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Holzner S. — XPath: Navigating XML with XPath 1.0 and 2.0 Kick Start
Holzner S. — XPath: Navigating XML with XPath 1.0 and 2.0 Kick Start

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Название: XPath: Navigating XML with XPath 1.0 and 2.0 Kick Start

Автор: Holzner S.


XPath is to XML as SQL is to databases: XML applications need XPath to locate specific data within an XML document for further processing with other XML applications such as XSLT, XQuery, XPointer, XLink and DOM level 3. With XPath, these applications offer developers a full toolkit for transforming, linking, and searching XML data. Developers need to understand XPath to fully exploit XML in their applications, and they have few resources beyond the W3C specification.

XPath Kick Start will examine every aspect of XPath in detail, including its influence on and use with these other XML standards. With each technique illustrated with real-world examples, the book starts with coverage of the essentials of XPath, including nodes, expressions, functions and operators. The second half of the book details XPath in practice - from manipulating XML data to transforming, linking and querying XML documents.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 600

Добавлена в каталог: 19.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
!= logical operator, boolean operators      
() (parentheses), regular expression subexpressions      2nd 3rd 4th
(, (delimiter), comments;creating in XPath 2.0
) (delimiters), comments, creating in XPath 2.0
* (greater than symbol) operators, date/time functions      2nd
* (wildcard character) node tests
* logical operator, boolean operators
* node test, XPointers      
* numeric operator
** (double greater than symbol) operators
*= logical operator, boolean operators      
*xsl, apply-templates* element      
*xsl, choose* element      2nd 3rd 4th
*xsl, copy* element      2nd 3rd 4th
*xsl, copy* element, root nodes
*xsl, copy-of* element      2nd
*xsl, for-each* element      2nd 3rd
*xsl, if* element      2nd 3rd
*xsl, message* element, messages;displaying      2nd
*xsl, otherwise* element
*xsl, output* element, doctype-public attribute      
*xsl, output* element, doctype-system attribute
*xsl, output* element, encoding attribute
*xsl, output* element, indent attribute      
*xsl, output* element, media-type attribute      
*xsl, output* element, method attribute      
*xsl, output* element, omit-xml-declaration attribute
*xsl, output* element, output documents;selecting type      2nd
*xsl, output* element, standalone attribute      
*xsl, output* element, version attribute
*xsl, template* element, XSLT templates;creating
*xsl, text* element, disable-output-escaping attribute
*xsl, text* element, whitespace      
*xsl, text* element, whitespace;deleting from output documents      2nd
*xsl, text* element, whitespace;inserting into output documents      
*xsl, value-of* element, select attribute
*xsl, when* element
*xsl.stylesheet* element, XSLT stylesheets, creating
*xsl[]apply-templates* element      2nd 3rd
*xsl[]value-of* element      2nd 3rd
+ (plus sign) operators, date/time functions      2nd
+ (plus sign), regular expression quantifiers      
+ numeric operator
- (minus sign) operators, date/time functions      2nd
- (subtraction) operators
- numeric operator      
/ location path
/ node-set operator
// node-set operators      
/descendant[]planet location path
/descendant[]planet/child[]name location path
< logical operator, boolean operators      
<= logical operator, boolean operators      
= logical operator, boolean operators
abbreviated syntax, XPath 2.0      2nd
abbreviations, XPath syntax abbreviations
abbreviations, XPath syntax abbreviations, expressions      2nd
abbreviations, XPath syntax abbreviations, location path      2nd
absolute location paths
abstract data types, xdt[]anyAtomicType
abstract data types, xdt[]untypedAny
abstract data types, xdt[]untypedAtomic
accessing, data, XLinks      2nd
accessing, data, XLinks, creating      2nd 3rd 4th
accessing, data, XLinks, example of      2nd 3rd 4th
accessing, data, XPointers      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
accessing, data, XPointers, example of      2nd
accessing, data, XQuery      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th
accessor functions (XPath 2.0)      
accessor functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]base-uri      2nd 3rd
accessor functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]data      
accessor functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]document-uri      2nd
accessor functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]node-name      2nd
accessor functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]string      2nd 3rd
actuate attribute (XLinks)
actuate attribute (XLinks), none value      
actuate attribute (XLinks), onLoad value      
actuate attribute (XLinks), onRequest value      
actuate attribute (XLinks), other value      
adjsut-date-to-timezone function (XPath 2.0)      
adjsut-dateTime-to-timezone function (XPath 2.0)      
