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Hurwicz M. — Using Macromedia Studio MX 2004 |
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paths, text, converting to
paths, versus strokes (vector graphics) 2nd
Pen tool 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Pen tool, anchor points 2nd
Pen tool, control handles 2nd
Pen tool, curved line segments
Pen tool, curved line segments, adjusting 2nd
Pen tool, curved line segments, drawing 2nd
Pen tool, straight line segments
Pen tool, straight line segments, drawing
pencil icon
Pencil tool 2nd 3rd 4th
performance (Fireworks)
performance (Fireworks), batch processing
performance (Fireworks), Transform tool 2nd
period (.)
period (.), class selectors
Perl, # (pound sign)
Perl, CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts
Perl, CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts, writing 2nd 3rd 4th
Perl, comments
Perl, troubleshooting
persistance, ColdFusion components
persistent storage
Personal Home Pages (PHP)
Personal Web Server (PWS)
Perspective Grid
Perspective Grid command (View menu)
Perspective Grid, adjusting
Perspective tool (FreeHand) 2nd
Photo (JPEG) command (Compression menu)
Photoshop, filters
Photoshop, filters, troubleshooting
PHP (Personal Home Pages)
PI property (Math object)
PICT Settings (Clipboard Preferences)
Pictograph dialog box
Pie charts
pie charts, drawing
pitch, sound
pixel fonts.
Pixel FX (Flash)
pixelAspectRatio property
pixels (Flash)
pixels per inch (ppi)
pixels, alignment
pixels, anti-aliasing
pixels, anti-aliasing, turning off
pixels, bitmap graphics 2nd
pixels, blurring
pixels, compressed bitmaps (Flash)
pixels, darkening
pixels, justification
pixels, layers
pixels, layers, resizing
pixels, lightening
pixels, modifying (bitmaps)
pixels, snapping
pixels, snapping (Flash) 2nd
pixels, tables
pixels, text 2nd 3rd
pixels, traced bitmaps (Flash)
placeholder text
placeholders, Dreamweaver
placeholders, Flash
placeholders, image
placeholders, image, Dreamweaver integration, exporting Fireworks graphics
planning, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 2nd
planning, Dreamweaver Bindings panel
planning, FreeHand 2nd
planning, templates
platforms, dynamic (Dreamweaver) 2nd 3rd
Play command (Control menu)
play method (MovieClip class)
Play Sound behavior
Play Sound JavaScript behavior
Play/Stop property (Flash object)
playback, embedded video
playback, embedded video, controlling (Flash) 2nd
playerType property
Plg URL property (embedded audio files)
Plg Url property (plug-ins)
plug-ins 2nd
plug-ins, detecting 2nd
plug-ins, Dreamweaver
plug-ins, Dreamweaver, troubleshooting
plug-ins, embedding
plug-ins, Flash 2nd 3rd
plug-ins, inserting
plug-ins, inserting, ActiveX controls
plug-ins, parameters
plug-ins, properties 2nd
plug-ins, Shockwave 2nd
plug-ins, third-party
plug-ins, third-party, installing 2nd
Plugin icon
Plugin Name property (plug-ins)
Plugin property (embedded audio files)
plus (+) operator
PNG command (Format menu)
PNG command (Save As Type menu)
PNG Fireworks files
PNG Fireworks files, importing to FreeHand 2nd
PNG format
PNG format, background images 2nd
PNG format, Web integration (FreeHand) 2nd
PNG Options dialog box 2nd
point size
point size, fonts 2nd
point-check approach
point-check approach, overlapping movie clips
pointers, custom mouse pointers
pointers, custom mouse pointers, creating
pointers, gradient pointer
policy files
Polygon Hotspot tool
Polygon Lasso tool 2nd
Polygon modifier (Lasso tool)
Polygon Slice tool
Polygon tool
polygons, drawing 2nd
polymorphic (+) operator 2nd
pop method (arrays)
pop() method 2nd 3rd
Portable Network Graphics.
