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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics
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Название: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics
Автор: Miller M.
Аннотация: Absolute Beginner¿s Guide to Computer Basics, 2E, teaches you how to get the most from your personal computer system ¿ and from common peripherals, including CD burners, digital cameras, and PDAs. This book shows new computers users how to set up their computer hardware, find their way around the Windows XP desktop, learn to use essential software programs, and get connected to and start using the Internet. Users will also learn how to keep their computer systems up and running, and how to troubleshoot common computer problems.
Everything is explained in an easy-to-understand language, with step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations. This book presents a non-technical approach to an otherwise technically intimidating topic, it's filled with practical information and real-world advice.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: second edition
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 408
Добавлена в каталог: 27.06.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
files, file-trading networks 2nd 3rd
files, sharing across networks 2nd
files, viruses and 2nd
files, Windows XP
files, Windows XP, closing
files, Windows XP, compressing 2nd
files, Windows XP, copying 2nd 3rd 4th
files, Windows XP, defined
files, Windows XP, deleting 2nd
files, Windows XP, extracting from compressed folders 2nd
files, Windows XP, grouping 2nd
files, Windows XP, moving 2nd
files, Windows XP, naming
files, Windows XP, paths
files, Windows XP, printing 2nd
files, Windows XP, renaming 2nd
files, Windows XP, restoring deleted files 2nd
files, Windows XP, saving 2nd
files, Windows XP, sorting 2nd
files, Windows XP, viewing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
filtering, database data 2nd
finance-related Web sites 2nd
finances, Microsoft Money [See Money (Microsoft)]
Firewalls 2nd 3rd
FireWire ports
FireWire ports, connecting peripherals 2nd
flat-screen monitors
floppy disks
Folder Options dialog box 2nd
folders, My Documents 2nd
folders, My Pictures 2nd
folders, My Pictures, js add pgs
folders, sharing across networks 2nd
folders, task pane
folders, Windows XP
folders, Windows XP, compressed 2nd 3rd
folders, Windows XP, copying 2nd 3rd 4th
folders, Windows XP, creating 2nd
folders, Windows XP, grouping 2nd
folders, Windows XP, moving 2nd
folders, Windows XP, navigating 2nd 3rd
folders, Windows XP, renaming 2nd
folders, Windows XP, saving settings 2nd
folders, Windows XP, sorting 2nd
folders, Windows XP, Unused Desktop icons 2nd
folders, Windows XP, viewing 2nd 3rd
Form view (databases)
formatting, hard disks
formatting, Microsoft Word
formatting, Microsoft Word, paragraphs 2nd 3rd
formatting, Microsoft Word, pictures 2nd
formatting, Microsoft Word, text 2nd
formatting, spreadsheets 2nd 3rd 4th
formatting, text
formatting, text, PowerPoint presentations 2nd
formulas (spreadsheets)
formulas (spreadsheets), algebraic operators 2nd
formulas (spreadsheets), entering 2nd
formulas (spreadsheets), including cells in 2nd
Forward button
Forward button, (Internet Explorer toolbar)
FotoTime Web site
Fox News Web site
FOXSports Web site
Free Games Net Web site
freeware 2nd [See also downloading online files]
freeze-ups 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
FrontPage (Microsoft) 2nd
Froogle Web site
FSBO.com Web site
functions (spreadsheets) 2nd
Future Games Network Web site
game controllers
Gameport ports
games, free downloads
games, installing 2nd
games, playing
games, playing, multiplayer games 2nd
games, playing, online 2nd 3rd
games, playing, Windows 2nd 3rd
games, requirements 2nd
games, review sites 2nd
games, tip sites 2nd
Games.com Web site
GameSpot Web site
gateways, sharing Internet
gateways, sharing Internet, connections 2nd
GB (gigabytes)
Geocities (Yahoo!) 2nd 3rd
gigabytes (GB)
Gnutella Web site
Go button (Internet Explorer)
GoGettem Web site
Google SafeSearch
Google search engine 2nd 3rd
grammar checking
grammar checking, Microsoft Word documents 2nd
graphic links 2nd
graphics editing software
graphics, downloading graphics files 2nd
graphics, inserting
graphics, inserting in PowerPoint presentations 2nd 3rd 4th
graphics, inserting in Word documents 2nd 3rd 4th
Graphics, saving
graphics, saving as desktop background
grayed objects
Greeting Card Factory
greeting cards, electronic 2nd 3rd 4th
Grokster Web site
Grolier Multimedia
Grolier Multimedia, Encyclopedia Web site
group communities
grouping files/folders 2nd
guest user accounts 2nd
Hallmark Card Studio
Hallmark E-Cards Web site
hard disk drives 2nd
hard disk drives, checking for errors 2nd
hard disk drives, defragmenting 2nd
hard disk drives, deleting unnecessary files 2nd
hard disk drives, formatting
hard disk drives, removing unnecesary files 2nd 3rd
hard disk drives, viewing contents 2nd
Hardware 2nd
hardware, adding
hardware, adding, Add Hardware Wizard 2nd
hardware, adding, device drivers
hardware, adding, external hardware 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
