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Eck T. — Windows NT/2000 ADSI Scripting for System Administration |
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ServiceAccountName property, IADsService interface
ServiceAccountPath property
ServiceAccountPath property, IADsFileService interface
ServiceAccountPath property, IADsService interface
services, IADsServiceOperations
services, IADsServiceOperations, pausing 2nd 3rd
services, IADsServiceOperations, starting 2nd
services, IADsServiceOperations, stopping 2nd
ServiceType property
ServiceType property, IADsFileService interface 2nd
ServiceType property, IADsService interface 2nd
Sessions method
Sessions method, IADsFileServiceOperations interface
SetInfo method
SetInfo method, IADs interface 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SetInfo method, IADsComputer interface
SetInfo method, IADsDomain interface
SetInfo method, IADsFileService interface
SetInfo method, IADsFileServiceOperations interface
SetInfo method, IADsFileShare interface
SetInfo method, IADsGroup interface
SetInfo method, IADsLocality interface
SetInfo method, IADsO interface
SetInfo method, IADsOU interface
SetInfo method, IADsPrintJob interface
SetInfo method, IADsPrintJobOperations interface
SetInfo method, IADsPrintQueue interface
SetInfo method, IADsPrintQueueOperations interface
SetInfo method, IADsResource interface
SetInfo method, IADsService interface
SetInfo method, IADsServiceOperations interface
SetInfo method, IADsSession interface
SetInfo method, IADsUser interface
SetPassword method
SetPassword method, IADsFileServiceOperations interface
SetPassword method, IADsServiceOperations interface
SetPassword method, IADsUser interface
setting, file share descriptions 2nd
setting, file share maximum users property values 2nd
shares, creating programmatically 2nd
shares, enumerating 2nd 3rd
shares, removing 2nd
single-signon, ADSI practical applications 2nd
site management
site management, IIS [See IIS site management]
site operators
site operators, FTP service management 2nd 3rd 4th
Site property
Site property, IADsComputer interface
sites [See Web sites]
sites, Active Directory terminology
sites, manipulating
sites, pausing 2nd 3rd 4th
sites, querying
sites, querying, status 2nd
sites, starting 2nd
sites, stopping 2nd
size property
Size property, IADsPrintJob interface
software development kits [See SDKs]
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL, endpoint mapping 2nd 3rd 4th
Start method
Start method, IADsFileServiceOperations interface
Start method, IADsServiceOperations interface
starting, services
starting, services, IADsServiceOperations 2nd
starting, sites 2nd
StartTime property
StartTime property, IADsPrintJob interface
StartTime property, IADsPrintQueue interface
StartType property
StartType property, IADsFileService interface 2nd
StartType property, IADsService interface 2nd
StartupParameters property
StartupParameters property, IADsFileService interface
StartupParameters property, IADsService interface
status flags
status flags, user accounts 2nd
status flags, user accounts, Account Disabled 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
status flags, user accounts, Account Locked-Out 2nd 3rd 4th
status flags, user accounts, determining value of 2nd
status flags, user accounts, Password Never Expires 2nd 3rd
status flags, user accounts, toggling 2nd 3rd
status flags, user accounts, User Cannot Change Password 2nd 3rd 4th
status flags, user accounts, User Must Change Password at Next Logon 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
status property
Status property, IADsFileServiceOperations interface 2nd
Status property, IADsPrintJobOperations interface 2nd
Status property, IADsPrintQueueOperations interface 2nd 3rd
Status property, IADsServiceOperations interface 2nd
Stop method
Stop method, IADsFileServiceOperations interface
Stop method, IADsServiceOperations interface
stopping, services
stopping, services, IADsServiceOperations 2nd
stopping, sites 2nd
StorageCapacity property
StorageCapacity property, IADsComputer interface
structure, IIS Metabase
structure, IIS Metabase, examining 2nd 3rd
SYSKEY utility
SYSKEY utility, SAM encryption
system management
system management, automated
system management, automated, ADSI practical applications 2nd
TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface)
TCP ports
TCP ports, FTP service management 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
TelephoneHome property
TelephoneHome property, IADsUser interface
TelephoneMobile property
TelephoneMobile property, IADsUser interface
TelephoneNumber property
TelephoneNumber property, IADsO interface
TelephoneNumber property, IADsOU interface
TelephoneNumber property, IADsUser interface
TelephonePager property
TelephonePager property, IADsUser interface
Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI)
terminology, Active Directory 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
test environment
test environment, importance of 2nd 3rd
testing, COM servers 2nd
TimeElapsed property
TimeElapsed property, IADsPrintJobOperations interface
timeouts, ConnectionTimeout property
timeouts, ConnectionTimeout property, Web Site property sheets 2nd 3rd 4th
TimeSubmitted property
TimeSubmitted property, IADsPrintJob interface
Title property
Title property, IADsUser interface
toggling, user status flags 2nd 3rd
TotalPages property
TotalPages property, IADsPrintJob interface
trees, Active Directory terminology
troubleshooting, COM object instantiation from ASP
| Trustee property
Trustee property, AccessControlEntry interface 2nd
UNCPassword property
UNCPassword property, FTP service management 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
UNCPassword property, Home Directory property sheet
UNCUserName property
UNCUserName property, FTP service management 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
UNCUserName property, Home Directory property sheet
UntilTime property
UntilTime property, IADsPrintJob interface
UntilTime property, IADsPrintQueue interface
UPN (User Principal Name)
UPN (user principal name), Active Directory terminology
URL redirection
URL redirection, Home Directory property sheet 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
user accounts
user accounts, Account Information dialog box 2nd 3rd
user accounts, account type
