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Langhaar H.R. — Energy Methods in Applied Mechanics
Langhaar H.R. — Energy Methods in Applied Mechanics

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: Energy Methods in Applied Mechanics

Àâòîð: Langhaar H.R.


Students of engineering usually receive only fragmentary instruction in the important principles of classical mechanics, stemming from the works of Huygens, Leibniz, Bernoulli, and Lagrange, which assign a central role to the concepts of work, potential energy, and kinetic energy. These laws, designated as "energy principles of mechanics" are sufficiently general to allow Newton's second Jaw to be deduced from them. An integrated and modern treatment of energy principles of mechanics, with applications to dynamics of rigid bodies, analyses of elastic frames, general elasticity theory, the theories of plates and shells, the theory of buckling, and the theory of vibrations, is undertaken in this work.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìåõàíèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1962

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 350

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Plates, Airy function for      163
Plates, Airy function for      163
Plates, boundary conditions for      168—170
Plates, boundary conditions for      168—170
Plates, circular      195—198
Plates, circular      195—198
Plates, complementary energy of      173
Plates, complementary energy of      173
Plates, flexural rigidity of      162
Plates, flexural rigidity of      162
Plates, Kirchhoff assumption for      160
Plates, Kirchhoff assumption for      160
Plates, Navier's solution for      171
Plates, Navier's solution for      171
Plates, Reissner's theory of      173—177
Plates, Reissner's theory of      173—177
Plates, shear deformation of      173—177
Plates, shear deformation of      173—177
Plates, strain energy of      162 164
Plates, strain energy of      162 164
Plates, von Karman's theory of      159—164
Plates, von Karman's theory of      159—164
Poisson's ratio      125
Poisson's ratio      125
potential energy      18—33
potential energy      18—33
Potential energy due to weight      20
Potential energy of a system of particles      24—29
Potential energy of external forces      21
Potential energy of external forces      21
Potential energy of internal forces      21
Potential energy, minimum principle for      30
Potential energy, stationary principle for      23
Quadratic forms      308—327
Quadratic forms      308—327
Quadratic forms, canonical form of      309
Quadratic forms, canonical form of      309
Quadratic forms, index of      309 310
Quadratic forms, index of      309 310
Quadratic forms, pairs of      320—323
Quadratic forms, pairs of      320—323
Quadratic forms, principal axis theory of      313—318
Quadratic forms, principal axis theory of      313—318
Quadratic forms, relation to buckling theory      324—327
Quadratic forms, relation to buckling theory      324—327
Quadratic forms, singular      309
Quadratic forms, singular      309
Quadratic forms, type of      308
Quadratic forms, type of      308
Rayleigh — Ritz method      98—100
Rayleigh — Ritz method      98—100
Rayleigh's principle      276
Rayleigh's principle      276
Reference frames      2
Reference frames      2
Reference frames, Galilean, inertial, and Newtonian      8 11
Reference frames, Galilean, inertial, and Newtonian      8 11
Reissner's theorem      130—133
Reissner's theorem      130—133
Relativity theory      8
Relativity theory      8
Resonance      275
Resonance      275
Rings, analysis by Fourier series      51—52
Rings, analysis by Fourier series      51—52
Rings, analysis by unit-dummy-load method      150—152
Rings, analysis by unit-dummy-load method      150—152
Rings, strain energy of      48—50
Rings, strain energy of      48—50
Rotation      107
Rotation      107
Sets      4
Sets      4
shells      177—198
shells      177—198
Shells, axially symmetric      191—192
Shells, axially symmetric      191—192
Shells, bending moments in      190
Shells, bending moments in      190
Shells, bending of      189
Shells, bending of      189
Shells, coordinates for      180
Shells, coordinates for      180
Shells, cylindrical      192—195
Shells, cylindrical      192—195
Shells, equilibrium equations for      181—187
Shells, equilibrium equations for      181—187
Shells, geometry of      177—181
Shells, geometry of      177—181
Shells, strain energy of      187—191
Shells, strain energy of      187—191
Shells, strains in      188—189
Shells, strains in      188—189
Signum      15 146
Signum      15 146
Stability      29—33
Stability      29—33
strain      104
strain      104
Strain energy      21
Strain energy      21
Strain energy of beams, columns, and shafts      39—44
Strain energy of beams, columns, and shafts      39—44
Strain energy of plates      162 164
Strain energy of plates      162 164
Strain energy of shear      41—42
Strain energy of shear      41—42
Strain energy of shells      190
Strain energy of shells      190
Strain in plates      160
Strain in plates      160
Strain in shells      188—189
Strain in shells      188—189
Strain, compatibility of      107
Strain, compatibility of      107
