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Kirkland J., Carmichael D., Tinker Ch.L. — Linux Troubleshooting for System Administrators and Power Users |
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PAM, resources
PAM, troubleshooting
panics (OS)
panic_blink( ) function
parallel printing, local
parameters, Magic SystRq keystroke
parent process id (PPID) 2nd
partitions, adding
partitions, GRUB
partitions, mounting
partitions, overview of
partitions, recovery
partitions, tables [See also tables.]
passwd command
passwords, /etc/passwd file
passwords, aging
passwords, root
passwords, SSH
passwords, troubleshooting
passwords, weak
patches, installing
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
PCI, cards
PCI, devices
PCMCIA, adding storage
PDL (Page Description Language)
performance, filesystems 2nd
performance, I/O 2nd
performance, tools
performance, tools, free command
performance, tools, iostat command
performance, tools, sar command
performance, tools, top command
performance, tools, vmstat command
Peripheral Component Interconnect [See PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect).]
permissions, /lib/security file
physical attacks
physical I/O (PIO)
physical network access layers [See access; networks.]
PID (process ID) 2nd
Ping command 2nd
PIO (physical I/O)
Ports [See also connections.]
ports, closed
ports, mapping
ports, open
PPID (parent process id) 2nd
preventing login
printing, connectivity 2nd
printing, filters
printing, PDL
printing, spoolers
printing, troubleshooting
printing, types of printers
private host keys
private user keys
process id (PID) 2nd
processes, /etc/init
processes, core dumps
processes, creating
processes, free command
processes, gzip
processes, hangs
processes, high CPU utilization
processes, HWP
processes, interruptible hangs
processes, iostat command
processes, IPCS
processes, kill
processes, LWP 2nd
processes, non-interruptible hangs
processes, PPID
processes, rc scripts
processes, sar command
processes, structures
processes, terminating
processes, top command
processes, vmstat command 2nd
Processor Abstraction Layer (PAL)
profiles, user files
protocols, ARP 2nd
protocols, FCP
protocols, FTP
protocols, ICMP
protocols, IP 2nd
protocols, IPP
protocols, NTP
protocols, RARP
protocols, RIP
protocols, TCP
protocols, UDP 2nd
ps command
pstree hangs
PTH (GNU Portable Threads)
public host keys
public user keys
pwck command
QoS (quality of service)
Queues 2nd 3rd
RARP (Reverse ARP)
raster graphics, printing
raw command
raw network socket printing
rc scripts
rc.d directory
recording linear methods
recovery, after being hacked
recovery, bare metal
recovery, commands
recovery, commands, cpio 2nd
recovery, commands, dd
recovery, commands, dump
recovery, commands, mkisofs
recovery, commands, rsync
recovery, commands, tar 2nd
recovery, filesystems
recovery, media [See also media.]
recovery, partitions
reducing disk I/O strain
refused messages, SSH connections
reinstalling, GRUB
reinstalling, MBR with GRUB stage 1
relationships, one-to-one
relationships, processes
relationships, threads
remote printing
Remote procedure calls (RPCs)
remote vulnerabilities
replacing, failed devices
replacing, PCI cards
requests, I/O
requests, ICMP
Rescue CD
resetting lost root passwords
| resources, PAM
respawn keyword
restoring superblocks
restrictions, access
restrictions, crontab
Reverse ARP [See RARP (Reverse ARP).]
reviewing bytes 2nd
rewind devices
RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
Roell, Thomas
root (hd0,0) command
root filesystems
root logins, limiting
round robin (RR)
route command
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
RPCs (remote procedure calls)
rpm command
RR (round robin)
rsync command
rules (iptables)
run levels field
SAL (System Abstraction Layer)
SAN (storage area network)
SAN, configuration
SAN, kernel module
SAN, searching driver versions
SAN, storage
sar command 2nd
SASI (Shugart Associates System Interface)
saving, customization
saving, iptables
scanning, drives in the wrong order
scanning, open ports
scope, backup
SCP (Secure Copy)
scripts, /usr/bin/run-parts
scripts, atrun
scripts, data collectors
scripts, rc
scripts, sendmail
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface)
searching, device errors
searching, drivers
searching, hangs
second hard disks, booting from
sector alignment
Secure Copy (SCP)
secure FTP (sftp)
Secure Shell [See SSH (Secure Shell) encryption.]
security, /lib/security file
security, crontab
security, firewalls
security, networks
security, prevention
security, prevention, hardening (with netfilter/iptables)
security, prevention, SSH encryption
security, system
security, X Window
sending signals
sendmail script
sequential speed
serial printing, local
servers, SAN [See also SAN (storage area network).]
servers, terminal
servers, X Window [See also X Window.]
services, rc scripts
setup (hd0) command
sftp (secure FTP)
sharing memory
shells, environment variables
shells, interfaces
shells, troubleshooting
Shugart Associates System Interface [See SASI (Shugart Associates System Interface).]
shutting down
shutting down, iptables, viewing rules
shutting down, TCP connections
signals, core dumps
single keyword
single partitions
single user mode 2nd
sizing, blocks 2nd
sizing, requests
sleep statement
slow DNS lookups
slow down, FTP
small block I/O transfers
Small Computer Systems Interface [See SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface).]
SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processor)
social engineering attacks
SOCK argument
sockets, raw network printing
software defects (vulnerabilities)
speed, auto-negotiation
speed, interfaces
speed, sequential
SPP (Standard Parallel Port)
SSH (Secure Shell) encryption
sshd daemon
stacker mode
stacks, interruptible hangs
stacks, missing preventing login
stage 1 files, reinstalling MBRwith GRUB
Standard Parallel Port (SPP)
starting, kcron
starting, multiuser mode
starting, processes
starting, rc scripts
starting, X Window servers
statements, sleep
statistics, CPUs
statistics, disk I/O
statistics, networking
statistics, Oracle statspak
statistics, vmstat command
statspak (Oracle), applying
Storage Area Network [See SAN (storage area network).]
storage, crontab files
storage, devices
storage, PCMCIA/USB
strain, reducing disk I/O
stripping lvol
superblock filesystem recovery
supported device failures
swapper code
swaps, free command
swaps, utilization
Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP)
synchronizing NTP
sysctl command
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