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Evitts P. — A UML Pattern Language |
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1.3 beta version, UML Specification
A Pattern Language (Christopher Alexander)
Abstraction dependency relationship
Abstractions of systems, 2nd
Active classes
activity diagrams
Actors, 2nd
Actors, 2nd use-case diagrams
Actors, 2nd, use-case diagrams, relationships
Aggregations compositions
Aha reactions, 2nd
Alexander, Christophe (A Pattern Language)
Alexander, Christopher, 2nd
Alexandrian software patterns, 2nd
Appreciation of design moves
Architecture, 2nd
Architecture, 2nd, models
Artifacts of building patterns
ASCII code
ASCII code, displaying models
AsIs models
AsIs models, domains
Association, structural relationships
Associations, actors/use cases
Associations, qualified
Asynchronous messages
Attributes, compositions to types
Attributes, compositions to types, diagramming style
Backplanes for textual information, 2nd
BCE (Boundary-Control-Entity), 2nd
Billboard packages
Billboard packages, diagrams
Bolz, Major Dick
Booch Method
Booch, Grady (Software Engineering with Ada)
Booch, Grady, 2nd, 3rd
Boundaries/seams of system components, 2nd see “BCE (Boundary-Control-Entity) Boundary-Control-Entity”
Building diagrams
building models
Business domains, 2nd
C++ patterns
C++ patterns, idioms
CASE (Computer Assisted Software Engineering)
Class diagrams, 2nd
Classes, active
Classes, many-to-many relationships
Classes, origin of software patterns
Client elements
collaboration diagrams
Common forces
Common forces, diagramming style
Communities of practice, 2nd
component diagrams
Components, 2nd, 3rd
Components, 2nd, 3rd, documenting deployment
Components, 2nd, 3rd, documenting deployment, maintaining UML-modeled system, 2nd
Computer Assisted Software Engineering (CASE)
Configuration Management
Configuration-management models, 2nd
Connection relationships, diagrams of models
Constraints, 2nd
Constructing code
Containment relationships, diagrams of models
Context of paterns
Contractual links
Coplien, Jim
CoplienForm pattern language
CoplienForm patterns, 2nd
CoplienForm patterns, 2nd, Patron
Dependency relationships, 2nd
Dependency relationships, 2nd, abstraction
Deployment diagrams
Deployment models, 2nd
Deployment models, 2nd, backplanes for textual information
Deployment models, 2nd, concerns
Deployment models, 2nd, icons for nodes
Deployment models, 2nd, packages to handle versions
Deployment models, 2nd, supporting future development and maintenance
Deployment models, 2nd, whole components
Deployment models, 2nd, whole components, maintaining UML-modeled system, 2nd
Design domains
Design, 2nd
Design, 2nd, definition
Design, 2nd, reflective
Design, 2nd, reflective practitoners
Design, 2nd, reflective, systems modeling, 2nd
Developers, key organizing ideas in quality development
Developers, shift in vision
Development of software
Development of software, paradigms
Deviation abstraction dependency relationship
Diagramming style
Diagramming style, attributes as compositions to types
Diagramming style, common forces
Diagramming style, providing focus
Diagramming style, rationale
Diagrams of models, 2nd
Diagrams of models, 2nd, visual relationships
Diagrams, 2nd
Diagrams, 2nd, billboard packages
Diagrams, 2nd, class
Diagrams, 2nd, displaying models in ASCII code
Diagrams, 2nd, dual associations
Diagrams, 2nd, formatting
Diagrams, 2nd, inheritance goes up
Diagrams, 2nd, rotated text
Diagrams, 2nd, standard
Diagrams, 2nd, text workarounds
Diagrams, 2nd, tombstone packages
Diagrams, 2nd, tree routing
Diagrams, 2nd, visual rule of Seven Plus or Minus Two
Diagrams, 2nd,interaction
Diagrams, 2nd,interaction, state, 2nd
Diagrams, 2nd,use-case
Diagrams, 2nd,use-case, actors
Discussion, patterns
Djykstra, Edgar
Documenting, deployment
Documenting, deployment, whole components, 2nd
Domain models, 2nd
Domain models, 2nd, AsIs models
Domain models, 2nd, essential actions
Domain models, 2nd, essential vocabulary
Domain models, 2nd, internal roles
Domain models, 2nd, ToBe models
Domain models, 2nd, user roles
Domains, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Domains, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, business
Domains, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, design
Domains, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, technical
Dual associations
Dual associations, diagrams
Dynamic models
