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Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2)
Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2)

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Название: Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2)

Авторы: Morse P., Feshbach H.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1953

Количество страниц: 1000

Добавлена в каталог: 16.04.2007

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Предметный указатель
Cauchy boundary conditions      495 678
Cauchy boundary conditions and elliptic equations      689 702
Cauchy boundary conditions and hyperbolic equations      683 704
Cauchy boundary conditions and parabolic equations      705
Cauchy — Riemann equations      357 1186
Cauchy — Riemann equations and conformal mapping      359
Cauchy — Riemann equations and electrostatics      353
Cauchy — Riemann equations and fluid flow      156
Cauchy — Riemann equations and inverse function      361
Cauchy — Riemann equations and singularities      358
Cauchy’s convergence test      386
Cauchy’s integral formula      367
Cauchy’s integral formula and derivatives of analytic function      375
Cauchy’s problem      678
Cauchy’s problem and characteristic curves      679
Cauchy’s Theorem      363
Cauchy’s theorem and Cauchy’s integral formula      367
Cauchy’s theorem and contour deformation      366
Cauchy’s theorem and electrostatics      354
Cauchy’s theorem and multiply connected regions      365
Cauchy’s theorem corollaries of      365
Causality      834 873
Causality and reciprocity      858
Cavitation      161
Central fields in quantum mechanics and angular momentum      1661
Central fields in quantum mechanics and inverse-cube law of force      1665
Central fields in quantum mechanics and oscillator, three-dimensional      1662
Central fields in quantum mechanics, coulomb potential and      1663
Central fields in quantum mechanics, exponential potential and      1670
Central fields in quantum mechanics, radial equation for      1662
Central fields in quantum mechanics, scattering from      1681
Central fields in quantum mechanics, soluble cases, class of      1671
Chain reaction      1595
Chain reaction general case, diffusion approximation      1603
Characteristic curves, and Cauchy’s problem      681
Characteristic functions      see “Eigenfunctions”
Characteristic impedance      220
Characteristic values      see “Eigenvalues”
Charge density exchange      1741
Charge density for Dirac equation      261
Charge density for Klein — Gordon equation      318
Charge density in quantum mechanics      255 344 1639
Charge density surface      218
Charged particle Lagrangian for      295
Charged particle moving, field of      212 841
Charged particle, force on      205
Christoffel symbols      47
Circle of convergence      see “Convergence”
Circle radiation from      1373
Circle waves inside      1372
Circular cylinder coordinates and Bessel functions      1259
Circular cylinder coordinates and Laplace equation      1259
Circular cylinder coordinates and separation of variables      514
Circular cylinder coordinates and separation of variables, table      656
Circular cylinder coordinates and vector wave equation      1796
Circular cylinder coordinates and vector wave equation and elastic waves along bar      1841
Circular cylinder coordinates and vector wave equation and field from current loop      1798
Circular cylinder coordinates and vector wave equation and Green’s dyadic      1798
Circular cylinder coordinates and vector wave equation and vector eigenfunctions      1797
Circular cylinder coordinates and wave equation      1452
Circular cylinder coordinates and wave equation and elastic tube      1459
Circular cylinder coordinates and wave equation and membrane in duct      1452
Circular cylinder coordinates fluid flow in cylinder      1261
Circular cylinder coordinates Green’s function      1263
Circular cylinder coordinates heat flow in cylinder      1259
Circular cylinder coordinates integral representation of eigenfunctions      1262 (see also “Polar coordinates”)
Circular cylinder coordinates, and wave equation, and scattering from cylinder with slit      1387 1392
Circular duct, membrane inside      1452
Circular duct, radiation from end      1529
Circular membrane inside duct      1452
Circular membrane inside duct, transient motion      851
Circular membrane inside duct, variation method for      1149
Circular membrane inside duct, variation-iteration method for      1149
Circulation      1201 1228
Circulation integral      18
Classical mechanics      280—301
Classical mechanics and angle and action variables      294
Classical mechanics and canonical transformation      287
Classical mechanics and conjugate variables      287
Classical mechanics and Hamilton — Jacobi equation      292
Classical mechanics and Hamilton’s principle      280
Classical mechanics and Lagrange function      280
Classical mechanics and Poisson brackets      290
Classical mechanics and quantum mechanics      222 292
Classical mechanics for dissipative systems      298
Classical mechanics for relativistic particles      297