ports, Web servers 2nd
position control
position control, Math class 2nd 3rd
position property
positioning styles option (Style Defintion dialog box)
positioning, character position
positioning, movie clips
positioning, relative
positioning, relative, Math class 2nd 3rd 4th
positioning, symbols (Flash) 2nd
| positive settings
positive settings, character spacing
positive settings, kerning
POST method
postfixes, operators 2nd
pound sign (#)
pound sign (#), null links
pound sign (#), Perl
pow method (Math object)
ppi (pixels per inch)
precedence, operators 2nd 3rd
Precision option (Calligraphic dialog box)
Precision option (Variable Stroke Pen dialog box)
predefined framesets
predefined framesets, existing documents
predefined framesets, existing documents, displaying 2nd
predefined framesets, new empty
Preferences (Fireworks)
Preferences (Fireworks), Editing tab
Preferences (Fireworks), Folders tab
Preferences (Fireworks), General tab
Preferences (Fireworks), Import tab
Preferences (Fireworks), Launch and Edit settings
Preferences (Flash)
Preferences (Flash), ActionScript Editor 2nd
Preferences (Flash), Clipboard 2nd
Preferences (Flash), Editing 2nd 3rd 4th
Preferences (Flash), General 2nd 3rd
Preferences (Flash), Warning 2nd 3rd
Preferences command (Edit menu) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Preferences dialog box 2nd
Preferences, ActionScript command (Edit menu) 2nd
Preferences, File Types/Editors command (Edit menu)
Preferences, General command (Edit menu)
preferences, layers 2nd
Preferences, Layers command (Edit menu)
Preferences, Validator command (Edit menu)
prefixes, operators 2nd
preloaders, centralizing code
preloaders, movie clips
preloaders, sound preloaders
Preset Name dialog box
press button event
Pressure modifier (Brush tool)
prevFrame method (MovieClip class)
Preview buttons
Preview buttons, optimization
Preview Mode, Fast command (View menu)
Preview Mode, Outlines command (View menu)
previewing data
previewing data, automated operations
previewing data, automated operations, databases (Dreamweaver ColdFusion) 2nd 3rd 4th
previewing pages (Fireworks)
previewing, animations (Flash)
previewing, animations (Flash), scrubbing
previewing, Page Preview feature
previewing, Page Preview feature, multipage files, creating
previewing, sound (Flash)
previousSibling property
primitive datatypes
primitive datatypes, Booleans
primitive datatypes, function 2nd
primitive datatypes, null 2nd 3rd 4th
primitive datatypes, number 2nd 3rd
primitive datatypes, strings 2nd
primitive datatypes, strings, versus literals 2nd
primitive datatypes, undefined 2nd
Print Target Page action
Printing Options (General Preferences)
printing, frames
PrintJob class 2nd 3rd 4th
private visibility
private visibility, class features
processing, batch (Fireworks)
processing, Batch Process (Fireworks) 2nd 3rd
program design
program design, lexical
program design, logical
programming, event-based programming 2nd
programming, OOP (object-oriented programming)
programming, OOP (object-oriented programming), AS2 (ActionScript 2)
programming, OOP (object-oriented programming), functions
programs, choosing 2nd
programs, Contribute 2
programs, Contribute 2, creating pages
programs, Contribute 2, creating pages, Add a Page button 2nd 3rd
programs, Contribute 2, creating pages, Insert Link method 2nd 3rd
programs, Contribute 2, drafts 2nd
programs, Contribute 2, drafts;creating
programs, Contribute 2, editing pages 2nd
programs, Contribute 2, FlashPaper Printer utility
programs, Contribute 2, frames
programs, Contribute 2, images
programs, Contribute 2, importing Word/Excel documents 2nd 3rd
programs, Contribute 2, links
programs, Contribute 2, lists
programs, Contribute 2, modes 2nd
programs, Contribute 2, overview 2nd 3rd
programs, Contribute 2, tables
programs, Contribute 2, text 2nd 3rd
programs, Contribute 2, toolbar 2nd
programs, idle programs
Progress Bars
progress bars, sound
ProgressBar component (Flash)
Progressive option (JPEG compression)
progressively loading .flv files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Project (Editing Preference)
project classpaths
project classpaths, entering 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Project From Menu option (3D Rotation dialog box)
Project Seven
Project Seven, Layer Animagic
projector control
projector control, context menu
projector control, context menu, hiding 2nd
projector control, exec command
projector control, quit command
projector control, window modifications 2nd
projects, Web standards 2nd
promoting, Web sites
promoting, Web sites, effect of directory structure on search engines 2nd
properites, PrintJob class
properties (objects)
properties (objects), function literals
properties (objects), function literals, storing
properties (objects), scope chains
Properties command (Library Options pop-up menu)
Properties panel
Properties panel group (FreeHand) 2nd 3rd
Properties panel group (FreeHand), Document panel 2nd 3rd
Properties panel group (FreeHand), Object panel
Properties panel, objects
Properties panel, objects, editing 2nd 3rd
properties, Accessbility object 2nd
properties, ActiveX controls 2nd
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