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Hoffman K., Kruger L. — Visual C#.NET 2003 Unleashed
Hoffman K., Kruger L. — Visual C#.NET 2003 Unleashed

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Название: Visual C#.NET 2003 Unleashed

Авторы: Hoffman K., Kruger L.


Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed is a comprehensive reference and learning guide for the .NET Framework, using C# as the instructional language. The reader will be exposed to everything from low-level information on the Garbage Collector all the way to advanced concepts like creating applications that use Enterprise Services, creating Web Services, and even advanced Windows GUI. This book should act as the definitive source of information for any C# programmer, whether they've been using C# since the original beta or whether they're just learning the language and the .NET Framework for the first time. The book's lay-flat design makes it ideal as a desk reference, and the online searching and indexing make it the perfect tool for the developer who needs information quickly.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 1008

Добавлена в каталог: 18.07.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
operators, XPath, Less than or equal to      
operators, XPath, Mod
operators, XPath, not
operators, XPath, or
operators, XPath, |
OptionalAttribute attribute
OR operator
Oracle .NET
Oracle .NET, ODP.NET 2nd
Oracle, Microsoft .NET data provider
OraclePermission class
out-of-process session state 2nd
OutAttribute attribute
outlining code 2nd 3rd
Output window
Output window, debugging applications
output, gacutil.exe 2nd
output, ImplicitInterfaceImplementation
OutputCache directive 2nd 3rd 4th
OutputCache directive, attributes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
overflow operators
overloading, operators 2nd
OwnerDraw control
P/Invoke 2nd
P/Invoke, consuming unmanaged DLLs 2nd
P/Invoke, data marshalling 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
P/Invoke, when to use      
P/Invoke, Win32 API 2nd 3rd      
PacketSize property (SqlConnection class)
padding, string formatting 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
Page_Load event handler      
Panel control 2nd 3rd
ParameterName property      
ParameterName property, IDataParameter interface
Parameters property      
Parameters property, IDbCommand interface
parameters, connection strings 2nd 3rd      
parameters, data providers
parameters, data providers, IDataParameter interface 2nd
parameters, data providers, IDataParameterCollection interface 2nd
parameters, data providers, RDPParameter class 2nd      
parameters, data providers, RDPParameterCollection class 2nd      
parameters, dwFlags      
parameters, parsing arrays as 2nd 3rd      
parameters, pDataIn      
parameters, pOptionalEntropy      
parameters, pPromptStruct      
parameters, pvReserved      
parameters, szDataDescr      
parameters, ToolTips      
parent/child relationship      
parent/child relationship, header/detail forms (data binding)      
parsing, arrays      
parsing, arrays, as parameters 2nd 3rd      
parsing, input strings with while statement 2nd      
partial collections      
partial collections, Garbage Collector 2nd      
partial keyword      
partial types      
partial types, future considerations 2nd      
passport authentication 2nd      
Password parameter      
passwords, user 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
pDataIn parameter      
PE (portable executable) files      
Pending Checkins window      
per action licenses      
per CPU licenses      
per hit licensing      
per seat licenses      
PerformAdministrativeAction method      
Performance Monitor      
performance, AddRange method      
performance, asynchronous I/O 2nd 3rd      
performance, chunky API calls 2nd      
performance, exceptions 2nd      
performance, for loop 2nd 3rd 4th      
performance, foreach loop 2nd 3rd 4th      
performance, jagged arrays 2nd      
performance, rectangular arrays 2nd      
performance, reference types 2nd      
performance, value types 2nd      
PerformanceCounterPermission class      
permissions 2nd 3rd 4th      
permissions, defined      
permissions, Evaluate Assembly task (Runtime Security Policy folder) 2nd 3rd 4th      
permissions, identity 2nd      
permissions, policy modification 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
permissions, resolving 2nd      
permissions, role-based      
persistence (objects) 2nd      
persistence (objects), serialization 2nd 3rd      
persistence (objects), serialization, extending 2nd 3rd      
persisting, DOM 2nd      
PIA 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
PIA, (primary Interop assembly)      
PIA, deployment 2nd 3rd      
PIA, producing 2nd 3rd      
PInvoke, Common Language Runtime      
Platform Invoke [See P/Invoke]      
plug-ins, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th      
PluginAPI project      
PluginAPI project, IPlugin interface 2nd      
PluginLoader AppDomain      
PluginLoader class 2nd      
PluginTester Console application 2nd      
PluginTool class 2nd 3rd      
policies, assigning to enterprise templates 2nd      
policies, CAS      
policies, CAS, modification 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
policy files      
policy files, enterprise templates 2nd      
policy files, enterprise templates, TDL elements 2nd 3rd 4th      
polymorphism 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th      
polymorphism, Abstract class      
polymorphism, Inheritance      
polymorphism, Interface      
pooling 2nd      
Pooling parameter      
pooling, object 2nd      
pop-up context menu event handler      
pOptionalEntropy parameter      
Port property      
portable executable (PE) files      
position property      
Position property, CurrencyManager class      
Position property, PropertyManager class      
PositionChanged event      
PositionChanged event, CurrencyManager class      
post-operation evaluation 2nd      
pPromptStruct parameter      
