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Flickenger R., Dougherty D. — Wireless Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Techniques
Flickenger R., Dougherty D. — Wireless Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Techniques

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Название: Wireless Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Techniques

Авторы: Flickenger R., Dougherty D.


Wireless Hacks offers 100 industrial-strength tips about wireless networking, contributed by experts who apply what they know in the real world every day. Each hack can be read in just a few minutes, but can save you hours of research.

Written for the intermediate to advanced wireless user, Wireless Hacks is full of practical, ingenious solutions to real-world networking situations and problems. Whether your wireless network needs to extend to the edge of your office or to the other end of town, this collection of nonobvious, "from the field" techniques will show you how to get the job done.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 286

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
deep dish cylindrical parabolic reflector antenna      
deep dish cylindrical reflector      [See parabolic dish antennas]
default gateway, listing      
default gateway, pinging to troubleshoot connectivity      
DeLorme (Topo USA and 3-D TopoQuads)      
detecting all available      
detecting irregularities with arpwatch      2nd
detecting networks with handheld PCs      
detecting presence of      
detecting the network      
detecting wireless networks      
detection by KisMAC      
detection by MiniStumbler tool      
detection of, passive network scanning and      
determining antenna for particular installation      
determining best placement with NetStumbler      
determining for DIY antennas      
determining gain      
determining with nmap's TCP fingerprinting      
Dev FS enabled for Hermes AP      
Dev FS, running on Linux kernel      
device configured by default when Bluetooth loads      
device pairing      2nd
devices combining with on-board storage, audio capabilities, or video cameras      
DHCP problems and      
dhcpd, configuring for AirPort Linux      
Dial-up Networking (DUN) profile, Bluetooth      
dialup, configuring      
dialup, configuring for AirPort APs      
dictionary attack, using      
dictionary attacks against a WEP key      
different versions of      
Dipole antennas      
dipoles as antennas      
directional, proper placement with NetStumbler      
directionality (or gain)      
directionality of      
directionality of antennas      2nd
disabling in Mac OS X      
dishes      [See also antennas; parabolic dish antennas]
dishes for passive repeater      
dispelling myth of wireless security      
displayed by Kismet      
displaying 802.11 frame data captured by
displaying default gateway's IP address      
distances, free space path losses for      
DIY access point hardware      
DIY AP running Linux      
DNS name resolution, troubleshooting      
DNS servers, troubleshooting      
do-it-yourself antennas      [See under antennas]
do-it-yourself hardware      
downloading and compiling Kismet source      
drawbacks of 802.11a cards      
DriftNet (image grabber for X11)      
DriftNet tool      
drivers for Windows XP and 2000      
drivers for wireless cards, building      
DSL Reports' Speed test      
DSS dish mount (recycled), using      
DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)      
dual-band access points (802.11a)      
DUN (Dial-up Networking) profile, Bluetooth      
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)      
eavesdropping on wireless network traffic      
eavesdropping on wireless networks      
ebtables utility      
ebtables, manipulating with      
ebtables, using for      
EDGE (Enhanced Data for Global Evolution)      
efax, using Bluetooth to fax from GSM phone      
Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP)      
element construction      
element construction (Pringles can waveguide)      
enabling master mode on Hermes-based radio cards      
encapsulating tunnels      [See vtun]
encoding technique, (OFDM)      
encrypting with SSH      
EnGenius/Senao wireless cards      
Enhanced Data for Global Evolution (EDGE)      
entry in httpd.conf for sponsored links      
environmental conditions contributing to signal fade (802.16)
EPOC operating system, Bluetooth devices using
Ericsson phones      
ESS (Extended Service Set)      
ESSIDs, roaming and      
establishing connectivity      
establishing Line of Signt (LOS)      
estimating for Pringles cantenna      
estimating for wireless networks      
Ethernet over      
EtherPEG tool      
Extended Service Set (ESS)      
extending with high-powered radios      
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)      
external antenna to WET11      
external antenna, adding to      
external antennas      [See also antennas]
external antennas and      
external, scarcity of cards and APs with connectors      
Extreme models, external antenna connector with      
F/B (front-to-back) ratio for antennas      
Family Radio Service (FRS)      
faucet utility      
faxing from GSM phone with Bluetooth      
FCC Part 95 rules (for high-powered radios)
feed cone for slotted waveguide      
feed horn positioning, offset fed dishes      
feed point (focal point), positioning in deep dish parabolic      
Festival package      
Festival text-to-speech package      
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)      
File Transfer Profile      
file transfers, Bluetooth in Linux      
filtering on type with ebtables      
finding all available      
finding all available wireless networks      