Classical mechanics, correspondence principle      250
classical turning points      1093 1095 1103
Classification of differential equations      534
Classification of functions      381—382
Coherent scattering      1496
Collision and age equation      197 1599
Collision and slowing down of particles      196
Collision energy loss on      192
Commutation rules in quantum mechanics      238
Commutation rules in quantum mechanics and correspondence principle      250
Commutation rules in quantum mechanics and measurability      79
Compatibility equation in elasticity      1787
Completeness by variational principle      738
Completeness for eigenvectors      717 777
Completeness in several dimensions      756
Completeness of Bessel functions      572
Completeness of eigenfunctions      709 726
Completeness of Fourier series      571
Completeness of Legendre polynomials      572
Complex conjugate      73 350
Complex index of refraction, scattering from sphere with      1486
complex numbers      350
Complex numbers and vectors      351
Complex numbers as operators      73
Complex variables and analytic functions      353 356—374
Complex variables and asymptotic series      434
Complex variables and Cauchy — Riemann conditions      353 357
Complex variables and conformal mapping      358 443
Complex variables classification of      381
Complex variables, functions of      348—491
Complex variables, functions of and electrostatics      352
Complex variables, functions of and elliptic equation      688
Complex variables, functions of and elliptic functions      428
Complex variables, functions of and Fourier transforms      461
Complex variables, functions of and gamma functions      419
Complex variables, functions of integration of      353 362
Complex variables, functions of singularities of      358 480
Complex variables, functions of table of properties      480
Complex vector space      81
Compressibility modulus      162
Compressible flow      162—171
Compressible flow irrotational      163
Compressible flow linear approximation for      167
Compressible flow Mach number      165
Compressible flow shock waves      168
Compressible flow subsonic and supersonic      165
Compressible flow wave equation      162
Compressional waves in fluid      343
Compressional waves in fluid and acoustic admittance      311
Compressional waves in fluid and acoustic impedance      310
Compressional waves in fluid Lagrange density for      308
Compressional waves in fluid momentum density for      309
Compressional waves in fluid plane wave of      311
Compressional waves in fluid stress-energy tensor      309 312
Compressional waves in fluid wave equation for      162 (see also “Longitudinal waves”)
Concentrated force on string      122
Concentration point and conformal mapping      499
Concentration point and coordinate geometry      504
Condenser variable      1247
Condenser, parallel-plate      1244
Conductance      300
Conductance matrix      1370
Conductivity and attenuation in ducts      1830
Conductivity and Q of cavity      1851
Conductivity in scattering      1863 1885
Conductivity, finite losses due to      1828
Conductors      207
Conductors and relaxation oscillations      208
Conductors boundary conditions of electromagnetic field on      217 1817
Confluence of singularities      515
Confluence of singularities and confluent hypergeometric equation      551
Confluent hypergeometric function      551—555 604—619
Confluent hypergeometric function and Bessel functions      619
Confluent hypergeometric function and coulomb wave functions      632
Confluent hypergeometric function and Hermite polynomials      786
Confluent hypergeometric function and Laguerre polynomials      785
Confluent hypergeometric function asymptotic behavior of      552 608 611
Confluent hypergeometric function integral representation of      605 607
Confluent hypergeometric function of second kind      615
Confluent hypergeometric function of second kind and functions of third kind      612
Confluent hypergeometric function of second kind integral representation      613
Confluent hypergeometric function of second kind series for      617
Confluent hypergeometric function Stokes’ phenomena      609 611
Confluent hypergeometric function Wronskian      612
Confluent hypergeometric function, series for      544
Conformal mapping      358 443—452 1793
Conformal mapping and diffusion      172
Conformal mapping and electrostatics      443
Conformal mapping and inversion      451
Conformal mapping and Laplace equation      1175 1216
Conformal mapping and propagation in ducts      1448
Conformal mapping and Schwarz — Christoffel transformation      445 1243
Conformal mapping and separation of variables      499
Conformal mapping for distribution function      176
Conformal mapping for fluid flow      153
Conformal mapping for particles      1614
Conformal mapping for Schroedinger equation      1639
Conformal mapping for stress-energy tensor      310 343
Conformal mapping of polygon      455
Congruent points for doubly periodic functions      427
Conical coordinates      659
Conjugate dyadic      55 60
