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Walker A. — Absolute Beginner's Guide To: Security, Spam, Spyware & Viruses
Walker A. — Absolute Beginner's Guide To: Security, Spam, Spyware & Viruses

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Название: Absolute Beginner's Guide To: Security, Spam, Spyware & Viruses

Автор: Walker A.


Batten down the hatches! Hackers, spammers and thieves (oh my!) are after you! The mere act of turning on an Internet-connected computer can put you, your family, and your personal finances at risk by exposing you to viruses, scam artists, hackers, identity thieves, and spammers. How do you fight back? Absolute Beginner's Guide to Security, Spam, Spyware and Viruses is your first line of defense.

Clear, easy-to-understand definitions of viruses, spyware, and hackers will help you understand what you're up against everytime you go online. Then, you'll learn about other threats, such as identity theft, phishing, and other potential dangers you'll face in your everyday computing. Find out how to search out and destroy spyware, malware and other viscious programs that could potentially harm your computer. Then find out how to lock out hackers, spammers, and theives for good.

We'll tell you how to immediately cut the risk of being attacked in half in less than 10 minutes! Protect your bank accounts, digital photos, digital music collection, masters thesis, and everything you hold near and dear on your computer with the help of the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Security, Spam, Spyware and Viruses.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 384

Добавлена в каталог: 08.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
file sharing, Security bar, adding      
file sharing, Simple File Sharing (XP Pro)      
file sharing, Simple File Sharing (XP Pro), disabling      2nd
files, deleting permanetly      2nd
files, naming effectively      
files, privatizing      2nd
files, searching by type      
fire-walls, two-way firewalls      
fire-walls, two-way firewalls, utilizing      2nd 3rd
Firefox, bookmarks
Firefox, bookmarks, backing up      
Firefox, cleaning      2nd
Firefox, cookies      
Firefox, cookies, cleaning      
Firefox, installing      2nd
Firefox, Netcraft anti-phishing toolbar      
Firefox, Netcraft anti-phishing toolbar, installing      2nd
Firefox, recommendation of      
Firefox, updating      2nd
firewalls, doubling up      2nd
firewalls, hardware firewalls      
firewalls, hardware firewalls, description of      2nd
firewalls, hardware firewalls, installing      2nd
firewalls, hardware firewalls, NAT      2nd
firewalls, hardware firewalls, statefule inspection      2nd
firewalls, Macs      2nd
firewalls, must-have features      2nd
firewalls, overview      2nd
firewalls, recommended attributes      
firewalls, recommended firewalls
firewalls, recommended firewalls, freebies
firewalls, recommended firewalls, SonicWall TZ 150
firewalls, recommended programs      2nd
firewalls, third-party firewalls      
firewalls, third-party firewalls, overview      2nd
firewalls, turning on      2nd
firewalls, updating around      
firewalls, versus routers      
firewalls, Windows Firewall      
firewalls, Windows Firewall (non-SP2)      
firewalls, Windows Firewall (non-SP2), activating      
firewalls, Windows Firewall (SP2)      
firewalls, Windows Firewall (SP2), optional uses      2nd
firewalls, Windows Firewall, disabling      
firewalls, Windows Firewall, overview      2nd
fishing      [See phishing]
folder sharing      
folder sharing, dangers      2nd
folder sharing, disabling      
folder sharing, disabling, Window 98      
folder sharing, disabling, Window XP home      
folder sharing, disabling, Window XP professional      
formatting hard drives      
formatting hard drives, wiping      [See hard drives]
freeware, antivirus programs      
freeware, antivirus programs, recommended programs      2nd
freeware, overview      2nd
freeware, recommended anti-spyware programs      2nd
freeware, versus payware      2nd
full scans (anti-spyware)      
full scans (anti-spyware), importance of      
gimpware, overview      2nd
Google, clearing searches
GPS receivers      
GPS receivers, wardriving with description of      
Grisoft AVG Anti-Virus      [See AVG Anti-Virus]
Grisoft's AVG
Grisoft's AVG, advantages of      2nd
Guest accounts      
guest accounts, description of      
Guest accounts, disabling      
hackers, as spam generators      
hackers, attacks      
hackers, attacks, assesing damage      2nd
hackers, attacks, detecting      2nd
hackers, attacks, fixing      2nd 3rd 4th
hackers, black versus white hats      
hackers, DDoS attacks      
hackers, DDoS attacks, description of      2nd
hackers, effects of      2nd
hackers, motivations of      
hackers, overview      
hackers, personalities of      2nd
hackers, targets of      2nd
hackers, tools of      2nd
hackers, using your storage      
hackers, wireless hackers      
hackers, wireless hackers, description of      
hard drives      
hard drives, external hard drives      
hard drives, external hard drives, description of      
hard drives, partitioning      2nd
hard drives, USB keys
hard drives, USB keys, description of
hard drives, wiping      
hard drives, wiping, backing up before      2nd 3rd 4th
hard drives, wiping, drivers, preserving      2nd 3rd
hard drives, wiping, how to      2nd
hard drives, wiping, importance of      2nd
hard drives, wiping, reinstalling supplies required for      [See also Windows]
hard drives, wiping, supplies required for      2nd
hard drives, wiping, system recovery CDs      2nd
hard drives, wiping, unplugging the network      
hard drives, wiping, with Windows XP install CDs      2nd 3rd
harvesting (websites)      
harvesting (websites), description of      
heuristics, description of      2nd
hidden administrator accounts      
hidden administrator accounts, password protecting      2nd
hijackers      [See browser hijackers]
hijacking, description of      
HiJackThis, additional entries      
HiJackThis, additional entries, learning about      
HiJackThis, description of      2nd
HiJackThis, experts
HiJackThis, experts, recruiting      2nd
HiJackThis, F0, F1, F2, F3      
HiJackThis, F0, F1, F2, F3, description of
HiJackThis, HOSTS file redirects      
