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Flickenger R., Weeks R. — Wireless Hacks |
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.baseconfig file
10baseT Ethernet
1xEV-DO (Single Carrier Evolution Data-Only)
1xRTT (Single Carrier Radio Transmission Technology)
1xRTT, on CDMA
3-D TopoQuads
802.11 hardware
802.11 wireless networks
802.11 wireless networks, beacon frames and SSIDs
802.11 wireless networks, tracking frames with Ethereal
802.11a/b/g cards
802.11a/b/g cards, making NetStumbler work with
802.11b cards using Prism or Prism2 chipsets
802.11i protocol
802.11x standards (Wi-Fi)
802.11x-based WPA Enterprise protocol
802.1x authentication types support by Mac OS X
802.3af standard (Power over Ethernet)
900 MHz equipment
9913 cable
access points
access points, add-ons
access points, AirPort Base Stations
access points, association of wireless card with AP Radar
access points, bridged to Ethernet segment
access points, building your own with Linux 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
access points, building your own with Linux configuring the AP
access points, configuring for RADIUS 2nd 3rd 4th
access points, configuring for WPA Enterprise with RADIUS 2nd 3rd 4th
access points, control information
access points, determining best placement in corporate environment
access points, do-it-yourself hardware 2nd
access points, focusing on particular with Ethereal
access points, Hermes
access points, installing in existing overhead light socket 2nd 3rd 4th
access points, Linux AP 2nd 3rd
access points, Linux-powered
access points, locations relative to your handheld
access points, Mac OS X 2nd
access points, monitoring over time with Linux
access points, Pebble Linux distribution 2nd 3rd
access points, plugging Ethernet cable into
access points, WDS-enabled
access points, wireless routers vs.
Acroname SN754410
adapters, network
adding external
adding external, antennas
adding external, antennas, to WET11
advertising Bonjour services
advertising Bonjour services, Linux
advertising Bonjour services, Linux, Howl
advertising services in Linux
advertising services in Linux, Bonjour
advertising services in Linux, Bonjour, Howl
AES encryption
AiboHack BURN3 image
AirPort Admin Utility
AirPort Card
AirPort card, configuration
AirPort card, KisMAC and
AirPort card, list of available networks
AirPort card, menu bar
AirPort card, replacing in PowerBook
AirPort card, signal strength meter
AirPort Client Monitor
Airport Extreme cards
AirPort IDs 2nd
AirPort Management Utility
AirPort Management Utility, tracking AirPort connection performance
AirSnare, MAC addresses necessary for
Alchemy firmware
Alternate (Cisco) format
antennas, adding external 2nd
antennas, aligning at long distances 2nd 3rd 4th
antennas, cantenna 2nd 3rd
antennas, do-it-yourself
antennas, do-it-yourself, building roof mounts 2nd
antennas, do-it-yourself, deep dish cylindrical parabolic reflector 2nd 3rd
antennas, do-it-yourself, passive repeater 2nd 3rd
antennas, do-it-yourself, Pirouette can waveguide
antennas, guide to 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Antennas, polarization
antennas, wireless network for large house
AP Radar 2nd 3rd 4th
AP Radar, building and using 2nd 3rd
AP Radar, requirements for
Apache server
APC-7 (Amphenol Precision) connector
APNs, listing for popular U.S. carriers
Apple notebooks with a built-in AirPort card
arp utility
arpwatch tool 2nd
AT commands
Atheros cards
Atheros cards, bridging
Atheros cards, Madwifi driver
Atheros cards, WDS
aumix utility
authentication, PlaceSite
authentication, wireless users 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
authentication, WPA
authentication, WPA or WEP key
authentication, WPA or WEP key, Windows XP
authentication, WPA types supported by wpa_ supplicant
AWS (Automatic WLAN Scanner) 2nd 3rd
AWS, construction 2nd
AWS, position-locating system
AWS, requirements
AWS, software
battery pack
beacon frames (802.11 networks) 2nd 3rd
Belden 9913 cable
Bemused application
biquad feed
biquad feed, for PCS cellular radio
biquad feed, for Primestar dish antenna
blog hosting providers
blogging from mobile phones 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
blogging from mobile phones, email moblogging
blogging from mobile phones, photo moblogging to any blog service
blogging from mobile phones, running your own server 2nd 3rd
blogging from mobile phones, running your own server, WordPress 2nd
blogging from mobile phones, SMS moblogging 2nd 3rd
bluepin utility
Bluetooth Setup Wizard
Bluetooth Setup Wizard, adding multiple Bluetooth products
Bluetooth, adapters
Bluetooth, adapters, unique identifier
Bluetooth, adapters, USB
Bluetooth, cable replacement for devices
Bluetooth, connecting Linux with Bluetooth phone 2nd 3rd
Bluetooth, connecting Linux with Bluetooth phone, pairing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Bluetooth, connecting Mac OS X with Bluetooth phone 2nd 3rd 4th
Bluetooth, connecting Mac OS X with Bluetooth phone, connection setup 2nd 3rd 4th
Bluetooth, connecting Windows XP with Bluetooth phone 2nd 3rd
Bluetooth, controlling phones with FMA 2nd
Bluetooth, DUN 2nd 3rd
Bluetooth, phone 2nd
