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da Silva E. — High Frequency and Microwave Engineering
da Silva E. — High Frequency and Microwave Engineering

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Название: High Frequency and Microwave Engineering

Автор: da Silva E.


With the increased use of mobile phones and computer wireless techniques, a need has developed for a book which provides students and industry with expertise in radio and microwave engineering. This important text has been written with these aims in mind.
*Provides a comprehensive course in radio and microwave engineering
*Includes CD-ROM, containing the CAD package PUFF 2.1 for construction and evaluation of circuits; and a comprehensive section on practical aspects of design
*Written by an experienced author, in a clear and easy-to-follow style
*Contains a variety of examples and self-test questions with model answers

The material covers transmission lines, scattering parameters, couplers, amplifiers, oscillators and phase-locked loops in a novel way by introducing examples from daily life prior to the introduction of the theory. Microwave tools such as Smith charts, scattering parameters and signal flow diagrams are dealt with thoroughly and are fully integrated in the numerous examples throughout the text and with PUFF.

High Frequency and Microwave Engineering is intended as an advanced undergraduate text for students of electrical and communication engineering, and is also eminently suitable for self-study and as a manual for those in the industry wishing to update their engineering skills.

Provides a comprehensive course in radio and microwave engineering

Contains many examples and self-test questions with model answers

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 429

Добавлена в каталог: 22.04.2007

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