hardware, adding, internal hardware 2nd
hardware, adding, popular peripherals 2nd 3rd
hardware, adding, portable devices 2nd 3rd
hardware, adding, ports and 2nd 3rd
hardware, CD-ROM drives 2nd
hardware, DVD drives 2nd
hardware, hard disk drives 2nd
hardware, keyboards 2nd
hardware, mice 2nd 3rd
hardware, modems 2nd
hardware, monitors 2nd 3rd
hardware, preventative maintenance 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Hardware, printers 2nd
hardware, removable disk drives 2nd
hardware, speakers 2nd
hardware, system units 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
headings, Microsoft Word documents
health-related Web sites 2nd
healthAtoZ.com Web site
Help and Support Center
Help and Support Center, (Windows XP) 2nd
help, Windows XP 2nd
hiding, windows
high school educational software
History button (Internet Explorer) 2nd 3rd
History page (Works Suite Task Launcher) 2nd 3rd
History pane (Internet Explorer) 2nd 3rd 4th
Home button (Internet Explorer) 2nd
Home page (Works Suite Task Launcher)
home page communities 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
home pages
home pages, defined
home publishing programs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Homes.com Web site
HomeScape.com Web site
Hoovers Online Web site
HostIndex.com Web site
hosting services, uploading
hosting services, uploading, Web pages 2nd
HostSearch Web site
hot swappable devices
HotBot Web site
Hotwire Web site
houses, online shopping 2nd
hovering (mouse)
hubs, modem/hub Internet connections 2nd
Hughes Network Systems
hypertext links 2nd
icons, desktop
icons, desktop, arranging 2nd
icons, desktop, creating
icons, desktop, reducing clutter 2nd
icons, desktop, removing
icons, desktop, renaming 2nd
ICQ Web site
IE [See Internet Explorer (IE)]
IEEE 1394 ports
iHomeowner.com Web site
iMesh Web site
InfoSpace Web site
inkjet printers
input devices
input devices, game controllers
input devices, joysticks
input devices, keyboards 2nd
input devices, mice 2nd
input devices, pen pads
input devices, trackballs
insertion point (Word)
installing, games 2nd
Installing, software
installing, software, automatic installations 2nd
installing, software, from the Internet 2nd
installing, software, manual installations 2nd
Instant messaging 2nd 3rd
instant messaging, adding contacts 2nd
instant messaging, receiving messages
instant messaging, sending messages 2nd
Intel microprocessors
Intellicast.com Web site
internal modems
internal ports 2nd
Internet Chess Web site
Internet Connection Firewall
Internet Connection Firewall, (Windows XP) 2nd
Internet connections
Internet connections, broadband cable
Internet Explorer (IE)
Internet Explorer (IE), home page, changing
Internet Explorer (IE), printing Web pages
Internet Explorer (IE), revisiting recently viewed pages 2nd 3rd 4th
Internet Explorer (IE), saving favorite Web pages 2nd
Internet Explorer (IE), starting
Internet Explorer (IE), surfing the Web 2nd
Internet Explorer (IE), toolbar buttons 2nd
Internet Park Web site
Internet Radio 2nd
Internet TeleCafe Web site
Internet, blogs 2nd
Internet, chatting online 2nd 3rd
Internet, connections
Internet, connections, account setup 2nd
Internet, connections, broadband DSL
Internet, connections, broadband satellite 2nd
Internet, connections, commercial online services 2nd
Internet, connections, configuring Windows 2nd
Internet, connections, dial-up
Internet, connections, sharing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Internet, downloading files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Internet, electronic greeting cards, sending 2nd 3rd
Internet, email [See email]
Internet, file-trading networks 2nd 3rd
Internet, instant messaging 2nd 3rd
Internet, js add various Web xrefs
Internet, message boards 2nd 3rd 4th
Internet, newsgroups 2nd 3rd
Internet, security
Internet, security, content-filtering software 2nd 3rd
Internet, security, email spam 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Internet, security, firewalls 2nd 3rd
Internet, security, spyware 2nd 3rd
Internet, security, viruses 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Internet, Windows XP Internet utilities
Intuit, Quicken 2nd
invitations 2nd 3rd
iPod (Apple)
iPod (Apple), connecting 2nd 3rd
iPod (Apple), connecting to PCs
ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
ISPs, account setup 2nd
ISPs, broadband cable connections
ISPs, broadband DSL connections
ISPs, broadband satellite connections 2nd
ISPs, configuring Windows 2nd
ISPs, dial-up connections
ISPs, national ISPs 2nd
IT Pro Downloads Web site
iTunes Music Store 2nd
iTunes software (Apple) 2nd 3rd
iTunes software (Apple), Library
iTunes, downloading songs from Music Store 2nd
iTunes, playlists, creating 2nd
iTunes, transferring songs
john, add MS Office xrefs
john, add xref to
john, add xref to Internet, downloading files
john, db sb dialog box
john, search for WMM
john, verify graphics and pictures
john, Works and Works Suite not same
Jumbo Web site
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal
KaZaA Media Desktop Web site
KB (kilobytes)
Kelley Blue Book Web site
Kerio Personal Firewall Web site