Conjugate momentum      229
Conjugate of complex number      350
Conjugate operators      880
Conjugate variables      229 287
Connection formulas for WKBJ method      1096—1098
Connectivity      363
Conservation theorems for fields      305 343
Constants of motion, classical and quantum      250
Constriction of duct      1834
Contact transformation      288
Continuation, analytic      see “Analytic continuation”
Continued fractions      557
Continuity, equation of      100
Continuous distribution of eigenvalues      762—766
Continuous distribution of eigenvalues for Schroedinger equation      768
Contour integration and Cauchy’s theorem      362
Contour integration and electrostatics      353
Contours in method of steepest descents      438
Contours smooth      362
Contours, deformation of      366
Contracted tensor      46 55
Contravariant tensor      46 55
Contravariant vector      30 44
Convergence hypergeometric series      388
Convergence in the mean      458
Convergence of Feenberg formula      1015
Convergence of iteration-perturbation method      1005 1020 1026
Convergence of long-wavelength approximation      1091
Convergence of perturbation theory for boundary changes      1056
Convergence of perturbation theory for boundary changes special case      1062
Convergence of perturbation theory for scattering      1074—1076
Convergence of variation-iteration method      1028 1142
Convergence radius of      376
Convergence radius of and analytic continuation      377
Convergence radius of determination of      386
Convergence, circle of      376
Convergence, circle of behavior of power series on      385
Converging waves      146
Coordinate geometry      504
Coordinate operator      235
Coordinate operator and momentum operator      238 241
Coordinate operator eigenvectors for      235
Coordinate systems and Laplace equation cartesian      1175 1256
Coordinate systems and Laplace equation circular cylinder      1259
Coordinate systems and Laplace equation elliptic      1195
Coordinate systems and Laplace equation parabolic      1207
Coordinate systems and Laplace equation polar      1183
Coordinate systems and Laplace equation, bipolar      1210
Coordinate systems and wave equation, elliptic      1407
Coordinate systems and wave equation, parabolic      1398
Coordinate systems and wave equation, polar      1371
Coordinate systems and wave equation, rectangular      1364
Coordinate systems and wave equation, spherical      1462
Coordinate systems and wave equation, spheroidal      1502 1512
Coordinate systems separable      494—523 647—648
Coordinate systems separable table      656—666
Coordinate transformations      4 24
Coordinates Hylleraas      1737
Coordinates normal      76
Coordinates right- and left-handed      10 23
Coordinates spherical      see “Spherical coordinates”
Coordinates spheroidal      514 661
Coordinates, curvilinear      see “Curvilinear coordinates”
Correspondence principle      250
Cosine Fourier transforms      455
Coulomb wave functions      550 553 631 1664
Coulomb wave functions and confluent hypergeometrie function      632
Coulomb wave functions and energy levels of hydrogenic atoms      632 1664
Coulomb wave functions and Rutherford scattering      1669
Coulomb wave functions and Stark effect      1676
Coulomb wave functions asymptotic behavior      632 1664
Coulomb wave functions for parabolic coordinates      1667
Coulomb wave functions in momentum space      1679
Coulomb wave functions second solution      633
Coupled oscillator      76 1718
Covanent vector      30 44
Covariant derivative      48
Covarient tensor      45 55
Cross section      178 1545 1681
Cross section absorption      181 1488 1886
Cross section differential      1066 1706
Cross section extinction      1488
Cross section momentum transfer      188 193
Cross section scattering      178 1066 1681
Cross section total      181
Cross section total and forward scattering      1069 1546
Cross section transport      188
Curl      39 50
Curl in orthogonal coordinates      42
Curl in tensor notation      50
Current density      203
Current density and magnetic fields      203
Current density for Dirac equation      261 337
Current density for Klein — Gordon equation      318
Current density for Schroedinger equation      255 344 1639
Current density four-vector      208
Current density longitudinal part of      211
Current loop, radiation from      1881
Currents forces on      203 205
Currents induced      1887
Currents radiation from      1875
Currents, fields due to      1788 1791 1798 1803
Curvature of coordinate lines      26 47
Curvilinear coordinates      21—31
Curvilinear coordinates stress for elastic waves in      1841
Curvilinear coordinates table of properties      115
Curvilinear coordinates transverse and longitudinal waves in      1840 (see also “Orthogonal coordinates”)
Curvilinear coordinates transverse components of vector field in      1764
Cutoff frequency      1442
Cyclides, confocal and separation of variables      519
Cylinders, concentric and line source      1189
Cylinders, concentric conducting, scattering by      1863
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