Strain, ellipsoid of      105
Strain, ellipsoid of      105
Strain, invariants of      106
Strain, invariants of      106
Strain, principal axes of      106 319—320
Strain, principal values of      105 319—320
Strain, principal values of      105 319—320
Strain, shearing      105
Strain, shearing      105
Strain, tensor of      105
Strain, volumetric      107
Stress      109
Stress      109
Stress in curvilinear coordinates      115
Stress in curvilinear coordinates      115
Stress, deviator of      117
Stress, deviator of      117
Stress, equilibrium equations for      111
Stress, equilibrium equations for      111
Stress, invariants of      111
Stress, invariants of      111
Stress, principal planes of      110
Stress, principal values of      110
Stress, tensor of      109
Surface tension      31
Surface tension      31
Surfaces, area of      178
Surfaces, area of      178
Surfaces, axially symmetric      191—192
Surfaces, axially symmetric      191—192
Surfaces, Codazzi equations for      179
Surfaces, Codazzi equations for      179
Surfaces, coordinate lines of      177
Surfaces, coordinate lines of      177
Surfaces, coordinates for      177
Surfaces, coordinates for      177
Surfaces, Gauss equation for      179
Surfaces, Gauss equation for      179
Surfaces, Gaussian curvature of      179
Surfaces, Gaussian curvature of      179
Surfaces, lines of principal curvature for      179
Surfaces, lines of principal curvature for      179
Surfaces, metric coefficients for      178
Surfaces, metric coefficients for      178
Surfaces, orthogonal parametrization of      177
Surfaces, orthogonal parametrization of      177
Surfaces, principal curvatures of      178—179
Surfaces, principal curvatures of      178—179
Surfaces, Rodrigues' theorem for      179
Surfaces, Rodrigues' theorem for      179
Surfaces, second fundamental form of      178
Surfaces, second fundamental form of      178
Surfaces, triply orthogonal systems of      180
Surfaces, triply orthogonal systems of      180
Thermal expansion, coefficient of      122 125
Thermal expansion, coefficient of      122 125
Thermodynamics, first law of      11—13 115—117
Thermodynamics, first law of      11—13 115—117
Top, motion of      255—259
Top, motion of      255—259
Top, precession of      258 259
Top, precession of      258 259
Truss analyses by Castigliano's theorem      138—141 142—143
Truss analyses by Castigliano's theorem      138—141 142—143
Truss analyses by Maxwell — Mohr method      141—142 143—144
Truss analyses by stationary potential energy      52—58
Unit-dummy-load method      146—152
Unit-dummy-load method      146—152
Variations      78—83
Variations      78—83
Variations of double integrals      92—96
Variations of triple integrals      97—98
Variations of triple integrals      97—98
Variations, admissible      79
Variations, admissible      79
Variations, notation for      15 83
Variations, notation for      15 83
Velocity, generalized      234
Velocity, generalized      234
Vibration      268—304
Vibration      268—304
Vibration damping of      272 277—279
Vibration damping of      272 277—279
Vibration of an airplane wing      285—288
Vibration of an airplane wing      285—288
Vibration of beams      280—283
Vibration of beams      280—283
Vibration of rectangular plates      289—292
Vibration of rectangular plates      289—292
Vibration of undamped systems      272—277
Vibration of undamped systems      272—277
Vibration, amplitude of      270
Vibration, amplitude of      270
Vibration, free      272
Vibration, free      272
Vibration, frequency equation for      270
Vibration, frequency equation for      270
Vibration, frequency of      270
Vibration, frequency of      270
Vibration, linear      272
Vibration, linear      272
Vibration, natural frequency of      274 302
Vibration, natural frequency of      274 302
Vibration, natural modes of      274 281 302
Vibration, natural modes of      274 281 302
Vibration, normal coordinates for      275
Vibration, normal coordinates for      275
Vibration, period of      270
Virtual work principle      14—16
Virtual work principle      14—16
Vis viva      11
Vis viva      11
Wave equation      301
Wave equation      301
Wave motion      292—304
Wave motion      292—304
Wave motion in gas      292—295
Wave motion in gas      292—295
Wave motion in liquids      295—299
Wave motion in liquids      295—299
Wave motion in solids      299—304
Wave motion in solids      299—304
Wave motion of Gerstner      297
Wave motion of Gerstner      297
Wave motion, equivoluminal      300
Wave motion, equivoluminal      300
Wave motion, flux of energy in      301
Wave motion, flux of energy in      301
Wave motion, frequency of      304
Wave motion, frequency of      304
Wave motion, irrotational      300
Wave motion, irrotational      300
Wave motion, period of      304
Wave motion, period of      304
Waves, compression, progressive, and shear      303
Waves, compression, progressive, and shear      303
Whitehead, A.N.      268
Whitehead, A.N.      268
Work      9
Work      9
Work, relativity of      9 11
Work, relativity of      9 11
Work, virtual      13
Work, virtual      13
Young's modulus      125
Young's modulus      125
1 2
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