HiJackThis, HOSTS file redirects, description of      
HiJackThis, N1, N2, N3, N4
HiJackThis, N1, N2, N3, N4, description of
HiJackThis, O2
HiJackThis, O2, description of      
HiJackThis, O3      
HiJackThis, O3, description of      2nd
HiJackThis, R0, R1, R2, R3      
HiJackThis, R0, R1, R2, R3, description of      
HijackThis, Running Processes
HijackThis, Running Processes, checking      2nd
history (Internet Explorer)
history (Internet Explorer), clearing      
home network routers
home network routers, description of      [See also WI-FI]
home networks
home networks, description of      [See also wireless networks]
home pages      
home pages, browser hijackers
home pages, browser hijackers, description of      
HOSTS file redirects      
HOSTS file redirects, description of      
HOSTS files
HOSTS files, modifying      2nd
identifying, spyware infections      2nd
Identity theft      [See also privacy]
identity theft, credit reports      
identity theft, credit reports, checking, importance of      2nd
identity theft, identifying      
identity theft, overview      2nd
identity theft, phishing      
identity theft, phishing, overview      2nd
identity theft, preventing      2nd
identity theft, preventing, read statements      
identity theft, preventing, through shredding      
identity theft, recovering from      2nd
identity theft, resources
identity theft, resources, consumer.gov      
identity theft, simple identity theft      
identity theft, simple identity theft, description of      
identity theft, skimming      
identity theft, skimming, description of      
identity thieves      
identity thieves, how it's done      2nd 3rd
images, email      
images, email, disabling in      2nd
Immunize      [See real-time protection]
Immunize (Spybot Search & Destroy)
Immunize (Spybot Search & Destroy), descripton of
inappropriate websites      
inappropriate websites, dangers of      
interactive websites      
interactive websites, dangers      
interactive websites, dangers, spam      
Internet Explorer      
Internet Explorer, cookies      
Internet Explorer, cookies, backing up      
Internet Explorer, cookies, cleaning
Internet Explorer, disadvantages of      
Internet Explorer, favorites      
Internet Explorer, favorites, backing up      
Internet Explorer, Netcraft anti-phishing toolbar
Internet Explorer, Netcraft anti-phishing toolbar, installing      2nd
Internet Explorer, security settings      
Internet Explorer, security settings, recommendations      
Internet Properties      
Internet Properties, recommended security settings      
Internet Protocol addresses      [See IP addresses]
Internet, connecting to      2nd
IP addresses      
IP addresses, description of      2nd
IP addresses, number of      
ISPs, security software from      
Junk filters      
Junk filters, enabling      2nd
KakWorm, description of      
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal      
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal, overview      
Kazaa, dangers of      
key loggers      
key loggers, description of      
key loggers, phishing scams      
keys (WEP)      
keys (WEP), description of      
LAN cards      [See Ethernet ports]
limited accounts      
limited accounts, creating      2nd
limited user accounts      
limited user accounts, description of      2nd
links, dangers      
links, dangers, phishing scams, avoiding      2nd
links, source code      
links, source code, viewing      
links, spoofing      
links, spoofing, description of      2nd
Logging off      
logging off, importance of      
MAC addresses      
MAC addresses vs. Macs      
MAC addresses, filtering
MAC addresses, filtering, overview      2nd 3rd
MAC addresses, locating      
MAC addresses, locating, Mac OS X      
MAC addresses, locating, overview      
MAC addresses, locating, Windows 95, 98, and ME
MAC addresses, locating, Windows XP      
Mac OS X      
Mac OS X, updating automatically      
macro viruses      
macro viruses, effects of      2nd
macro viruses, Melissa      2nd
macro viruses, overview      2nd
macro viruses, preventing      
macros, definition of      
Macs, anti-spam programs      
Macs, anti-spam programs, SpamSieve      
Macs, antivirus programs      
Macs, firewalls      2nd
Macs, spyware      
Macs, spyware, absence of      
Macs, viruses      
Macs, viruses, overview      2nd
Macs, vs. MAC addresses      
Macs, wiping clean      2nd
mailto, avoiding      
malware, description of      
McAfee AntiSpyware      
McAfee AntiSpyware, description of      
McAfee Personal Firewall Plus      
McAfee Personal Firewall Plus, description of      
McAfee SpamKiller      
McAfee SpamKiller, overview      
McAfee VirusScan      
McAfee VirusScan, overview      
Melissa macro virus      
Melissa macro virus, description of      2nd
memory-resident viruses      
memory-resident viruses, effects of      
memory-resident viruses, overview      
Microsoft AntiSpyware      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, actions      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, actions, descriptions of      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, Claria      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, Claria, cautions      2nd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, deep scans      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, deep scans, running      2nd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, description of      2nd 3rd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, downloading      2nd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, Real-time Protection      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, Real-time Protection, description of      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, removing infections      2nd 3rd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, scanning for viruses      2nd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, severities      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, severities, descriptions of      2nd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, System Explorers      
Microsoft AntiSpyware, System Explorers, description of      2nd
Microsoft AntiSpyware, updating      2nd
Microsoft Office      
Microsoft Office 2003      
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