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Niemeyer P., Knudsen J. — Learning Java
Niemeyer P., Knudsen J. — Learning Java

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Название: Learning Java

Авторы: Niemeyer P., Knudsen J.


Version 5.0 of the Java 2 Standard Edition SDK is the most important upgrade since Java first appeared a decade ago. With Java 5.0, you'll not only find substantial changes in the platform, but to the language itself-something that developers of Java took five years to complete. The main goal of Java 5.0 is to make it easier for you to develop safe, powerful code, but none of these improvements makes Java any easier to learn, even if you've programmed with Java for years. And that means our bestselling hands-on tutorial takes on even greater significance.

Learning Java is the most widely sought introduction to the programming language that's changed the way we think about computing. Our updated third edition takes an objective, no-nonsense approach to the new features in Java 5.0, some of which are drastically different from the way things were done in any previous versions. The most essential change is the addition of "generics", a feature that allows developers to write, test, and deploy code once, and then reuse the code again and again for different data types. The beauty of generics is that more problems will be caught during development, and Learning Java will show you exactly how it's done.

Java 5.0 also adds more than 1,000 new classes to the Java library. That means 1,000 new things you can do without having to program it in yourself. That's a huge change. With our book's practical examples, you'll come up to speed quickly on this and other new features such as loops and threads. The new edition also includes an introduction to Eclipse, the open source IDE that is growing in popularity.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3-rd

