographic Service Providers      
MD5 cryptography, JCA message digests      
Media in security pattern factor analysis      
memory cards      
Memory for Secure Session Object pattern      
Memory in smart cards      
Message authentication code (MAC)      2nd
Message authentication encryption      
Message Configurators      2nd
Message digests      
Message digests, encryption algorithms for      
Message digests, JCA      
Message injection attacks      
Message Inspector pattern      2nd
Message Inspector pattern, consequences      
Message Inspector pattern, forces      
Message Inspector pattern, in case study      2nd 3rd 4th
Message Inspector pattern, participants and responsibilities      
Message Inspector pattern, problem      
Message Inspector pattern, reality checks      
Message Inspector pattern, related patterns      
Message Inspector pattern, related patterns, Intercepting Validator      
Message Inspector pattern, related patterns, Message Interceptor Gateway      
Message Inspector pattern, related patterns, Secure Message Router      
Message Inspector pattern, security factors and risks      
Message Inspector pattern, solution      
Message Inspector pattern, strategies      
Message Inspector pattern, structure      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern      2nd
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern in case study      2nd 3rd
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, consequences      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, forces      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, participants and responsibilities      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, problem      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, reality check      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, related patterns      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, related patterns, Audit Interceptor      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, related patterns, Intercepting Web Agent      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, related patterns, Message Inspector      2nd
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, related patterns, Secure Message Router      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, security factors and risks      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, solution      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, strategies      
Message Interceptor Gateway pattern, structure      
Message replay      
Message replay, SAML      
Message replay, security provisioning patterns      
Message Routers      
Message-handler chain strategy      
MessageDigest class      
MessageDigest class, JCA      
MessageDigest class, Secure Logger pattern      
Messages and message-level security      
Messages and message-level security in case study      2nd
Messages and message-level security in use cases      
Messages and message-level security, encryption      
Messages and message-level security, PasswordSyncListener      
Messages and message-level security, SAML      
Messages and message-level security, SAML for password authentication      
Messages and message-level security, SAML, protocols for      
Messages and message-level security, translation      
Messages and message-level security, validation abuses      
Messages and message-level security, Web services      2nd 3rd
Meta-data and schemas      2nd
Methodology choices in use cases      
Methods, Java      
Microprocessor cards      
MIDlets, components of      
MIDlets, signed      
MIDlets, trusted      
MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile)      
Migration in Message Interceptor Gateway pattern      
Migration, SAML 1.1 to SAML 2.0      
Mimic scanner attacks      
Minimization and hardening in Web services patterns      
Minutiae-based fingerprint matching      
MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks      
MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks in case study      
MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks in SAML      
MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks in Web services      
Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)      
Model MBean strategy      
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture      
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, Authentication Enforcer pattern      
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, Intercepting Validator pattern      
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, Secure Base Action pattern      
Models, biometrics      
Models, conceptual      
Models, data      
Models, domain      
Models, JWS security      
Models, smart cards      
Models, threat      
Models, trust      2nd 3rd
Models, user account provisioning      2nd
Models, Web services      
Modification attacks      
Modification attacks, SAML      
Modification attacks, Secure Logger pattern      2nd
Modify operations in SPML      
ModifyResponse message      
Modularity, Message Inspector pattern      
Modularity, Message Interceptor Gateway pattern      
Modularity, Secure Message Router pattern      
Monitoring in case study      
Monitoring, biometrics      
Monitoring, Business tier patterns      
Monitoring, Secure UP      2nd
Monitoring, Security Services      
Monitoring, user account provisioning      
Monitoring, Web services patterns      
Monitoring, Web tier patterns      
Multi service controller      
Multi-factor and multi-tiered authentication      
Multi-factor and multi-tiered authentication, Liberty Alliance sessions      
Multi-factor and multi-tiered authentication, using smart cards and biometrics      
Multiple circles of trust      
Multiple login attempts      
Multiple resource profiles      
Multiple sign-ons      2nd
Multithreading strategy      
Mutual authentication      
Mutual authentication, J2EE      
Mutual authentication, JSSE      
Mutual authentication, Web tier patterns      
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture      
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Authentication Enforcer pattern      
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Intercepting Validator pattern      
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Secure Base Action pattern      
MyJAASAux.policy file      
MyPrivilegedAction.java file      
MySSLClient.java program      
MySSLServer.java program      
MyTestAction.java program      
MyTestLoginModule class      
Name Identifier Management Profile      
Name-value (NV) pairs      
Names      [See Identity management]
Namespaces in WS-Security      
Naming service restrictions      
Native code, Java      
Negotiations in WS-Policy      
Network appliance strategy      
Network identity      
Network perimeter security      
Network perimeter security in case study      2nd
Network perimeter security, Web Services      2nd
Network policies      
Network responsiveness      
network services      
Network topology in J2EE      
Network topology in J2EE, horizontal scalability      
Network topology in J2EE, vertical scalability      
Network-Layer security      
Nodes, attack tree      
Non-blocking I/O      
Non-HTTP packets in Web tier patterns      
non-repudiation      2nd
Notice of security breach requirements      
Notification messages      
NV (name-value) pairs      
OASIS standards      
OASIS standards in identity management      
OASIS standards, OASIS Web services      [See WS-Security]
OASIS standards, XCBF      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern in case study      2nd 3rd 4th
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, consequences      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, forces      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, participants and responsibilities      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, problem      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, reality check      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, related patterns      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, sample code      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, security factors and risks      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, solution      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, strategies      
Obfuscated Transfer Object pattern, structure      
Obfuscation in case study      2nd
Obfuscation, Business tier patterns      
Obfuscation, Java code      
Obfuscation, Web tier patterns      
Obj.conf file      
Object Name Service (ONS)      
Objects in case study      
OCF (OpenCard Framework)      
OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol)      2nd 3rd
ODRL (Open Digital Rights Language)      
One-to-many/one-to-one Policy Delegate      
One-way hash function algorithms      
Oneshot MIDlets      
onFault method      
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)      2nd 3rd
Online portals      2nd
onMessage method      
onMessage method, AuditRequestMessageBean      
onMessage method, PasswordSyncLedger      
onMessage method, PasswordSyncListener      
ONS (Object Name Service)      
Open Content model      
Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL)      
OpenCard Framework (OCF)      
OpenSC framework      
Operating systems      2nd
Operational models      
Operational models, biometrics      
Operational models, smart cards      
Operational models, Web services      
Operational practices      
Operations, Secure UP      
Operations, SPML      
Optical scanners      
Optional flag      
Orders in case study      
Orders in case study, fulfillment      2nd
Orders in case study, management      
Orders in case study, placement      
Origin host verification      
OS (operating systems)      2nd
Output sanitation      
Over-The-Air (OTA) provisioning techniques      
Overflow, buffer      
Padding in JCE block ciphers      
paint method      
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module)      2nd
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) for biometrics      
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) for smart cards      
PAPs (Policy Administration Points)      2nd
ParamValidator class      
Parlay Group      2nd
Partial content of XML documents, accessing      
Participants and responsibilities in security patterns      
Participants and responsibilities in security patterns, Assertion Builder      
Participants and responsibilities in security patterns, Audit Interceptor      
Participants and responsibilities in security patterns, Authentication Enforcer      
Participants and responsibilities in security patterns, Authorization Enforcer      
Participants and responsibilities in security patterns, Container Managed Security      
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