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Verma O.P. — Budwig Is Great
Verma O.P. — Budwig Is Great

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Название: Budwig Is Great

Автор: Verma O.P.


It is a great pleasure for me to write this foreword. I really appreciate how much energy Dr.
O.P.Verma invested in the last ten years to learn, to practice and to spread the brilliance of the oilprotein diet in India. I hope that most cancer patients will read this book and learn the basis of this
great cancer therapy. This book will definitely add a new dimension in the Alternative Cancer
Treatment scenario and will prove a new mile stone in the awareness of Budwig Protocol.
First time I heard of Dr. Johanna Budwig and the oil-protein diet was precisely in America, as
Frank Wiewel, President of People Against Cancer, USA told me that he had been in contact with Dr.
Budwig for several years. He advised me to visit Dr. Budwig because I lived only one hour by car
away from her home in Germany. I then visited Dr. Budwig in the spring of 1998 for the first time and
from the beginning it was an intense relationship that persisted for many years.
Over several years I was a close companion of this grand dame of Science and we drank a few
glasses of champagne together and discussion only interrupted by her afternoon nap, which she always
held, countless hours about nutrition, oncology, church and many medical things in general. I had for
several years the great good fortune to learn the opinions of Dr. Budwig, from the first hand and I will
be eternally grateful for her

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2019

Количество страниц: 234

Добавлена в каталог: 02.11.2024

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