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Omura G. — Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Omura G. — Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005

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Название: Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005

Автор: Omura G.


Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005 is a fully updated edition of Omura's enduring masterpiece. Once again, he delivers the most comprehensive and comprehensible coverage for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT users including information on the Sheet Set Manager, field command, table tool and the software's other productivity enhancers. If you've never used AutoCAD, the tutorial approach and step-by-step instruction will help you get started right away. If you're an AutoCAD veteran, in-depth explanations of AutoCAD's newest and most advanced features will help you become an AutoCAD expert. Whatever your experience, however you use AutoCAD, you’ll refer to this indispensable resource again and again.

Coverage includes:

Finding your way around the AutoCAD interface
Creating and developing an AutoCAD drawing
Keeping track of your projects with the new sheet set manager
Importing spreadsheets and editing tables with the new Table tool
Updating text automatically with the new field command
Controlling your drawings' printed output
Discovering hidden features
Mastering the 3D modeling and rendering process
Customizing AutoCAD
Linking drawings to databases and spreadsheets
Managing custom symbols
Securing and authenticating your files
Aligning and coordinating Layout views
Using Publish to share files with non-AutoCAD users

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 1184

Добавлена в каталог: 25.06.2007

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