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Hassell J. — Learning Windows Server 2003 |
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managing, Active Directory
managing, Active Directory, management tools
managing, Active Directory, metadata, cleaning
managing, Active Directory, NTDS database, defragmenting offline
managing, bandwidth
managing, bandwidth, for replication across WAN links
managing, cluster storage devices
managing, disk quotas from command-line
managing, GPs [See GP management tools GPMC]
managing, IIS web services
managing, IP addresses
managing, IP addresses, assigned to clusters
managing, operating system scripts
managing, print queues
managing, print queues, Manage Printers permissions
managing, software with IntelliMirror
managing, software with IntelliMirror, deploying service packs with GP
managing, software with IntelliMirror, deployment properties
managing, users/groups
mapping, print services
mapping, print services, with logon/logoff scripts
master merges
master merges, initiated by Indexing Service
master shares
master shares, replication and
MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer) 2nd
MBSA, products scanned
mbsacli.exe /hf command
memory requirements
memory requirements, Indexing Service
memory, Indexing Service
memory, Indexing Services
memory, recycling, application pools
memory, WTS
merges, controlling
messages (MSMQ)
messages (MSMQ), deleting all
messages (MSMQ), setting maximum size for
messages (MSMQ), types of
messages (MSMQ), viewing properties of
messages, queuing
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer [See MBSA]
Microsoft encrypted authentication version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)
Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft installer (MSI)
Microsoft Management Console [See MMC]
Microsoft Message Queue [See MSMQ]
Microsoft Scripting Debugger
Microsoft Services for NetWare 5.03a
Microsoft Windows Update website
Microsoft Windows Update website, security fixes and service packs, accessing for
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
MIME types
MIME types, configuration options
minimum TTL (SOA records) 2nd
mirror sets, upgrading Windows NT and
mirror/stripe/volume sets
mirror/stripe/volume sets, Enterprise Edition
mirror/stripe/volume sets, Enterprise Edition, migrating NT domains to Active Directory
MMC (Microsoft Management Console)
mobile computers
mobile computers, as security threat [See also NAQC] [See also NAQC]
mobile computers, EFS and
mobile computers, EFS and, benefits of
mobile computers, EFS and, enhancements to
mobile computers, Offline Files and Folders
mobile computers, Offline Files and Folders security vulnerabilities
mobile computers, security guidelines
Modify standard permission (M)
modifying, GPOs
modifying, GPOs, administrative templates
modifying, GPOs, disabling portions of policies
modifying, GPOs, refreshing policies
modifying, MX records
modifying, NNTP newsgroup server properties
modifying, NNTP newsgroup server properties, controlling access
modifying, NNTP newsgroup server properties, IP address and port assignments
modifying, NNTP newsgroup server properties, newsgroup posting options
modifying, NNTP newsgroup server properties, user privileges
modifying, performance options, Indexing Service
modifying, shadow copy schedule
modifying, shadow copy, maximum storage size
modifying, SOA records
monitoring tools
monitoring, SUS client-side system
MS-CHAP v2 (Microsoft Encrypted Authentication Version 2)
MSI (Microsoft Installer)
MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue)
MSMQ servers
MSMQ servers, finding
MSMQ servers, performance
MSMQ servers, performance, recommendations
MSMQ, .NET Framework and
MSMQ, administration
MSMQ, administration, configuring routing links
MSMQ, administration, creating foreign sites
MSMQ, administration, creating routing links
MSMQ, administration, deleting all messages
MSMQ, administration, deleting queues
MSMQ, administration, enabling/disabling journals
MSMQ, administration, finding MSMQ servers
MSMQ, administration, finding queues
MSMQ, administration, installing MSMQ
MSMQ, administration, limiting journal size
MSMQ, administration, resources for further information
MSMQ, administration, setting maximum message size
MSMQ, administration, viewing message properties
MSMQ, communications with
MSMQ, issues with firewalls
MSMQ, queues
MSMQ, queues, messages in, types of
MSMQ, queues, types of
MSMQ, servers [See MSMQ servers]
multicast mode, NLB hosts
multimaster environment
multimaster replication 2nd
MX records (mail exchanger records)
MX records (mail exchanger records), creating/editing
name resolution [See DNS]
name-value pairs, using within applications
nameserver records [See NS records]
nameservers [See also primary nameservers secondary nameservers] [See also primary nameservers secondary nameservers]
nameservers, Active Directory-integrated DNS
nameservers, building
nameservers, building, forward lookup zones, creating
nameservers, building, host records, entering into zones
nameservers, building, incremental zone transfers, enabling
nameservers, building, nameserver software, installing
nameservers, building, resource records
nameservers, building, resource records, creating/modifying
nameservers, building, reverse lookup zones, creating
nameservers, building, round-robin balancing, controlling
nameservers, building, secondary nameservers, configuring
nameservers, building, secondary nameservers, upgrading to primary
nameservers, building, zone files, manually editing
nameservers, building, zone transfers, controlling process of
nameservers, DNS forwarding process
