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Mulligan J., Petrovsky B. — Developing Online Games: An Insider's Guide
Mulligan J., Petrovsky B. — Developing Online Games: An Insider's Guide

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Название: Developing Online Games: An Insider's Guide

Авторы: Mulligan J., Petrovsky B.


A soup-to-nuts overview of just what it takes to successfully design, develop and manage an online game. Learn from the top two online game developers through the real-world successes and mistakes not known to others. There are Case studies from 10+ industry leaders, including Raph Koster, J. Baron, R. Bartle, D. Schubert, A. Macris, and more! Covers all types of online games: Retail Hybrids, Persistent Worlds, and console games.

Developing Online Games provides insight into designing, developing and managing online games that is available nowhere else. Online game programming guru Jessica Mulligan and seasoned exec Bridgette Patrovsky provide insights into the industry that will allow others entering this market to avoid the mistakes of the past. In addition to their own experiences, the authors provide interviews, insight and anecdotes from over twenty of the most well-known and experienced online game insiders. The book includes case studies of the successes and failures of today's most well-known online games. There is also a special section for senior executives on how to budget an online game and how to assemble the right development and management teams. The book ends with a look at the future of online gaming: not only online console gaming (Xbox Online, Playstation 2), but the emerging mobile device game market (cell phones, wireless, PDA).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 495

Добавлена в каталог: 01.07.2007

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