Dynamic models, messages
Dynamic object types, 2nd
D\#213Sousa, Desmond and Alan Wills (authors)
D\#213Sousa, Desmond and Alan Wills (authors), Objects, Components... (Ch03)
D\#213Souza, Desmond
EcoopOopsla90, origin of software patterns
EDIT NOTE, Delete name refs
Enterprise architecture
Essential models
Events in context
Events in context, products
Extends dependency relationships
Extends relationships, 2nd
Extension mechanisms, 2nd
Extension mechanisms, 2nd, constraints
Extension mechanisms, 2nd, profiles
Extension mechanisms, 2nd, stereotypes
Extension mechanisms, 2nd, tagged values
Few Panes pattern
Final state, state diagrams
Focus, diagramming style
Forces, patterns
formatting, diagrams
Frameworks, packagesof patterns
GammaForm pattern language
GammaForm patterns, 2nd
Gang of Four, 2nd
Gang of Four, 2nd, book on patterns
Gang of Four, 2nd, GammaForm patterns
generalization relationships
Generalizations, actors
Generative patterns
Generative patterns, CoplienForm
Generative patterns, CoplienForm, Patron, 2nd
History, UML ()
Icons, 2nd
Idioms (C++ patterns)
Idioms, pattern languages
implementation diagrams
Implementation models, 2nd
Imports dependency relationships
Includes dependency relationships, 2nd
Includes relationships, 2nd
Incremental development
Incremental development, products
Information technology
Information technology, unification
Inheritance goes up
Inheritance goes up, diagrams
Initial state, state diagrams
interaction diagrams
Interaction diagrams, activity
Interaction diagrams, collaboration
Interaction diagrams, component
Interaction diagrams, deployment
Interaction diagrams, implementation
Interaction diagrams, sequence
Interaction diagrams, state
Invariant tags
Jacobson, Ivar, 2nd, 3rd
Key players
Key players, UML ()
Knowledge workers
Kuhn, Thomas (The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions), 2nd
Levels, pattern languages
Lines, 2nd
Literate patterns, 2nd
Local communities of practice
Malone, Thomas, 2nd
Manageable products, 2nd
Many-to-many relationships, 2nd
Mellor, Ward
Messages, lines
Messages, typs
Meta-model (UML)
Meta-model (UML), packages
Meta-model (UML), packages, subsystems, 2nd
Metalanguages, 2nd
Metamodels, 2nd
METHODS see “MSF (Microsoft Solution Framework) Microsoft Solution Framework”
MIT Sloan Management Review
Model-based, 2nd
Modeling idioms
Modeling idioms, business domain constraints
Modeling idioms, classes
Modeling idioms, classes, many-to-many relationships, 2nd
Modeling idioms, dynamic object types
Modeling idioms, implementation or representation
Modeling idioms, packages
Modeling idioms, packages, system partitions/tiers, 2nd
Modeling idioms, seams/boundaries of system components
Modeling idioms, sizes capable of assimilation
Modeling idioms, standard diagrams
Modeling idioms, use-case driven models
Modeling languages
Modeling languages (standard)
Modeling languages (standard), UML ()
Modeling languages, compared to programming languages
Modeling languages, perspectives
Modeling languages, UML Specification
Modeling languages, UML Specification, solutions, 2nd
Modeling tools, 2nd
Modeling, views
Models, 2nd, 3rd
Models, 2nd, 3rd, abstractions
Models, 2nd, 3rd, architecture, 2nd
Models, 2nd, 3rd, configuration-management
Models, 2nd, 3rd, diagrams
Models, 2nd, 3rd, diagrams, visual relationships
Models, 2nd, 3rd, displaying in ASCII code
Models, 2nd, 3rd, domain
Models, 2nd, 3rd, domain, user roles, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Models, 2nd, 3rd, domains
Models, 2nd, 3rd, dynamic
Models, 2nd, 3rd, dynamic, messages
Models, 2nd, 3rd, elements
Models, 2nd, 3rd, elements, visibility, 2nd, 3rd
Models, 2nd, 3rd, metamodels
Models, 2nd, 3rd, packagesof views
Models, 2nd, 3rd, perspectives
Models, 2nd, 3rd, product
Models, 2nd, 3rd, product, managing, 2nd
Models, 2nd, 3rd, products
Models, 2nd, 3rd, reasons for using
Models, 2nd, 3rd, software deployment
Models, 2nd, 3rd, software deployment, whole components, 2nd
Models, 2nd, 3rd, solutions
Models, 2nd, 3rd, structural
Models, 2nd, 3rd, structural, relationships
Models, 2nd, 3rd, types
MSF (Microsoft Solution Framework)
Names for paterns
Nodes, 2nd
Nodes, 2nd, documenting deployment
Nodes, 2nd, documenting deployment, icons, 2nd
Non-generative patterns, 2nd
Non-generative patterns, 2nd, GammaForm
Normal science
Noun pattern
Obejects, BCE (Boundary-Control-Entity)
Object Management Group
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