Bluetooth, photographic slideshow from files sent by mobile phone 2nd 3rd 4th
Bluetooth, remote control for Linux with Bluetooth phone 2nd
| Bluetooth, remote control for Mac OS X via Bluetooth phone or PDA 2nd 3rd
Bluetooth, remote control for Windows via Bluetooth phones and PDAs 2nd 3rd 4th
Bluetooth, sending SMS from PowerBook with Bluetooth phone 2nd 3rd
Bluetooth, sending SMS phone messages via Linux
Bluetooth, setting up on Linux 2nd 3rd
Bluetooth, setting up on Windows XP 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Bluetooth, setting up on Windows XP, installing Bluetooth 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Bluetooth, using in PistolMouse 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
BlueZ Bluetooth stack 2nd
BlueZ Users mailing list
BNC (Bayonet Neill Concelman) connector
Bonjour, advertising services in Linux 2nd 3rd 4th
Bonjour, advertising services in Mac OS X 2nd
bridging, documentation on bridges
bridging, Linux access point 2nd
bridging, protecting Linux bridge with firewall
bridging, WDS
Broadcast address
Broadcom chipsets
Broadcom chipsets, use in wireless routers
BSD systems
BSD systems, broadcast address
BSD systems, Ethereal
BSS master mode
BTE (btexmms)
building your own with Linux
building your own with Linux, access points
building your own with Linux, access points, hardware choices
building your own with Linux, access points, radio cards and antennas
building your own with Linux, access points, software requirements
BURN3 filesystem image
cable omni antenna 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
cable omni antenna, building a jig
cable omni antenna, cutting the pieces 2nd 3rd 4th
cable omni antenna, parts list
cabling, Ethernet vs. antenna
cabling, microwave cabling
Cacti tool
Caller ID
cantenna, waveguide with satellite dish
captive portals
captive portals, NoCatAuth implementation 2nd 3rd
captive portals, NoCatSplash
captive portals, WiFiDog
CAT5 cables
CAT5 cables, Ethernet signal over
Category-5 cable
CCF Converter
CDMA, 1xRTT on
CDMA, data bearers
cellular data
cellular data networks
cellular data, choosing a plan 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)
certificate for FreeRADIUS server
CFADPT-CS memory device
chipset used by radio card
CID string
circular polarization
Cisco format 2nd
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
Clicker application (Bluetooth) 2nd 3rd 4th
Clicker application (Bluetooth), connecting smartphone or PDA to
Clicker application (Bluetooth), downloading and installing
Clicker application (Bluetooth), supported devices
closed networks
closed networks, detection with KisMAC
closed networks, detection with Kismet
closed networks, joining from Mac OS X
closed networks, NetStumbler and
Co-op Class wireless users
codebases (NoviiRemote)
CompactFlash cards
Compaq iPAQ
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
Computers 2nd
configuration, FreeRADIUS server
configuration, FreeRADIUS server, debug output
connecting Mac OS X with Bluetooth phone
connecting Mac OS X with Bluetooth phone, Bluetooth
connecting Mac OS X with Bluetooth phone, Bluetooth, adding a device
connecting Mac OS X with Bluetooth phone, Bluetooth, requirements
Connectors 2nd 3rd
converting Palm into IR remote
converting Palm into IR remote, infrared
converting Palm into IR remote, infrared, hardware
cron utility
CRYPT password
cURL utility 2nd
daapd server
data bearers
data plans (cellular) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
data plans (cellular), determining your needs
data plans (cellular), plan comparisons 2nd 3rd 4th
data plans (cellular), types of cellular data
dead spot
Debian Linux
Debian Linux, configuring wireless cards
Debian Linux, Kismet
Debian Linux, Sarge distribution
Debian Linux, starting Bluetooth
Default (Lucent/Agere) MAC format
DeLorme packages
Design 2nd
design, analyzing elevation profiles 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
design, antenna polarization
design, building for large house 2nd 3rd 4th
design, calculating link budget 2nd
design, establishing line of sight
design, forcing card to sync at lower rate 2nd
detecting wireless networks
detecting wireless networks, Mac OS X
detecting wireless networks, Mac OS X, MacStumbler
device pairing
DHCP, obtaining IP address with AP Radar
Dial-up Networking (DUN) profile
Dial-up Networking (DUN) profile, enabling on Treo 650 2nd
digital elevation models (DEMs)
Directional antennas
directional antennas, highly directional slotted waveguide
directional antennas, patch antenna
directional antennas, yagis and dishes
discovering wireless networks
discovering wireless networks, NetStumbler
discovering wireless networks, NetStumbler, caveats
discovering wireless networks, NetStumbler, network discovery
discovering wireless networks, NetStumbler, options
discovery programs 2nd
dmesg utility
DNS forwarder
DNS service discovery
do-it-yourself hardware
do-it-yourself hardware, access points 2nd
do-it-yourself hardware, antennas 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
do-it-yourself hardware, booting from compact flash hard drive 2nd 3rd
DriverLoader 2nd 3rd
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