user accounts, account type, querying 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, administrative delegation model
user accounts, administrative delegation model, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
user accounts, bad login attempts
user accounts, bad login attempts, querying 2nd 3rd
user accounts, creating/deleting/renaming 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
user accounts, enumeration 2nd 3rd
user accounts, environment profiles 2nd
user accounts, environment profiles, home directory mapping 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, environment profiles, home directory path 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, environment profiles, LoginScript property 2nd 3rd
user accounts, environment profiles, profile paths 2nd
user accounts, expiration date
user accounts, expiration date, querying 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, expiration date, setting 2nd
user accounts, global accounts
user accounts, global accounts, 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, last login attempt
user accounts, last login attempt, querying 2nd 3rd
user accounts, last logoff attempt
user accounts, last logoff attempt, querying 2nd 3rd
user accounts, local accounts
user accounts, local accounts, 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, login hours 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
user accounts, login workstations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
user accounts, minimum password length
user accounts, minimum password length, querying 2nd 3rd
user accounts, Parameters property 2nd
user accounts, password age
user accounts, password age, querying 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
user accounts, password requirements
user accounts, password requirements, querying 2nd 3rd
user accounts, password requirements, setting 2nd
user accounts, passwords 2nd
user accounts, passwords, 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, passwords, determining
user accounts, passwords, setting new 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, properties 2nd
user accounts, properties, Description 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
user accounts, properties, FullName 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
user accounts, status flags 2nd
user accounts, status flags, Account Disabled 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
user accounts, status flags, Account Locked-Out 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, status flags, determining value of 2nd
user accounts, status flags, Password Never Expires 2nd 3rd
user accounts, status flags, toggling 2nd 3rd
user accounts, status flags, User Cannot Change Password 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, status flags, User Must Change Password at Next Logon 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
User Cannot Change Password status flag 2nd 3rd 4th
user class objects (Active Directory)
user class objects (Active Directory), enumerating 2nd 3rd
user group membership
user group membership, enumeration 2nd 3rd
User Must Change Password at Next Logon status flag 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
User objects
user objects, binding 2nd
User Principal Name (UPN)
user principal name (UPN), Active Directory terminology
User property
User property, IADsPrintJob interface
User property, IADsResource interface
User property, IADsSession interface
user sessions
user sessions, disconnecting 2nd 3rd 4th
user sessions, enumerating 2nd 3rd
UserFlags property
UserFlags property, IADsUser interface 2nd
UserName property
UserName property, WinNTSystemInfo interface
UserPath property
UserPath property, IADsPrintJob interface
UserPath property, IADsResource interface
UserPath property, IADsSession interface
users, adding to groups 2nd
users, groups
users, groups, querying membership 2nd 3rd
users, removing from groups 2nd 3rd
utilities, command-line
utilities, command-line, limitations of 2nd
utilities, IIS Log Replay utility
utilities, MetaEdit
variables, MimeExtension
variables, MimeType
variables, redirect variables 2nd
variables, ResourceUser
VBScript Active Server Page
VBScript Active Server Page, instantiating NTContainerManagement class module 2nd
VBScript, disadvantages of
version property
Version property, IADsFileService interface
Version property, IADsService interface
viewing, MIME-type mappings 2nd
virtual directories
virtual directories, FTP service management
virtual directories, FTP service management, local home directory path 2nd 3rd 4th
virtual directories, FTP service management, remote home directory path 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
virtual directories, IIS site management
virtual directories, IIS site management, creating 2nd 3rd
virtual directories, IIS site management, creating FTP virtual directories 2nd
virtual directories, IIS site management, deleting 2nd
virtual directories, IIS site management, deleting FTP sites 2nd
virtual directory binding 2nd
virtual site binding 2nd
Visual Basic
Visual Basic, advantages of 2nd
Visual Basic, advantages of, COM 2nd
Visual Basic, advantages of, datatype definitions 2nd
Visual Basic, advantages of, multi-tier development 2nd
Visual Basic, COM servers
Visual Basic, COM servers, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Visual Basic, COM servers, instantiating from ASP 2nd 3rd
Visual Basic, COM servers, testing 2nd
Visual Basic, development environment
Visual Basic, development environment, configuring 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Visual Basic, development environment, requirements 2nd
Visual Basic, installing
Visual Basic, instantiating NTContainerManagement class module 2nd
Visual Basic, interaction with ADSI
Visual Basic, interaction with ADSI, for administrative tasks 2nd 3rd 4th
Visual Basic, resources
Visual Basic, test environment
Visual Basic, test environment, importance of 2nd 3rd
W3C Extended Log File Format
W3C Extended Log File Format, IIS site logging 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Web application configuration
Web application configuration, Home Directory property sheet 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Web directories
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