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 976

Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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methods, newCachedThreadPool( )      
methods, newDecoder( )      
methods, newEncoder( )      
methods, newFixedThreadPool( )      
methods, newInstance( )      
methods, newSingleThreadExecutor( )      
methods, next( )      
methods, nextDouble( )      
methods, nextElement( )      
methods, nextGaussian( )      
methods, nextToken( )      
methods, node( )      
methods, nodeExists( )      
methods, notify( )      
methods, notifyAll( )      2nd
methods, notifyObservers( )      
methods, Object class      
methods, object design      
methods, open( )      
methods, openConnection( )      2nd
methods, openStream( )      
methods, order( )      
methods, overlapping      
Methods, overloading      2nd 3rd
methods, overriding      
methods, overriding, dynamic binding and      
methods, overriding, exceptions      
methods, overriding, return types      
methods, pack( )      
methods, paint( )      2nd
methods, paint( ), animation, use in      
methods, paint( ), Component class      
methods, paint( ), DrawPad class      
methods, paint( ), image observers and      
methods, paint( ), JApplet class      
methods, paint( ), update( ) method versus      
methods, paintComponent( )      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
methods, paintComponent( ), HelloComponent class (example)      
methods, paintComponent( ), JComponent class      
methods, parse( )      
methods, parseInt( )      
methods, passing collections as arguments      
methods, play( )      
methods, pointers to, Java elimination of      
methods, PopupTrigger( )      
methods, POST      
methods, POST, requests, accepting      
methods, POST, using      
methods, POST, web browsers      
methods, postData( )      
methods, print( )      
methods, printDialog( )      
methods, println( )      
methods, println( ), PrintWriter class      
methods, println( ), string buffers      
methods, printStackTrace( )      
methods, private      
methods, propertyChange( )      
methods, propertyNames( )      
methods, public boolean offer( )      
methods, public E peek( )      
methods, public modifiers      
methods, put( )      
methods, putMessage( )      
methods, putNextEntry( )      
methods, Random class      
methods, Read( )      
methods, read( ), FileChannel class      
methods, read( ), FilterInputStream class      
methods, read( ), InputStream class      2nd
methods, read( ), LargerHttpd class      
methods, read( ), PipedInputStream class      
methods, read( ), RandomAccessFile class      
methods, readDouble( )      
methods, readLine( )      2nd
methods, readObject( )      
methods, readUTF( )      
methods, readySet( )      
methods, realize( )      
methods, rebind( )      
methods, regionMatches( )      
methods, register( )      
methods, remove( )      
methods, remove( ), Collection interface      
methods, remove( ), DocumentFilter class      
methods, remove( ), Iterator class      2nd
methods, remove( ), List interface      
methods, remove( ), Map interface      
methods, remove( ), Preferences class      
methods, remove( ), SortedSet interface      
methods, removeNode( )      
methods, renameTo( )      
methods, repaint( )      2nd 3rd
methods, repaint( ), animation, use in      
methods, repaint( ), Component class      
methods, repaint( ), image observers and      
methods, repaint( ), limiting redrawing with      
methods, repaint( ), progressive image updates      
methods, repaint( ), UpdateApplet class      
methods, replace( )      
methods, replace( ), DocumentFilter class      
methods, replace( ), String class      
methods, replaceAll( )      
methods, replaceFirst( )      
methods, requestFocus( )      2nd
methods, reset( )      
methods, reset( ), Buffer class      
methods, reset( ), BufferedInputStream class      
methods, resetBuffer( )      
methods, resume( )      
methods, revalidate( )      2nd
methods, rewind( )      
methods, round( )      
methods, run( )      2nd 3rd
methods, run( ), HelloComponent4 class (example)      
methods, run( ), object-based servers      
methods, run( ), Thread class      
methods, run( ), TinyHttpConnection class      
methods, sameFile( )      
methods, save( )      
methods, saveFile( )      
methods, say( )      
methods, schedule( )      
methods, seek( )      
methods, select( )      
methods, selectAll( )      
methods, selectedKeys( )      
methods, selecting      
methods, selection among      
methods, selectNow( )      
methods, sendError( )      2nd
methods, sendMessage( )      
methods, sendRedirect( )      
methods, serialization      
methods, service( )      
methods, set( )      2nd
methods, setActionCommand( )      
methods, setAttribute( )      
methods, setBorder( )      
methods, setBound( )      
methods, setBounds( )      
methods, setBufferSize( )      
methods, setChanged( )      
methods, setComposite( )      
methods, setContentPane( )      
methods, setContentType( )      
methods, setContraints( )      
methods, setDaemon( )      
methods, setDisplayName( )      
methods, setDocumentFilter( )      
methods, setDomain( )      
methods, setDoOutput( )      
methods, setDoubleBuffered( )      
methods, setEchoChar( )      
methods, setFocusable( )      
methods, setFocusLostBehavior( )      
methods, setFocusTraversalKeys( )      
methods, setFont( )      
methods, setFont( ), Component class      2nd
methods, setFont( ), Graphics2D class      
methods, setHeader( )      
methods, setInt( )      
methods, setJMenuBar( )      
methods, setjmp( )      
methods, setKeepAlive( )      
methods, setLastModified( )      
methods, setLayout( )      
methods, setLocale( )      
methods, setMaximumPriority( )      
methods, setPaint( )      
methods, setProperty( )      2nd
methods, setReadOnly( )      
methods, setRequestMethod( )      
methods, setRequestProperty( )      
methods, setRGB( )      
methods, setSoLinger( )      
methods, setSoTimeout( )      
methods, setStream( )      
methods, setStroke( )      2nd
methods, setTcpNoDelay( )      
methods, setText( )      2nd
methods, setValue( )      
methods, setValue( ), class      
methods, setValue( ), Dial class      
methods, setValueAt( )      
methods, shadowing      
methods, shapes      
methods, shapes, drawing and filling      
methods, show( )      2nd
methods, showConfirmDialog( )      
methods, showDialog( )      
methods, showDocument( )      
methods, showMessageDialog( )      
methods, showOpenDialog( )      
methods, showStatus( )      
methods, shutdownOutput( )      
methods, signature      
methods, size( )      
methods, size( ), Collection class      
methods, size( ), FileChanel class      
methods, size( ), Map interface      
methods, skip( )      
methods, sleep( )      2nd
methods, sort( )      
methods, split( )      
methods, start( )      
methods, start( ), Thread class      2nd 3rd
methods, start( ), UpdateApplet class      
methods, startElement( )      
methods, startsWith( )      2nd
methods, static      2nd 3rd
methods, statusAll( )      
methods, statusID( )      
methods, stop( )      
methods, stop( ), Thread class      2nd
methods, stop( ), UpdateApplet class      
methods, storeToXML( )      
methods, String class      
methods, stubbed-out      
methods, subMap( )      
methods, subSet( )      
methods, substring( )      2nd
methods, sum( )      
methods, super( )      
methods, suspend( )      
methods, suspend( ), Thread class      
methods, suspend( ), ThreadGroup( )      
methods, systemNodeForPackage( )      
methods, systemRoot( )      
methods, term( )      
methods, this( )      
methods, Thread class      
methods, timeStep( )      
methods, toByteArray( )      
methods, toCharArray( )      2nd
methods, toHexString( )      
methods, token( )      
methods, toLowerCase( )      
methods, toString( )      2nd
methods, toString( ), ByteArrayOutputStream class      
methods, toString( ), Integer and Long classes      
methods, toString( ), Object class      
methods, toString( ), String class      
methods, toString( ), StringBuffer class      
methods, toUpperCase( )      
methods, toURL( )      2nd
methods, tracing to origin      
methods, transferFrom( )      
methods, translate( )      
methods, trim( )      
methods, truncate( )      
methods, Update( )      2nd
methods, updateComponentTreeUI( )      
methods, userNodeForPackage( )      
methods, userRoot( )      
methods, valueOf( )      2nd
methods, values( )      
methods, verifier( )      
methods, verify( )      
methods, vetoableChange( )      
methods, virtual (C++)      
methods, visibility of      
methods, wait( )      2nd
methods, waitForAll( )      
methods, waitofrID( )      
methods, wakeup( )      
methods, weakCompareAndSet( )      
methods, workCompleted( )      
methods, wrap( )      
methods, write( )      
methods, write( ), BufferedOutputStream class      
methods, write( ), LargerHttpd class      
methods, write( ), OutputStream class      
methods, write( ), PipedOutputStream class      
methods, writeInt( )      
methods, writeObject( )      2nd
methods, yield( )      
Microsoft, applets, history of use      
Microsoft, C# language and .NET initiative      
Microsoft, IE      
Microsoft, Java version, problems with      
Microsoft, Word, use of RTF in documents      
MIME types (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)      
MIME types, DataSource, determining for data stream      
MIME types, determining for servlet output      
MissingResourceException class      
mkdir( ) method      2nd
mkdirs( ) method      
Mnemonics      2nd
modal dialogs      
mode of files (read/write), specifying      
models, colors      
modification times      
modifiers, abstract      
modifiers, basic access      
modifiers, InputEvents class      
modifiers, interfaces      
modifiers, interfaces, methods      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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