nameservers, DNS forwarding process, conditional forwarding
nameservers, DNS forwarding process, slaving
nameservers, hardware requirements
namespaces, Active Directory trees and
| naming, empty forest root domains
naming, files
naming, files, previous versions, losing access to
naming, GPOs
naming, NetBIOS, restrictions on
naming, PostScript and PCL print queues
naming, replication topologies and
naming, reverse lookup zones
naming, shared printers
naming, users/groups
naming, users/groups, restrictions
NAQC (Network Access Quarantine Control)
NAQC, client software that supports
NAQC, connection and quarantining processes, detailed description of
NAQC, deploying
NAQC, deploying, configuring quarantine policy
NAQC, deploying, creating exceptions to policy rules
NAQC, deploying, creating quarantined connection profile
NAQC, deploying, creating quarantined resources
NAQC, deploying, distributing quarantined connection profile to remote users
NAQC, deploying, installing listening components
NAQC, deploying, writing baselining script
NAQC, quarantine mode
NAT (Network Address Translation)
NAT routing
NAT Traversal
NAT, routing [See NAT routing]
nesting groups
net share command
net use command
NetBIOS, name restrictions
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator
NETLOGON default share
netsh command
netsh command, DNS resolution
network access
network access, configuring
network access, configuring, with .NET Framework Settings file
network access, quarantine control [See NAQC]
Network Address Translation [See NAT]
network connections
network connections, NAT-based, IPSec inability to work with
network connections, Offline Files and Folders and
network connections, slow
network connections, slow, GPO enforcement over
Network Hotfix Checker (HFNetChk)
Network interface card (NIC)
Network Interface Card (NIC), WTS requirements
network load-balancing clusters [See NLB clusters]
Network Name resource
Network News Transport Protocol [See NNTP]
network printers
network printers, physical ports
network printers, separator pages and
Network section, Settings configuration file
network services
network shares
network shares, simultaneous modification by two users
network traffic [See performance network
network traffic, restricting with IPSec filters
networks, business networking environment, disabling file sharing
networks, connections [See network connections]
networks, in true server clusters terminology
networks, over far distances
networks, over far distances, Dfs sticky referrals, protecting data integrity with
networks, security 2nd [See also security]
New Delegation wizard
New Newsgroup wizard
New Scope Wizard
New SMTP Virtual Server wizard
NIC (network interface card)
NIC, WTS requirements
NLB clusters (network load-balancing clusters) 2nd
NLB clusters, adding other nodes to
NLB clusters, creating
NLB clusters, operation styles and modes
NLB clusters, performance optimization
NLB clusters, port rules
NLB clusters, removing nodes from
NLB driver
NNTP (Network News Services)
NNTP (Network News Services), newsgroup servers
NNTP (Network News Services), newsgroup servers, creating newsgroups
NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) 2nd
NNTP newsgroup servers
NNTP newsgroup servers, article expiration
NNTP newsgroup servers, creating
NNTP newsgroup servers, newsgroups, creating
NNTP newsgroup servers, properties, modifying
NNTP newsgroup servers, properties, modifying, controlling access
NNTP newsgroup servers, properties, modifying, IP address and port assignments
NNTP newsgroup servers, properties, modifying, newsgroup posting options
NNTP newsgroup servers, properties, modifying, user privileges
NNTP newsgroup servers, virtual NNTP directories
NNTP newsgroup servers, virtual NNTP directories, modifying properties
NNTP server
NNTP, newsgroup servers
NNTP, newsgroup servers, article expiration
NNTP, newsgroup servers, creating
NNTP, newsgroup servers, modifying properties
NNTP, newsgroup servers, virtual NNTP directories
NNTPSVC [See NNTP servers]
no-refresh interval, dynamically registered records
no-touch deployment model, .NET Framework
normal backup (NTBACKUP)
normal messages (MSMQ)
NS records (nameserver records)
NS records (nameserver records), creating/editing
nslookup command
Nslookup command, reverse lookup zones and
NT File System [See NTFS]
NTBACKUP program
NTBACKUP program, file size
NTBACKUP program, from command-line
NTBACKUP program, from command-line, automatic backup scenarios
NTBACKUP program, from command-line, limitations
NTBACKUP program, types of backups performed by
ntds.dit file
NTDSUtil tool
NTDSUtil tool, operations master roles, changing
NTFS (NT File System)
NTFS file/folder permissions 2nd
NTFS file/folder permissions, auditing
NTFS file/folder permissions, determining
NTFS file/folder permissions, inheritance
NTFS file/folder permissions, operation of
NTFS file/folder permissions, ownership
NTFS file/folder permissions, setting
NTFS file/folder permissions, standard and special
NTFS files/folders
NTFS files/folders, EFS encryption
NTFS files/folders, EFS encryption, limitations
NTFS files/folders, EFS encryption, using CIPHER
NTFS files/folders, permissions [See NTFS file/folder permissions]
NTFS filesystems
NTFS filesystems, migrating Windows NT domains to Active Directory
NTFS, NTFS permissions [See NTFS file/folder permissions]
NTFS, quotas supported on
object access auditing
objects, attributes of
objects, attributes of, membership lists
objects, attributes of, viewing
objects, creating
objects, creating, within folders
objects, EFS encryption
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