finding Bluetooth channed used for OBEX Push      
finding broadcast address      
finding for a given network      
finding radio manufacturers by      
finding radio manufacturers by MAC address      
finding valid MAC address      
finding valid MAC address for a network      
finding valid MAC addresses for a network      
finding with tcpdump      
firewall configuration with      
firewalls, bridging with      
fixed-base stations      
flash memory, running Pebble on      
flash RAM, alternative to traditional hard drives      
flashing AirPort      
flashing AirPort firmware      
focal point, positioning in deep dish parabolic      
focusing on a particular access point      
forwarding ports over SSH      
found on the bridge interfaces, displaying      
frames (802.11), tracking in Ethereal      
Free space path loss      2nd
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)      
frequency vs. range      
Fresnel zone      
front collector construction      
front collector construction, Pringles cantenna      
front-to-back ratio      
front-to-back ratio for antennas      2nd
FRS (Family Radio Service)      
FRS and GMRS radio      
FRS radios      
Fujitsu Stylistic tablet PCs      
Fujitsu Stylistic tablet PCs as DIY access point hardware      
full duplex frequency-hopping scheme (Bluetooth)      
gain and      
gateway (default), pinging to troubleshoot connectivity      
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)      
GET or POST requests, examining with ngrep      
GET requests (HTTP), examining with ngrep      2nd
getpeername utility      
GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service)      
GMRS devices and      
GMRS radio      
GMRS radios      
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)      
GPRS on GSM      
GPRS, on GSM phones      
GPS, using      
graphical representation of performance data, rrdtool      
Graphite AirPort      
Graphite AirPort, running Linux on      
Grass program      
GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation)      
GRE encapsulation      
GRE tunneling      
Green Bay Professional Packet Radio's Wireless Network Link Analysis      
grep-compatible format (ngrep)      
ground clutter, software topo maps and      
ground plane antennas      
GSM phones, support for multiple GPRS access points      
guide to      
guidelines for making the most of      
hacks, defined      
hard drives, flash RAM alternative to      
hardware, adapting to increase range      [See hardware]
hardware, suppliers of      
hciattach utility      
hciconfig utility      
headsets, suitability for use with Bluetooth      
Heliax cables      
Hermes AP and      
Hermes AP project      
Hermes chipset cards      
Hermes-based radio cards, enabling BSS master mode      
hidden (closed) networks causing      
high-powered (FRS and GMRS)      
high-powered radios      
highly directional      
hopping channels with Kismet network scanner      
hopping with Kismet network scanner      
horizontal and vertical      
horizontal and vertical polarization      
horizontal, in a WAN      
Host AP      
Host AP driver, using      
Host AP drivers      
Host AP, making Ethernet bridge with      
hostname resolution from IP addresses with ngrep      
hosts file, for AirPort Linux      
housing an AP in existing light socket      
how waveguide antennas work      
HPNA (Home Phone Networking Alliance)      
HPNA and Powerline Ethernet vs.      
HPNA vs.      
httpd.conf file, VirtualHost entry for sponsored links      
IBSS (Independent Basic Service Set)      2nd
ICMP traffic, monitoring with tcpdump      
IDE devices, adapting flash media as      
IEEE database of organizationally unique identifiers (OUI)      
ifconfig command      
ifup ppp0 and ifdown ppp0 commands (Red Hat Linux)      
image grabbers      
in Linux      
in Mac OS X      
in Pirouette can waveguide antenna      
in spider omni antenna      
inability to detect with active scanners      
increases in, range vs.      
increasing for Titanium PowerBook      
increasing with add-on antennas      
Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS)      2nd
index.shtml file, creating      
inetd, use by Cheshire      
inetd.conf file      
Infrared 802.11 cards, lack of interference with
input devices (Bluetooth-enabled)      
installing AirPortLinux      2nd
installing and configuring      
installing AP in existing light socket      
installing Kismet      
integrating wireless networks with      
integrating with nmap      
integration of Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones and SMS      
interfacing with GPS system connected to your PC      
interference, Bluetooth devices and      
internal antennas      
Internet connection, estimating performance of      
Internet connection, measuring for      
Internet connections with      
interoperability, problems with      
intrusion detection systems, detecting nmap monitoring with      
IP addresses      
IP addresses, finding with      
IP tunneling      
IP tunnels with GRE      
ipconfig /all command (Windows)      
iperf utility      
IPIP tunnel protocol      
IPIP tunneling and      
IPIP tunneling protocol      
iproute2 package      
iptables script (sharing GPRS with anyone in Wi-Fi range)      
iptables utility      
iptables, sharing GPRS with anyone in Wi-Fi range      
Isotropic radiator      
iStumbler (network discovery tool)      
iTunes DAAP share service, advertising      
iwconfig tool      2nd
iwlist tool      
iwpriv tool      
iwspy tool      
Java Configurator      
Java Configurator for AirPort APs      
Java Runtime Environment (JRE), downloading      
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