adjsut-time-to-timezone function (XPath 2.0)      2nd
Amaya browser, XLink examples      
ancestor axis (XPath axes)      2nd 3rd
ancestor-or-self axis (XPath axes)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
ancestor-or-self[]planet location path      
ancestor[]planet location path      
AND operators
applying, XSLT templates, for child nodes      2nd
arc value (XLink type attribute)
arcrole attribute (XLinks)      
arguments, boolean, boolean functions
arguments, node-set, boolean functions
arguments, number, boolean functions
arguments, string, boolean functions      
arithmetic expressions, creating      
arithmetic expressions, examples of      2nd
arithmetic expressions, operators, - (subtraction)      
arithmetic expressions, operators, idiv      
assertions (regular expressions)      
Atomic types      
atomic values (XML Schemas)      
atomic values (XPath 2.0 data model nodes)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
attribute axis (XPath axes)      
attribute nodes      2nd
attribute nodes (XPath 2.0 data model)      
attribute nodes, infosets      2nd
attribute nodes, matching      
attribute nodes, names, finding      
attribute nodes, namespace attributes      
attribute nodes, string values      
attribute nodes, XSLT template rules      
attributes, actuate (XLinks), none value      
attributes, actuate (XLinks), onLoad value      
attributes, actuate (XLinks), onRequest value      
attributes, actuate (XLinks), other value      
attributes, arcrole (XLinks)      
attributes, default attributes      
attributes, disable-output-escaping (*xsl text* element)      
attributes, doctype-public (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, doctype-system (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, encoding (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, from (XLinks)      
attributes, href (XLinks)      2nd 3rd
attributes, indent (*xsl output* element)      2nd
attributes, label (XLinks)      
attributes, match      2nd 3rd
attributes, media-type (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, method (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, namespace attributes, attribute nodes      
attributes, omit-xml-declaration (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, pseudo-attributes      
attributes, role (XLinks)      
attributes, select      2nd 3rd 4th
attributes, select, *xsl;value-of* element      
attributes, show (XLinks), embed value      
attributes, show (XLinks), new value      
attributes, show (XLinks), none value      2nd
attributes, show (XLinks), other value      
attributes, show (XLinks), replace value      
attributes, standalone (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, title (XLinks)      
attributes, to (XLinks)      
attributes, type (XLinks), arc value      
attributes, type (XLinks), extended value      
attributes, type (XLinks), locator value      
attributes, type (XLinks), resource value      
attributes, type (XLinks), simple value      
attributes, type (XLinks), title value      
attributes, version (*xsl output* element)      
attributes, XSLT stylesheets, accessing      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
attributes, XSLT template rules      
attribute[]units location path      
avg functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd
axes      2nd 3rd 4th
axes, ancestor axis      2nd 3rd
axes, ancestor-or-self axis      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
axes, attribute axis      
axes, child axis      2nd
axes, descendant axis      2nd 3rd 4th
axes, descendant-or-self axis      2nd 3rd
axes, following axis      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
axes, following-sibling axis      
axes, namespace axis      2nd 3rd 4th
axes, namespace, XPath 2.0      
axes, node trees      
axes, parent axis      2nd 3rd
axes, preceding axis      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
axes, preceding-sibling axis      
axes, self axis      2nd 3rd 4th
axes, specifying for XPath 2.0 path expressions      
barenames, XPointers      
base-uri functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd 3rd
boolean arguments, boolean functions      
boolean data types      2nd
boolean functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd
boolean functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]false      2nd
boolean functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]not      2nd 3rd
boolean functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]true      
boolean functions, boolean arguments      
boolean functions, false      
boolean functions, lang      2nd
boolean functions, node-set arguments      
boolean functions, not      
boolean functions, number arguments      
boolean functions, string arguments      
boolean functions, true      
Boolean literals      
Boolean operators      
browsers, Amaya, XLink examples      
building, arithmetic expressions      
building, comments in XPath 2.0      
building, comparison expressions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
building, compound location paths, pipe character      2nd
building, compound location paths, predicates      2nd 3rd 4th
