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Weeks R., Dumbill E., Jepson B. — Linux Unwired
Weeks R., Dumbill E., Jepson B. — Linux Unwired

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Название: Linux Unwired

Авторы: Weeks R., Dumbill E., Jepson B.


In Linux Unwired, you'll learn the basics of wireless computing, from the reasons why you'd want to go wireless in the first place, to setting up your wireless network or accessing wireless data services on the road. The book provides a complete introduction to all the wireless technologies supported by Linux. You'll learn how to install and configure a variety of wireless technologies to fit different scenarios, including an office or home network and for use on the road. You'll also learn how to get Wi-Fi running on a laptop, how to use Linux to create your own access point, and how to deal with cellular networks, Bluetooth, and Infrared. Other topics covered in the book include:

* Connecting to wireless hotspots
* Cellular data plans you can use with Linux
* Wireless security, including WPA and 802.1x
* Finding and mapping Wi-Fi networks with kismet and gpsd
* Connecting Linux to your Palm or Pocket PC
* Sending text messages and faxes from Linux through your cellular phone

Linux Unwired is a one-stop wireless information source for on-the-go Linux users. Whether you're considering Wi-Fi as a supplement or alternative to cable and DSL, using Bluetooth to network devices in your home or office,or want to use cellular data plans for access to data nearly everywhere, this book will show you the full-spectrum view of wireless capabilities of Linux, and how to take advantage of them.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 240

Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
EAP Tunneled TLS (EAP-TTLS)      
EAP-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)      
EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution)      2nd
EDGE, devices      
efax package      
EHF (Extremely High Frequency) band      
eject command (cardctl program)      
Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum      
embedded PCs, using to build access points      
enc parameter (iwconfig)      
enc parameter (iwlist)      
EnGenius (wireless vendor)      
EnGenius/Senao (wireless vendor)      
Enhanced Data rates      
Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution (EDGE)      
EPIA MII motherboard      
ESS (Extended Service Set)      
essid parameter (iwconfig)      
ESSID, noisy wireless environment      
Ethereal, reading Kismet's dump files in      
Ethernet, standard for wired networking      
Eumitcom WL11000 motherboard      
Extended Service Set (ESS)      
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)      
Extremely High Frequency (EHF) band      
Fast Infrared (FIR)      
faxes, sending from cell phones      
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)      
FCC, bands defined by      
Fedora, installing Kismet      
File Transfer Profile (FTP)      
fix (GPS)      
flash RAM and access points      
flashing access points      
frag parameter (iwconfig)      
FreeGIS project      
freeradius packages      
freq parameter (iwconfig)      
freq parameter (iwlist)      
frequency      2nd [See also radio frequency]
Frequency hopping      
frequency, allocation chart      
frequency, range defined for various bands      
Fujitsu Stylistic, using to build access points      
Garmin GPS      
Garmin StreetPilot III      
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)      2nd
General Packet Radio Services (GPRS)      
Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP)      
Gentoo 1.4 and IrDA      
GHz (gigahertz)      
Gigahertz (GHz)      
Global Positioning System      [See GPS]2nd [See GPS]
Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)      
GN networks      
GN networks, creating      
GNOME Bluetooth subsystem      
GNOME-Pilot      2nd
GNOME-Pilot, configuring      
GPGSA (active satellites) sentence      
GPGSV (satellites in view) sentence      
GPRMC (transit information) sentence      
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)      2nd 3rd
GPRS, carrier, connecting to Internet using      
GPRS, PC card      
GPRS, PC card, getting online      
GPS (Global Positioning System)      2nd
GPS, accuracy      
GPS, communication rate      
GPS, glossary      
GPS, listening from a Linux box      
GPS, pinpointing exact location      
GPS, receivers      
GPS, receivers, calculating position      
GPS, receivers, with mapping software      
GPS, uses of      
GPSd, commands supported by      
GPSd, launching      
GPSd, mapping networks with Kismet and      
gpsmap command      
group ad-hoc network      [See GN networks]
GRUB boot loader      
GSM (Global System for Mobile communications)      
GSM Evolution (EDGE) network      
GSM/GPRS phone with data cable      
GSM/GPRS phone with data cable, getting online      
hands-free wireless headsets for mobile phones      
Hardcopy Cable Replacement (HCRP)      
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)      
hciconfig tool      
hciconfig tool, common usages      
hciconfig tool, options      
hcid daemon, configuring      
heading (GPS)      
Headset Profile (HS)      
Hermes AP driver      
Hermes AP driver, custom access points      
Hertz (Hz)      
Hidden node problem      
High Frequency (HF) band      2nd
High Rate DS      
High Speed CSD (HSCSD)      
hobo symbols      
Holtmann, Marcel      
hopping between radio channels      
horizontally polarized antenna      
hostap, building from CVS      
hostap, building tools      
HostAP, custom access points      
hostap, distribution files      
HostAP, driver      
HostAP, driver, loading      
hostap, mailing list      
hostap, packages, installing      
hostapd daemon      
hostap_cs driver      2nd
hostap_cs driver, compiling      
hostap_cs driver, installing for use with PCI or PLX adapter cards      
hostap_pci driver      
host_ap driver      
hotspot in a box      
HotSpotList website      
hotspots, associating with      
Hotspots, locating      
hotspots, open      
hotspots, providers      
hotspots, providers, associating with      
hotspots, requirements      
hotspots, restricted access      
Human Interface Device Profile (HID)      
Hz (Hertz)      
ident command (cardctl program)      
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)      
Infrared Data Association      [See IrDA]
infrared devices      
infrared devices, operating range      
infrared dongles      
infrared dongles, USB      
infrared light      
infrared, setting up with Linux      
infrastructure mode      
input devices and Bluetooth      
insert command (cardctl program)      
integrated antennas      
interfaces file      
Intersil Prism radio chipsets      
IP address filtering      
ir-usb module      
IrCOMM Protocol (CONFIG_IRCOMM)      
IrDA (Infrared Data Association)      
IrDA Subsystem Support (CONFIG_IRDA)      
IrDA, devices with different transfer speeds      
IrDA, equipment      
IrDA, in kernel      
IrDA, PC laptop with built-in      
IrDA, PPP settings for AT&T Wireless and Nokia 6200 over
IrDA, sharing a network connection over      
IrDA, sharing a network connection over, connecting from Linux      
IrDA, sharing a network connection over, connecting from Palm OS      
IrDA, sharing a network connection over, connecting from Pocket PC      
isdn4linux FAQ      
iwconfig command, configuring WEP key      
iwconfig tool      
iwconfig tool, parameters      
iwlist tool      
iwpriv tool      
iwspy tool      
iwspy tool, monitoring up to eight addresses      
Java Configurator      
JiWire website      
Jones, Matt      
KB/s (kilobytes)      
kbps (kilobits per second)      
KDE address books, synchronizing      
KDE Bluetooth Framework      
Kermit session with the Novatel Wireless Merlin C201      
kernel PCMCIA support      
kernel source, obtaining      
kernel tree PCMCIA      
kernel, LInux      
kernel, LInux, configuring and compiling      [See configuring and compiling Linux kernel]
key parameter (iwconfig)      
key parameter (iwlist)      
kHz (kilohertz)      
kilohertz (kHz)      
Kingston flash cards      
Kinkos copy centers      
kismet command      
Kismet, building      
Kismet, closed networks      
Kismet, configuring      
Kismet, Debian and      
Kismet, Fedora and      
Kismet, mapping networks with GPSd and      
Kismet, mapping Wi-Fi networks with      
Kismet, mapping Wi-Fi networks with, safety issues      
Kismet, playing sound effects when it finds new SSIDs      
Kismet, reassociating Wi-Fi card with network when done      
Kismet, RedHat and      
Kismet, shutting down      
Kismet, taking advantage of advanced features      
kismet_hopper command      
Kristensen, Soren      
l2ping tool      
LAN access (Bluetooth)      
LAN access (Bluetooth), connecting to server      
LAN access (Bluetooth), creating a server      
LAN Access Profile (LAP)      
LEAF (Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall)      
Leffler, Sam      
LF (Low Frequency) band      
Lightweight EAP (LEAP)      
LILO boot loader      
lilo.conf file      
lilo.conf file, manually editing      
Link Manager Protocol (LMP)      
Linksys      2nd
Linksys WPC55AG PC Card      
Linksys WRV54G router      
Linksys, firmware support      
Linksys, source code modifications      
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall      [See LEAF]
Linux hotplug subsystem and Bluetooth      
Linux PPP HOWTO      
Linux Router Project (LRP)      
Linux Wireless Tools      [See Wireless Tools]
Linux, basic resources      
Linux, running on non-Linux devices      
Linux, wireless networks, tasks you can complete with      
Linux-friendly wireless vendors      
Linux-IrDA Quick Tutorial      
Linux-powered access points      
Linux-powered access points, LEAF/WISP-Dist      
Linux-powered access points, LinuxAP      
Linux-powered access points, off-the-shelf      
Linux-powered access points, Pebble      
Linux-powered access points, running off Compact Flash card      
Linux-powered handhelds and GPS      
linux-wlan-ng package      
Linuxant      2nd
Linuxant, licenses      
Linuxant, web site      
LinuxAP, web site and mailing list      
Location Based Services (LBS)      
LocustWorld MeshAP      
LocustWorld Wiki      
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)      
Low Frequency (LF) band      
Lucent Orinoco RG-1000      
Lucent WaveLAN IEEE/Orinoco/Agere 802.11b radio card      
Lucent WaveLan radio chipsets      
MAC address filtering      
madwifi driver      2nd
madwifi driver, custom access points      
madwifi driver, for Atheros chipsets      
madwifi driver, obtaining      
madwifi driver, obtaining CVS code for      
madwifi-users mailing list      
Magellan Meridian Gold      
make config command      
make menuconfig command      
make xconfig command      
Malinen, Jouni      2nd
Mandrake 9.2 and IrDA      
Mandrake and Bluetooth      
mapping software, GPS in      
maps, public map server with USA street maps      
MB/s (megabytes)      
Mbps (megabits per second)      
Medium Frequency (MF) band      
Medium Infrared (MIR)      
megahertz (MHz)      
Merlin C201 card      
Merlin C201 card, download and upload speeds      
Merlin C201 card, getting online with      
Merlin C201 card, PPP peer settings for      
Merlin G100, download and upload speeds      
Mesa Electronics      
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