pre-operation evaluation 2nd      
preemptive multitasking (threads)      
prerequisites, enterprise templates      
PreserveSig property      
primary Interop assembly [See PIA]      
PrimaryInterOpAssembly attribute      
primitive data types      
primitive data types, XSD 2nd      
PrintingPermission class      
Priority property (Thread class)      
private installations      
private installations, .NET applications      
profiles 2nd 3rd      
profiles, (developer)      
ProgIdAttribute attribute      
Program flow      
program flow, control structures      
program flow, control structures, conditional statements 2nd      
program flow, control structures, execution path      
program flow, control structures, if conditional statements 2nd      
program flow, control structures, if/else conditional statements 2nd      
program flow, control structures, short circuit evaluations 2nd 3rd 4th      
program flow, control structures, switch statement 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th      
program flow, control structures, ternary operator 2nd      
programmatically registering remote objects 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
programming, interface 2nd 3rd 4th      
programming, interface, declaring interfaces 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th      
programming, multithreaded 2nd      
programming, multithreaded, threads 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd      
programming, object-oriented [See OOP]      
programming, XML schemas      
programming, XML schemas, XmlSchema class 2nd 3rd      
Project menu commands      
Project menu commands, Copy Project      
Project menu commands, Copy Project, ASP.NET application deployment 2nd      
Project menu commands, New Project      
Project Properties dialog box      
projects, AssemblyIntro 2nd      
projects, AssemblyIntro, adding EmbeddedData.xml 2nd      
projects, enterprise templates 2nd 3rd      
projects, Harness      
projects, installation      
projects, installation, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th      
projects, PluginAPI project      
projects, PluginAPI project, IPlugin interface 2nd      
Properties menu      
Properties window      
properties, AppDomain class 2nd      
properties, BestFitMapping      
properties, CallingConvention      
properties, CharSet      
properties, ContextMenu      
properties, ContextUtil class 2nd      
properties, Count      
properties, CurrencyManager class      
properties, Current      
properties, Custom dialog      
properties, DataItem 2nd      
properties, declaring      
properties, delegates      
properties, delegates, Method      
properties, dllName      
properties, DrawMode 2nd      
properties, EntryPoint      
properties, enumerators      
properties, ExactSpelling      
properties, IDataParameter interface 2nd      
properties, IDataParameterCollection interface 2nd      
properties, IDataReader interface 2nd      
properties, IDbCommand interface 2nd      
properties, IDbConnection interface 2nd      
properties, IDbDataAdapter interface 2nd      
properties, InnerText      
properties, IsSynchronized      
properties, PreserveSig      
properties, PropertyManager class 2nd      
properties, RequestSoapContext      
properties, ResponseSoapContext      
properties, SetLastError      
properties, shared      
properties, shared, COM+ 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th      
properties, SqlConnection class 2nd      
properties, SqlDataReader class 2nd      
properties, SyncRoot      
properties, System.Type class      
properties, Tenths      
properties, Text      
properties, Text, Code View window      
properties, threads 2nd      
properties, ThrowOnUnmappableChar      
properties, TraceSwitch      
properties, TransparencyKey 2nd      
properties, ViewState      
properties, ViewState, client-side state management 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th      
properties, Web Application folder 2nd      
properties, WholePart      
properties, Windows Forms 2nd 3rd      
properties, WMIDemoProvider class      
PropertyManager class      
PropertyManager class, properties 2nd      
protecting data [See security]      
protocols, SOAP 2nd 3rd 4th      
protocols, SOAP, (Simple Object Access Protocol)      
protocols, SOAP, over TCP 2nd      
prototypes, enterprise templates      
proxies, clients      
proxies, clients, creating 2nd      
public and private key pairs      
public and private key pairs, creating 2nd 3rd 4th      
public key encryption 2nd      
public key encryption, DSACryptoServiceProvider class 2nd 3rd      
public key encryption, RSACryptoServiceProvider class 2nd      
public properties      
public properties, CurrencyManager class      
PublisherIdentityPermission class      
PublisherProtected class      
PublishEvent method      
Pulse method (Monitor class)      
PulseAll method (Monitor class) 2nd 3rd      
purchasing methods      
purchasing methods, licensing      
pvReserved parameter      
queries, custom attributes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th      
queries, localized content      
queries, localized content, data 2nd 3rd      
query strings      
query strings, client-side state management 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
QueryStringExample.aspx, HTML view 2nd      
QueryStringExample.aspx, Source view 2nd      
Queue collection 2nd 3rd      
Queued Components      
queued components, advanced COM+ 2nd      
queued components, COM+ 2nd      
race conditions 2nd      
RadioButton control      
RadioButtonList control      
raising events      
raising events, thread synchronization 2nd      
RC2CryptoServiceProvider class      
RCW 2nd 3rd 4th      
RCW, (runtime callable wrapper)      
RCW, data marshalling 2nd 3rd      
RDPCommand class 2nd      
RDPConnection class 2nd      
RDPDataAdapter class 2nd      
RDPDataReader class 2nd      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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