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Stubblebine T. — Regular Expression Pocket Reference
Stubblebine T. — Regular Expression Pocket Reference

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Название: Regular Expression Pocket Reference

Автор: Stubblebine T.


This handy little book offers programmers a complete overview of the syntax and semantics of regular expressions that are at the heart of every text-processing application. Ideal as a quick reference, Regular Expression Pocket Reference covers the regular expression APIs for Perl 5.8, Ruby (including some upcoming 1.9 features), Java, PHP, .NET and C#, Python, vi, JavaScript, and the PCRE regular expression libraries.

This concise and easy-to-use reference puts a very powerful tool for manipulating text and data right at your fingertips. Composed of a mixture of symbols and text, regular expressions can be an outlet for creativity, for brilliant programming, and for the elegant solution. Regular Expression Pocket Reference offers an introduction to regular expressions, pattern matching, metacharacters, modes and constructs, and then provides separate sections for each of the language APIs, with complete regex listings including:
Supported metacharacters for each language API
-Regular expression classes and interfaces for Ruby, Java, .NET, and C#
-Regular expression operators for Perl 5.8
-Regular expression module objects and functions for Python
-Pattern-matching functions for PHP and the vi editor
-Pattern-matching methods and objects for JavaScript
-Unicode Support for each of the languages

With plenty of examples and other resources, Regular Expression Pocket Reference summarizes the complex rules for performing this critical text-processing function, and presents this often-confusing topic in a friendly and well-organized format. This guide makes an ideal on-the-job companion.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 100

Добавлена в каталог: 17.08.2007

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