building, conditional expressions      2nd 3rd
building, for expressions      2nd
building, literals      
building, logical expressions      
building, node tests in XPath 2.0      2nd
building, numeric literals      
building, path expressions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
building, primary expressions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
building, quantified expressions      
building, sequence expressions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
building, sequences      2nd
building, string literals      2nd
building, variables in XSLT      
building, XLinks, attributes      2nd 3rd 4th
building, XPointer points      
building, XPointer ranges      2nd
building, XSLT stylesheets      2nd 3rd
building, XSLT stylesheets, *xsl;for-each* element      2nd 3rd
building, XSLT stylesheets, *xsl;value-of* element      2nd
building, XSLT stylesheets, template applications      2nd
building, XSLT stylesheets, template creation      2nd 3rd
building, XSLT templates      2nd 3rd
cascading style sheets (CSS), XLinks      2nd
cast expressions, data types      2nd 3rd
castable expressions, data types      
CDATA (XML), text nodes      2nd
ceiling functions (numeric functions)      
ceiling functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd 3rd
character-points (XPointers)      
child axis      
child axis (XPath axes)      
child nodes (XPointers)      
child nodes, XSLT templates, applying for      2nd
children property, document nodes      
children property, element nodes      
child[ ]* location path      2nd
child[ ]*/child[ ]planet location path      
child[ ]name/descendant[ ]planet location path      
child[ ]node location path      
child[ ]planet location path      
child[ ]planets/child[ ]planet[position() = 4 ]/child[;]name[position() = 3] location path      
child[ ]planet[attribute[ ]color = "RED" location path
child[ ]planet[attribute[ ]color = "RED"][position() = 3] location path
child[ ]planet[child[ ]name location path      
child[ ]planet[position()      
child[ ]planet[position() = 3 location path      
child[ ]planet[position() = 3][attribute[ ]color="RED" location path
child[ ]planet[position() = last() location path      
child[ ]text location path      
client program XSLT transformations, example of      2nd
code points (Unicode), fn[]codepoints-to-string function      2nd
code points (Unicode), fn[]string-to-codepoints function      2nd
codepoints-to-string functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd
collapsed ranges (XPointers)      
collection functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd
combining, sequences      
comment nodes (XPath 2.0 data model)      
comment nodes, infosets      
comment nodes, matching      
comment nodes, names, finding      
comment nodes, string values      
comment nodes, XSLT template rules      2nd
comment() node test, XPointers      
comment() node tests      
comments, XPath 2.0, creating in      
comments, XPath 2.0, nesting in      2nd
compare functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd 3rd
comparison expressions, creating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
comparison expressions, operators, general comparison      2nd 3rd
comparison expressions, operators, node comparison      
comparison expressions, operators, order comparison      
comparison expressions, operators, value comparison      
compound location paths, pipe character      2nd
compound location paths, predicates      2nd
compound location paths, predicates, nested predicates      
compound location paths, predicates, predicates without operators      
concat functions (string functions)      2nd
concat functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd
conditional expressions, creating      2nd 3rd
conditional expressions, every      
conditional expressions, if      2nd
conditional expressions, some      
construction functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd 3rd 4th
constructor functions      
contains functions (string functions)      2nd 3rd
contains functions (XPath 2.0)      2nd
context (XPath), context node      2nd
context (XPath), context node, location paths      
context (XPath), context node, versus current node      
context (XPath), context position      
context (XPath), context size      
context (XPath), function library      
context (XPath), variables      
context (XPath), XML namespace declarations      
context functions (XPath 2.0)      
context functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]current-date      2nd
context functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]current-dateTime      2nd
context functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]current-time      2nd
context functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]last      2nd 3rd 4th
context functions (XPath 2.0), fn[]position      2nd 3rd 4th
context item expressions      
context node (XPath context)      2nd
context node (XPath context), versus current node      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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